Next Exit: the far side of cognitive concurrence

TUC Community Meetups | Every Friday at 7pm EST on TUC Discord

Jesus Taught Torah: The Eternal Truth of Our Father’s Commands

TO say the Torah is done away with is to say the very character of our heavenly Father has changed. Even after heaven and earth are done away with, righteousness will remain, as the Torah is righteousness. It's actually many things. The Torah is...

Gods of Narnia: Exploring the Seaven Heavens of CS Lewis

RETURNING to the 'TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology' roundtable on 1/9/25 is none other than JohnQ and Chuck, two friends of mine. JohnQ is the author of 'Q and the Millennial Kingdom'. Together, we'll be discussing the phenomenal book 'Planet Narnia'...

Did Jesus Speak Hebrew or Aramaic? The Paleo Gospel of Matthew

A Few Words Regarding ManuscriptsBy Pamela GlasgowI have had inquiries regarding the source document for Basharah Matthew. For this translation, I have been using the Shem Tov (Good Name) manuscript, which is the oldest extant Hebrew version of...

The Seperation of Darkness from Light and the Fall of Satan

ONE step back, two steps forward, as they say. Here at TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology, I've been hosting a line for line study of the Torah. The Torah is the first five books of the Bible. We rolled back the Torah in September and, nearly four...

Christmas and the Millennial Kingdom

NEW [12/21/24] Christmas and the Millennial KingdomTHANK you everyone who supports this ministry. Be sure to check out our Ministry Vision if you haven't already. Kingdomverse episodes like this one may be behind a Pay wall, but you can participate...

Song of Songs: The Forbidden Version You’ve Never Read

HERE at TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology, we are pleased to partner with Pamela Glasgow, who has been working to translate the entire Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew. The Paleo in case you are not aware isn’t simply the original Hebrew. No, it is the...

Read the First 92 Pages of Noel Joshua Hadley’s Latest Book ‘Stay Up All Night’

LADIES and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I present to you the very first 92 pages of ‘Stay Up All Night’. Edited by Rebecca Gould! This is a Patreon exclusive and a ‘thank you’ to everyone who supports TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology. We have much going...

Wheat and Tares and the Millennial Kingdom

NEW [12/14/24] KingdomVerse: Wheat and Tares of the Millennial KingdomJOIN us each week at TUC Discord 7pm EST for an in-depth community discussion. The topics are wide ranging and not censored by the constraints of social media outlets like...

Lion Men of Moab, Hollow Earth, and the Seven Firmaments of Heaven

CONTINUING with my series on the Firmament of Heaven, we turn now to the Seven Firmaments of Heaven. There's a lot that goes into a discussion like this one, as we're dealing with the Mystery of the Seven in the Three. In this episode, I'll take a...

Big Scary Orange Man Bad | A Checkerboard of Duality: Has God Abandoned Us?

WILL you look at that? The entire gang got back together. JohnQ, Graham, and Mathew. Well, almost. Chuck couldn't make it at the last minute. Get better, Chuck. It's been a few months since they've all jumped onto my channel, and the discussion as...

Torah Portions Study Guides: Comparing the Paleo Hebrew with the Greek LXX, Targum, & KJV

Torah Portions Study Guide 1: GenesisTorah Portions Study Guide 4: NumbersTorah Portions Study Guide 2: ExodusTorah Portions Study Guide 5: DeuteronomyTorah Portions Study Guide 3: LeviticusFINALLY, the Torah Portions Study Guide is complete! Here...

Paleo-Hebrew—Fact or Fiction?

Shalom everyone! We have a brand new article by Pamela Glasgow regarding the historicity of the Paleo as well as an expanded preview of her latest editing project, Paleo Matthew! Be sure to nab a PDF in the Patreon exlusive TUC article...

R.I.P. Hal Lindsey, Go Meet God

NEW [11/29/24] Kingdomverse: R.I.P. Hal Lindsey "Go Meet God" JOIN us each week at TUC Discord 7pm EST for an in-depth community discussion. The topics are wide ranging and not censored by the constraints of social media outlets like YouTube. In...

The Firmament: Hebrew Cosmology and the Bible

YOU know what's crazy? I'll tell you what's crazy. I've been talking about the Firmament for the whereabouts of ten years, and yet, I've never given a formal presentation on it—until now. And just think, the name of this website and YT Channel is...

The Tale of Teia Tephia: Judean Princess, Emerald Queen of Ireland

RECENTLY, I brought on Jennifer Hartz to discuss her research into Teia Tephi, the Judean Princess and Queen of Ireland.In the instance that you were not aware, Jennifer is not only the Editor-In-Chief of 'Shelves of Shalom Publishing', she has in...

Saint George and the Millennial Kingdom

IN my book, The Seven Thousand Year Timeline Deception, the subject of Saint George is something that I wanted to cover, but you know how those things go. Better late than never. Frankly though, the topic is so huge that it took a video. Many...

The Matrix and the Mind of God: Are We Living In a Simulation?

I'VE been reading a lot of material as of late, ancient material, which would designate Simulation theory is a very old one, much older than the modern Matrix conversation seems to suggest. In this very short article, I'll be sure to include a...

BARASHAYATH: The 2nd Edition of Paleo Hebrew Genesis!

Purchase BARASHAYATH: Peleo Hebrew Genesis (2nd Edition)TRANSLATING the Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew has been a prerogative in these parts. Many of you took part in our Torah Portions last year, which was especially unique, and not simply because of...

Preview the First Six Chapters of Paleo Hebrew Matthew!

GOOD morning, afternoon, and evening all. We’ve got another Patreon exclusive for you. A couple of weeks ago, Pamela premiered the first chapter of Paleo-Hebrew Matthew. Well, she’s been plugging away on her translation. She has already shared one...

Read the First 27 Pages of Noel Joshua Hadley’s Latest Book, ‘Stay Up All Night!’

LADIES and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I present to you the very first 27 pages of 'Stay Up All Night'. Edited by Rebecca Gould! This is a Patreon exclusive and a 'thank you' to everyone who supports TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology. We have much going...

TUC Sabbath Meetup 11/08/24: The Trump Election & Defeating Woke

[NEW 11/28/24]: The Trump Election & the Defeat of WokeJOIN us each week at TUC Discord 7pm EST for an in-depth community discussion. The topics are wide ranging and not censored by the constraints of social media outlets like YouTube. In the...

Unexpected Memes: The Best of Election Day 2024

Unexpected Memes

End of the Year Fundraiser: The Unexpected Cosmology

TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology End of the Year Fundraiser   FIRSTLY, I want to thank everyone who has been giving loyally to TUC over the last year, some of you even longer. YAH has been blessing us. We could not continue without his monthly...

Fully and Finally Restored! The Travels of Noah Into Europe

PURCHASE The Travels of Noah Into EuropeTHERE are various copies of 'The Travels of Noah Into Europe' floating around, and you may have encountered one. Those are all copy and paste jobs. The latest version of is the most historically accurate...

Unexpected Memes: Trump Is Hitler

Unexpected Memes

Stay Up All Night: A Preview

Stay Up All Night: A Preview 11/1/2024by Noel Joshua Hadley   UPDATES     HAS it really been two months since my last Article Update? I checked. My last article update was for The Hidden Wilderness and the Moon Map, which landed on...

Discovering the Paleo-Hebrew Gospel of Matthew

Discovering the Paleo-Hebrew MatthewPart One By Pamela GlasgowNEW [11/1/24]: Discovering the Hebrew Matthew Again YASHA’U spoke unto his students another vision, “The kingdom of Shamayam is similar to an A’dam who is going on a distant journey, and...

New Release! Emerald Queen: The Tale of Teia Tephi

PURCHASE HERE: Emerald Queen: The Tale of Teia TephiIT'S official! 'Shelves of Shalom Publishing' has released its premiere book! 'Emerald Queen: The Tale of Teia Tephi' by author Jeniffer Hartz. TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology is pleased to be...

Book Release! Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword

WE are pleased to announce our latest book release from Eliya Botha. 'Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword' is Eliyah's second publication with TUC. This one is the story of healing for the Spirit, Soul and Body, and, in Eliyah's words: "A journey of...

The World Stage


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