YA’QURA’A: The Third Book of Moses
“And YAHAUAHA, the EVER-LIVING, called out unto Al Mashaha, and YAHAUAHA set words in order unto him, out of the Tent of Meeting, declaring: …”
Pamela Glasgowhas been actively translating the Torah as well as the Psalms from the Paleo-Hebrew and hopes to continue her translations with the Hebrew New Testament. We are pleased to be partnering with Pamela. She has become a staple of this community, and so, and are excited to premiere her latest, ‘YA’QURA’A: The Third Book of Moses’. That would be Leviticus from the Paleo-Hebrew.
We are reading through her wonderful translations each and every Sabbath at The Unexpected Cosmology on YouTube and invite you to take part in the Torah Portions. Currently, BARASHAYAHT (Genesis) and SHAMA’UATH (Exodus) are available for purchase in the TUC Store. Please consider supporting Pamela’s work as well as this ministry by picking up a copy.
Might I also recommend the Torah Portions Study Guides. They’re a line-for-line comparison of the KJV, Paleo-Hebrew, Jonathan Targum, and the Septuagint. That would be the Hebrew Masoretic, Paleo-Hebrew, Aramaic, and the Greek LXX, in case you’re wondering. Nobody that I know of thought to make one, and of course, I’ve been wanting a practical resource guide such as this for many years now. I’m thrilled to finally have the first two of five available. The Torah Portions Study Guide not only includes all four language translations, divided up by that week’s prescribed reading, but also the additional Prophets and Gospel portions which are intended to accompany them. These are designed for your own personal research but also for families and small group or in-home Sabbath gatherings.