New Articles and Updates

NEW [11/1/24] Discovering the Paleo-Hebrew Gospel of Matthew

Oh, I so wish I could slip you the PDF on this one, but then Rebecca would be angry with me. You’re looking at a Patreon Exclusive. Rebecca Glasgow has been busy translating the Paleo-Hebrew. She’s completed the Torah (the first five books of Moses), Song of Songs, and three of the five books of Psalms. She is now actively translating Revelation, Matthew, and Joshua. Follow this link, TUC Patreon Supporters, and you can see a sample of her work on Paleo Matthew!

NEW [11/1/24] Stay Up All Night: A Preview

Wouldn’t you like to know what I’ve been up to for the last couple of months? Writing. This time around, however, I’m writing a novel. Actually, a series of novels. It is a grand and ambitious project, my life’s work. I began scripting the narrative nearly a quarter of a century ago, in November of 2024, and I am just now getting around to completing the project.

UPDATE [8/26/24] The Hidden Wilderness and the Moon Map

Several new pages have been added which links the Moon Map to Eve and to Woman as well as the waxing and the wanning of the Ekklesia, with her various victories and moral failures, and of course, the Outer Darkness.

UPDATE [8/22/24] The Shroud of Turin

It’s in the News again! I guess it’s time to whip out another update to my own Shroud of Turin investigation

UPDATE [8/21/24] The Green Man

Several new pages of information have been added linking the Green Man to the first Adam, the seed of his vegetation to the Olive Tree, and the Olive Tree to Paradise. The implications are huge. Particularly since the Garden of Gethsemane preserved the very Tree which originated from Paradise, and the Garden, if you will recall, was the property of a certain Simon the Leper.

UPDATE [8/20/24] The Hidden Wilderness and the Moon Map

A much-needed cleanup of a classic.

NEW [8/19/24] The Lady and the Unicorn: Mysteries of the Millennial Kingdom

The Medieval Unicorn is a tutor which points the way to the Bride of Mashiach and the feminine Divine. My latest report details the Unicorn like no other, and is nearly 50 pages long.

UPDATE [8/12/24] Wisdom: The Voice from Heaven and the Bat Kol

Several days ago, I attempted a Grade A cleanup on my RUACH CHAKA’MAHA Wisdom paper only to end the week with a royal mess of Scripture, notes, and references. Not that my problems are necessarily your own. What I decided to do is break it up into several separate papers so as to organize the subject matter and allow the research to grow. I think you will find The Holy Spirit’s connection with the Voice from Heaven, aka the Bat Kol, to be of interest.

UPDATE [8/12/24] Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail

I’m busy researching and writing new content, but that won’t stop me from updating information as it comes along in papers already published. It looks like Prester John has made an appearance in the Grail story.

UPDATE [8/8/24] Mondegreen and the Mandela Effect

I went ahead and renamed an older paper to reflect some of my more resent research into the Mondegreen phenomenon. It is very real, but do you want to know what is more real? The Mandela Effect is. I think you will find this comparative study to be of interest.

UPDATE [8/7/24] They’ll Always Be the Berenstein Bears To Me

A much-needed update to my ME paper includes more residue evidence, including LIVE unedited footage of someone taking a Berenstain Book from the foyer to his bedroom only to have the letters change to Berenstein with an ‘e’ rather than an ‘a’, rinse and repeat. Further discussion involves the Back to the Future movies, blending reality towards a Singularity Event, ‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ and the morality question, and mostly, how I see all of this playing out.

UPDATE [8/5/24] The Legend of Prester John

For the latest update, I connected on two odd interconnecting points. In ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’, Prester John can be seen in the Grail Diary. The inscription describes his taking the Grail to Paradise. The implications now have Prester John being a biological family member of Joseph of Arimathea, which I also show to be the case in the Parsifal romance. Also, I expand on the Oz connection on several points, including a Gog-Magog style invasion and the scrying mirror which Ozma uses to look anywhere into the world.

UPDATE [8/2/24] Knight Moves: The Lost Dance of the Millennial Kingdom

And then Pamela Glasgow, translating the Torah from the Paleo Hebrew, discovered a rather interesting passage in Numbers 29. In one short passage, and in one fell swoop, several puzzle pieces of my ongoing investigation, including The Pilgrim’s Path and Mystery of the Maypole, amazingly connect.

UPDATE [8/1/24] Kings and Priests of the Thousand Year Reign

The person who is said to have fathered the Gothic cathedral is a man named Suger. His magnum opus was Basilica Cathedral of Saint Denis, just outside of Paris. I’ve added 10 new pages of information which gives new insight to the idea that the Cathedrals were intended as little Heavenly Jerusalem Cities.

UPDATE [8/1/24] Mystery of the Maypole and the Millennial Kingdom

Starting the month off right with an added bonus to my Maypole research! What do you know, I was reading through my Medieval mystics over the weekend and discovered an incredible paper by Hildegard who said, nearly verbatim, what I’d already described, relating the four seasons to the state of the soul.

NEW [7/30/24] The Green Man vs the Millennial Kingdom

Here’s a topic that I’ve been wanting to research and touch upon for a great long while now. The to-do stack is a large one. I keep telling you that the Medieval Cathedrals are not pagan, so what’s the deal with the Green Man? Believe it or not, his story is an amazing one.

UPDATE [7/25/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

One more update for the day. Doug Mills, the NY Times photographer who captured the bullet picture, just so happened to be sitting in a 2nd grade classroom with George W. Bush on 9/11.

UPDATE [7/25/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

Maxwell Yearick had a Motley Crew involving two noted accomplices, Kennon Hooper and Lisa Cuyler, dating all the way back to 2016. What if I told you Hooper the Party Pooper was on the scene of the Butler Rally shooting?

UPDATE [7/24/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

In today’s update I cover Sheila Jackson’s pedo ring as well as USSS Director Kim Cheatle admitting Jackson was involved in oversight of USSS. Also, Joe Biden’s fake signature on his resignation Tweet, his disappearance in Vegas, Pseudo Joe’s call in to Kamala using an AI voice, and how Q-Post 24 relates to all of this. There are actually many new gems scattered throughout, such as the view from the second story window, overlooking the shooter’s sloped roof.

UPDATE [7/23/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

Today’s update to my Trump Assassination Attempt paper includes a great deal of information spread about, though the most important may be an analysis of those who were wounded or killed, telling us there were four separate trajectories from an equal number of shooters, all hoping to take Trump out.

UPDATE [7/23/24] End of the Millennial Kingdom Clues: The Ball & Claw

Guest writer Edgar Trollip sent in an update to his magnificent paper, adding something like 15 pages of research.

UPDATE [7/22/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald J Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

Initially, I was thinking I’d devote a week of my life to the Buter, Pennsylvania Trump Assassination attempt but then here I am, still plugging away on it for the second consecutive week. In today’s update to my ever-growing report, I cover suspected shooter Maxwell Yearick (who happens to look a lot more like the shooter than Thomas Matthew Crooks), the white van with the Arizona plates, the weirdly placed bike, the second shooter from the water tower, and the white van parked underneath it. Other tidbits include the open second-story window leading out towards the sloped roof, the Fed’s scrubbing any potential residue from the same rooftop, Bennie Thompson’s legislation intended to stop an imprisoned Trump from Secret Service detail, Senator Josh Hawley’s letter to United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and Senator Ron Johnson’s investigation into the Pac-Man map. I’ve probably added 15 new pages today. Return throughout the week because I expect the report to continue growing as the information pours in.

UPDATE [7/18/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald J Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

I don’t know about you but I’m quite pleased with how this paper is shaping up. Today’s update includes a great deal of information, comparing the ‘Enough Is Enough’ Trump Illuminati card with other articles of predictive programming, like Q-Post 572, and the evil Biff Tannen alternate timeline in Back to the Future. I take a look at the recent prophecy of Brandon Biggs and the photography of Doug Mills. Also, the current iteration of the report happens to be 33 pages, LOL.

UPDATE [7/17/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald J Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

Today I was able to focus upon early eyewitness testimony regarding a second shooter on the water tower as well as a third near the lake. Also, Kimberly Cheatle’s reasoning for not posting snipers on the roof of Thomas Matthew Crooks, because it was too slopey.

UPDATE [7/16/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald J Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

My second update for the day covers the relationship between the Shooter and the Snipers on two opposing rooftops.

UPDATE [7/16/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald J Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

The first of many expected updates focuses upon the mysterious and fictional Mark Violets character, who I suspect may have been the first intended shooter. We know the shooter (or was he the patsy?) to be Thomas Matthew Crooks, MK-Ultra extraordinaire. You can be sure I cover him as well.

NEW [7/15/24] The Shot Heard Around the World and Donald J Trump: Staged Hoax or Inside Job?

Finally, the big one. The one we’ve been waiting for since 2016. The predictive programming had us gearing up for the assassination attempt of Donald J Trump, but now that it has happened, I will ask: Is it a staged hoax or an inside job? My latest paper will be updated all week as the information comes in. The first entry specifically focuses upon the shot and the bloody ear.

UPDATE [7/12/24] Through the Looking Glass and the Singularity They Found There

In my recent The Legend of Prester John report I was surprised to learn that John had a scrying mirror in his possession, which is why I went back in and updated my Singularity report as well.

NEW [7/11/24] Hypatia vs. the Millennial Kingdom

I originally wrote this one in 2018 but then in the dusting off process I basically ended up rewriting the entire thing, which seems like a good thing given all my Millennial Kingdom research.

NEW [7/8/24] Giants in America: Newspapers of Our Realm Vol I

‘GIANTS IN AMERICA: Newspapers of Our Realm Volume I’ is a reproduced collection of the dozens of Newspaper articles deriving from the 19th and early 20th centuries, all of which describe the bones of giants being discovered on farms across the country, some as tall as 18 or 20 feet. And of course, why are we not surprised to learn of the Smithsonian, seemingly always backing up the Moving Van, beep-beep-beep, adding the latest dig to their preservation collection?

NEW [7/3/24] Torah Portions Study Guide 4: Numbers

The fourth T.P. Study Guide takes Pamela Glasgow’s translation of the Paleo-Hebrew and lines it up side-by-side with the KJV, Greek LXX, and Aramaic Targum for your personal or group study needs.

UPDATE [7/3/24] The Many Lives of Nimrod, Cham’s Mystery Children, The Land of Eden

Lots of dusting up on old papers today. You will notice the change!

UPDATE [7/2/24] Cedars of Lebanon: Giant Trees

Second clean-up of the day. New information includes the Tule Tree in Oaxaca and the historical account of the Pale Prophet, Quetzalcoatl, declaring it to be the oldest in the world. Apparently, it’s seed was carried over Diluvian waters from the lost continent of Lemuria-Mu.

UPDATE [7/2/24] Mud Fossils

What you can expect is a nice clean up effort of an old paper and some new information, including Naka Cave in Thailand, which happens to resemble a giant serpent. Naka is named after Naga, a snake-god from the underworld.

NEW [7/1/24] Adapa and the Food of Life

Adding a new ancient book to my Sacred Scripture collection, this one is the story of the very mysterious Adapa, taken from three Sumerian tablets.

NEW [7/1/24] The Anunnaki: Ancient Aliens

You’re probably wondering why the long wait between one paper and the next, and no article updates in-between. Firstly, thanks for your patience. It’s because one doesn’t simply write about the Anunnaki over one or two pages. No, you research, and you dig and then you sit down over a great many days in a dark room with nobody to talk to, typing away concerning what you’ve found. Here I am once again, turning in my homework.

NEW [6/17/24] The Legend of Prester John

And here I seriously thought I could knock this out of the park in a day, two at the most. One week later, here is my nearly 50-page report. Was Prester John a Crusader PSYOP or was it a hit-piece against the Millennial Kingdom?

UPDATE [6/13/24] The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness

Oh man, I hate it when that happens. I give a presentation only to discover a day or two later information which makes the information a rock-solid case. Malachi 4:1-6 not only mirrors The War Scroll, it happens to line up with the 536 AD Fire Reset event.

UPDATE [6/11/24] The Mysteries of Pooh

It is decided. Eeyore is a Gnostic but not a very good Gnostic, replete of gnosis. My latest update involves the Birthday Mysteries as well as the esoteric qualities as well as the pitfalls of the reflection, and also, something about the Zodiac.

UPDATE [6/10/24] The Mysteries of Pooh

Because you know the Mysteries could not be declared without one or two showing face, I propose to you Eeyore as the Gnostic in all of this.

UPDATE [6/6/24] The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness

I probably added 10 new pages of information today, outlining comparisons between The War Scroll and Psalm 82, for starters. The War was a judgement event against the Seventy. I also found information which might assign the Victory Arch in Rome to the Barbarians rather than Titus. Plenty of more gems to be found!

UPDATE [6/5/24] The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness

Found some new info! The name ‘Goth’ was used interchangeably with “Jew”!

NEW [6/4/24] The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness

The Dead Sea contains scrolls. One in particular is called The War Scroll. The secular as well as religious scholars tell us it is an embarrassment to the Qumran community because it never came true and the Kingdom of Mashiach was never ushered in, but what if they’re wrong about that one?

UPDATE [5/29/24] The Mysteries of Pooh

The scene which immediately follows Pooh’s rebirth ceremony involves his and Piglet’s hunt for Wozzles, which just so happens to invoke the sky-clock and our search for the knowledge of the ancients, which has been hidden from us.

UPDATE [5/29/23] The Natsarim

What if I told you the entire idea that the Millennial Kingdom of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach was a Netseriym one, and that the Torahless Church Fathers hated it?

UPDATE [5/27/23] The Natsarim

Just when I thought I was finished with my Netseriym paper, I happen upon further information which implicates Polycarp as a Sabbath keeper, amazing? That’s just the beginning of it though. Turns out, the whole of the Eastern Church, and we’re talking Yerushalayim and Antioch, were Netseriym even when Constantine came to power.

UPDATE [5/23/23] The Natsarim

I thought it might be a good idea to do a little more digging. Five minutes later and I stumbled upon the second century Tertullian, insisting that no true believer would ever be grafted into Yashar’el, LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL.

NEW [5/21/23] The Natsarim

Talk about the to-do fodder stack, this one has been several years in the making. Better late than never, feels great to premiere it now. The Natsarim were the people spoken about in Revelation 14:12. They existed all throughout His-Story and continue on today.

UPDATE [5/16/24] The Glorious Appearing and the Ascension

Information has already been provided which insinuates both Miryam the Mother of Messiah and Yochanon has having ascended to heaven in the whereabouts of 70AD. But now I’ve found information which not only confirms Yochanon, it backs up what I’ve been saying in other places and adds a third name to the bunch, Miryam of Migdal.

UPDATE [5/14/24] The Mysteries of Pooh

Digging further into the A.A. Milne book, the story of Kanga and Roo’s arrival into Hundred Acre Wood not only covers the bases of the feminine Divine, but there are also shocking resemblances to the rape of Persephone in the Eleusinian Mysteries.

UPDATE [5/13/24] The Mysteries of Pooh

Four years is too long to let a paper sit there collecting dust. After another viewing of ‘Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree’ over the weekend, my first in several years, I can’t help but notice there were some shocking details which went overlooked. Winnie the Pooh was straight up initiated into the Eleusinian Mysteries.

NEW [5/12/24] Sleeping Beauty and the Feminine Divine

Not to make a mountain out of a molehill or anything, but Sleeping Beauty ended up becoming a whopper of a homework assignment. The first publication sits at something like 35-pages. It also may prove to be one of the favorite papers I’ve ever written.

UPDATE [5/7/24] Azazel and the Five Satans

Only one chapter after describing the Aza’zel goat in Leviticus 16, a warning is given regarding the se’irim, goat demons, though the actual meaning is “the hairy ones.”

UPDATE [5/6/24] Back to the Future Was an Actual Time Travel Movie

Most are familiar with the two Jennifers in the BTTF movies. There were actually three of them though, and that’s not all.

UPDATE [5/6/24] The Hidden Wilderness Introduction

My longtime friend Pauly Hart sent me another potential lead to the Hidden Wilderness. It comes from Jubilees (Yovheliym).

UPDATE [5/6/24] Azazel and the Five Satans

The other day, I premiered my paper on Aza’zel, but the provided passages dealt almost exclusively with Chanoch (Enoch). Today’s update is another 10 or so pages that describe his role according to ‘Apocalypse of Avraham’.

UPDATE [5/5/24] Princess Kaguya: A Preexistence Tale

I slipped up on my first analysis of the film. It’s not simply a preexistence tale. I mean, it is, but it also has just as much if not more to do with the feminine divine. My update delves into Jungian psychology as it applies to the anima and animus concepts of male and female duality.

NEW [5/2/24] Azazel and the Five Satans

Nearly a year ago, I wrote a paper titled The Watchers Released. Its primary focus was on the timing of their release but in doing so I also matched up Aza’zel’s other identity, the Dragon of Revelation. Well, just last week it occurred to me that I’ve never covered the Aza’zel goat in Ya’qura’a (Leviticus) 16, nor compared notes in Chanoch.

NEW [5/1/24] The 613

No, it’s not a repeat. I know I posted a 613 document the other day, but today’s New addition is totally different. Mrs. Hadley designed an incredible interactive and educational tool for unpacking the 613 laws of the Torah in the 10 Commandments, complete with a host of Bible translations.

UPDATE [4/30/24] Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail

In the first leg of my report, I was concerned with Miryam of Migdal’s Grail identity in Robert de Boron’s Arthurian trilogy. Now I turn to the Vulgate Cycle and other early sources to reveal Galahad, yet another descendant of Joseph d’Arimathie.

UPDATE [4/29/24] Wastelands of the Seraphiym

In the latest update to a classic paper, I have come prepared to show you two incredible examples of dragons in 2nd Century Apocrypha. They are unquestionably Serpents of the spiritual nature rather than physical ones, though in both instances, they can manifest materially in our own realm.

NEW [4/28/24] The 613

My latest document added to the Sacred Scripture page is a breakdown of the entire Torah, with all 613 laws categorized under each of the 10 Commandments.

UPDATE [4/26/24] Back to the Future Was an Actual Time Travel Movie

Yesterday I discussed Michael J Fox’s Parkinson’s as it relates to time travel and the shaky hand subplot, and now it is Eric Stoltz’ turn. BTTF is a time travel movie. The cast and crew literally filmed a movie with Stoltz playing the part of Marty before rebooting everything and starting afresh with Fox. Ironically, that too plays a part in the plot.

UPDATE [4/25/24] Back to the Future Was an Actual Time Travel Movie

After polishing up my Mary Magdalene papers all week, I thought it would be a good idea to switch up and work on my Back To the Future paper, seeing as how Michael J. Fox was in the News this week, landing on TIME’s list of 100 most inspirational people. Would you be surprised to learn that Parkinson’s plays into the BTTF Trilogy? His shaky hand was a subplot in all three movies.

UPDATE [4/25/24] Mary Magdalene: Her Name Was Lilith

Lots of new information added to this one as well. After publishing a second edition of Mary Magdalene: Second Eve earlier this week, wherein I backpaddled and said, No, it was Miryam the Mother of Yahusha who was Second Eve, not Miryam of Migdal, I thought it would be good to dig back into this one and show why Miryam of Migdal really does come across as a Second Lilith redeemed.

NEW [4/24/24] Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail

It’s finally happening. I’m arriving to the subject which I’ve tried to avoid for a great long while. The question is finally answered: If Mashiach and Miryam were married, did they have children? Technically, I cannot answer that one. But I can show you what the Grail mythos from its very conception was attempting to convey.

UPDATE [4/22/24] Mary Magdalene and the Alabaster Jar

Two updates in one day, amazing. I’ve found more information on Miryam of Migdal’s daddy, Shim’on the Leper. Guess what? Really, give it a whirl. You’ll never guess what I’m about to say though you will try. He happened to own the Garden of Gethsemane.

UPDATE [4/22/24] Mary Magdalene: Second Eve

I can admit when I was wrong, can’t I? This is the paper where I add another ten or so pages of new research showing how Miryam the Mother of Yahusha was in fact Second Eve, whereas Miryam of Migdal was more of a Second Lilith redeemed.

UPDATE [4/18/24] The Pilgrim’s Path: Travels Through the Millennial Kingdom

WHEN setting out to write ‘The Pilgrim’s Path: Travels Through the Millennial Kingdom’ a month or so ago, Noach’s ark being as an actual destination was always in the back of my mind. It’s why I went back in and added 13 new pages to the original report.

NEW [4/2/24] Mary Magdalene and the Mandala

Something like a year of my life had come and gone since I last committed to writing a new paper on Miryam of Migdal. Picking up where I last left off, we enter a cave in France to see what she’s been up to.

NEW [3/27/24] The Interior Castle In ‘The Matrix’

I originally wrote this piece in 2018 but who am I kidding? I’ve added something like 35 or 40 pages of new research, thereby making it an entirely new thing. I originally set out to compare the first Matrix movie with the seven degrees of initiation into the Mystery religions, but now, I’m taking the writings of Teresa of Avila and comparing the Kingdom Mysteries with Medieval architecture.

UPDATE [3/22/24] The Pilgrim’s Path: Travels Through the Millennial Kingdom

Some new information on Santiago and the scallop shells of resurection.

NEW [3/20/24] Labyrinths: Seeking the Kingdom of Heaven Within

Among the many available paths leading its traveler deeper into the healing Mysteries of heavens kingdom, the labyrinth at Chartres in France stands out as a trophy from the rest. That is why we have gathered today. Get ready to discuss. The coffee in my mug is piping hot.

NEW [3/19/24] The Pilgrim’s Path: Travels Through the Millennial Kingdom

Why has it taken me so long to put the two-and-two together? The many crisscrossing lane lines of Pilgrimage leading throughout Europe, Asia, and the Middle East constituted the vital living arteries of the Medieval spiritual experience. It just so happened to be the quintessential Millennial Kingdom experience as well. They’re both the same.

NEW [3/17/24] Mystery of the Maypole and the Millennial Kingdom

Um, yeah, this one is just aching to get me into trouble. Somebody is bound to have a meltdown. Karen might just call the principal’s office. Anywho, check out my latest and have a great day!

NEW [3/14/24] Knight Moves: The Lost Dance of the Millennial Kingdom

SAY, say, 1000 zero-zero, party over, oops, out of time. So, tonight I’m gonna party like it’s 999. I can give dates like that and they’re not a typo. And besides, I was dreaming when I wrote this, so sue me if I go too fast. The Kingdom was a Thousand, and millennia weren’t meant to last.

UPDATE [3/13/24] Constantine Vs. the Millennial Kingdom

I’m calling this an update, because technically I dusted off an old paper from 2019, but really, it took on a life of its own during the research and creative process, becoming a completely new end product.

UPDATE [3/11/24] Mark of the Beast of the Mark of YAH?

Sorry to bust your happy bubble, but yeah, Jesus kept Sabbath.

NEW [3/10/24] Mark of the Beast of the Mark of YAH?

The current paper is long overdue. In the grand scheme of things, it may even prove to be the most important subject I’ve ever covered.

NEW [3/4/24] The Torah Abides: Paul’s Letter to the Galatians According to the Law of YAH

Why has it taken me weeks to turn out any new material, you ask? I’ve been occupied writing commentary, Biblical commentary. Make that a line-for-line commentary. And I’m done with chapter one. I’ll be sure to keep you posted when chapter two is done, LOL.

NEW [3/3/24] Torah Portions Study Guide 3: YA’AQURA’A

Third Torah Portions Study Guide in the hole! Progress!

UPDATE [2/13/24] Back To the Bible Part II

We’re going Back To the Bible again to consider alternative timelines never materialized in our own realm. Also, did Yochanon and Zakaryahu meet?

NEW [2/9/24] Torah Portions Study Guide 2: SHAMA’UATH

Just yesterday I premiered BARASHAYATH, and I was stoked about that. So then, you can imagine how juiced I am today to premiere a cross-reference to the second book of the Bible. Same applies. The KJV, Greek LXX (Septuagint), Paleo-Hebrew, and the Aramaic Targum run side-by-side for your study pleasure.

UPDATE [2/8/24] Will The Unexpected Cosmology Survive?

Thank you everyone for the outpouring of love. In as little as a few days, I was able to raise enough funds to cover February’s budget. Please consider helping for March and beyond.

NEW [2/8/24] Torah Portions Study Guide 1: BARASHAYATH

The ‘Torah Portions Study Guide’ has been a long time coming. I’ve placed the KJV, the Greek LXX (Septuagint), the Paleo-Hebrew, and the Aramaic Targum side-by-side for easy to reference comparisons.

NEW [1/30/24] Will The Unexpected Cosmology Survive?

What a way to start off the year. I’ve been plugging away at my writings for several years, and it looks like we’ve reached the moment of Truth. I may very well be hanging up the pen and pad of paper. Whether or not TUC survives is up to you to decide.

UPDATE [1/29/24] The Alec Baldwin Rust Shooting

A year and a half later and I’m finally getting around to another update on the Rust shooting ceremony. It was totally worth the wait.

NEW [1/26/24] Unexpected Memes: Texas Barbed Wire Border Crisis & Civil War

I like memes as much as the next man, if not more. I’ve gathered quite the collection. My latest involves the current Texas Barbed Wire Border Crisis and Civil War. Good times.

UPDATE [1/24/24] 537 AD: The Rod of YAHAUAHA and Second Passover

‘Second Passover’ is a hot topic of conversation and just about everyone and their mom wants to know when it will occur. Here is my response.

NEW [1/23/24] Back To the Bible: Time Travel In Scripture

For a change of pace, here is a little ditty I’ve been wanting to cover. A case of time travel in the Bible, three separate points on the timeline converging into one event.

UPDATE [1/22/24] Muhammad and the Millennial Kingdom

The Quran gets even more confusing when Muhammad condemns Satan for refusing to worship Adam but then he does the exact same thing.

UPDATE [1/22/24] Water Consciousness

A reader sent me a rather interesting experiment by water consciousness researcher Veda Austin. It involves the Name of ‘Yeshua’ scribbled in Aramaic.

UPDATE [1/22/24] Chess and the Millennial Kingdom

JUST last week I premiered my ‘Chess and the Millennial Kingdom’ paper, and already, I’ve returned to bring you an update. On this go-around, my intent is to discuss the chess board’s connection with cosmic mountains but also the lunar cycle, and what does the lunar cycle remind us of? High-Sabbaths. Though the seven-day Sabbath is also served well by the chess board. Yup, chess was most definitely an invention of the resurrected sainthood.

NEW [1/18/24] Chess and the Millennial Kingdom

Yes, chess was an invention of the Millennial Kingdom. That’s the story I’m going with. In the following pages, I hope to expound upon the esoteric nature of the game. The Freemasons are controlled opposition and simply inherited it.

UPDATE [1/15/24] 537 AD: Architects of Camelot

If you thought Camelot was bad before, then just wait until you learn of Merlin’s history. Actually, for this update, I’ve scattered gems all throughout the paper. Enjoy the scavenger hunt.

UPDATE [1/11/24] Muhammad and the Millennial Kingdom

Turns out, Muhammad was an agent of Rome and Khadijah was his handler.

NEW [1/10/24] Muhammad and the Millennial Kingdom

At the risk of getting my head cut off, I decided to pick up a copy of the Quran at the local used bookstore and then give it a thorough read. And so, in answer to so many inquiries, I present to you my thoughts concerning what I suspect was going on during the Millennial Kingdom.

UPDATE [1/8/24] 537 AD: The Rod of YAHAUAHA and Excalibur

Here is another topic which has been waiting around in the fodder stack for a number of years, the Rod of YAHAUAHA. I’m glad I waited because comparisons with Arthur’s sword in the stone narrative is making a whole lot of sense now.

NEW [1/4/24] 541: Year of the Apocalypse

New year, new paper. This one is the second sequel to 536: Year of the Fire Reset, the other being 537: The End of Camelot, making an end to a Trilogy of papers. But will there be others?

UPDATE [12/27/23] Elysian Fields

It was all fun and games until Mashiach’s worldview was invoked, am I right? Well, whatever club Yahusha HaMashiach was a card-carrying member of, I’m of the impression that Yochanon the Baptizer either held to the same address or more than likely was a neighbor. I’ve added about 12 new pages of information to this update.

UPDATE [12/25/23] Hellmouth and Leviathan

The young-earth creationists would love to paint Leviathan in shades of Dinosaur, but I’m convinced Job 41 is all about the spiritual entity that is She’ol.

UPDATE [12/21/23] Leviathan: The Sign of Yonah

I was hoping for more updates this week but then I got busy editing and publishing videos on my YouTube channel, The Unexpected Cosmology, regarding Land of Eden series. Thanks for subscribing. My latest update is in regard to the Sign of Yonah and Leviathan.

NEW [12/19/23] Elysian Fields

Woot-woot! Yet another NEW paper, I’m on a roll. This one is yet another addition to The Hidden Wilderness and makes connections between the Elysian Fields doctrine of the Greeks with the worldview of the Essenes.

NEW [12/18/23] Leviathan

Here we go again, a NEW paper. It’s actually a follow-up to The Land of Eden, more like a parallel in the Multiverse, so you have your reading cut out for you. The Leviathan subject has been in the to-do fodder stack for years now, and I expect several updates in the coming days.

UPDATE [12/11/23] The Land of Eden: Lemuria, Mu, and Meru

I don’t know about your fun level in reading, but I’ve definitely had fun researching and writing this series. I mean, I really shouldn’t presume. Today’s conversation ties Eden, Atlantis, Tarshiysh, and the real Mount Tsiyon in the Hidden Wilderness together, and I just think some of you are going to have your minds blown.

UPDATE [12/7/23] The Land of Eden: Lemuria, Mu, and Meru

My second update in little as a week contrasts the city which Qayin built, called Chanoch, with the city which ALAHAYAM built, called Chanoch. And guess what? They were both located in the land of Eden at one time.

UPDATE [12/6/23] The Land of Eden: Lemuria, Mu, and Meru

Understanding Eden as a lost continent is a game changer. In today’s update, I’m going over the idea of cosmic mountains being floating islands. The Garden of Eden is an obvious example, but then, what about Tsiyon? It too resided in the land of Eden at one time.

NEW [12/5/23]  The Land of Eden: Lemuria, Mu, and Meru

Discovering the whereabouts of the land of Eden came by total accident. But then you’re totally aware how it goes by now, one thing leads to another, and bada-bing: RESEARCH! The moon map tells.

NEW [11/29/23] Water Consciousness

JUST last week I expanded the Star Forts and Star Cities discussion with my Fountains of Living Water paper. In that one I showed a Biblical example of our Controllers scrubbing His-story, and of course, their destruction is repetitive. You should know then that I’m already back at it again. I’ve already spoken on the life work of water consciousness researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto. For a change of pace, Veda Austin is a water researcher from New Zealand, specializing in crystallography. The results from her experiments are astonishing, proving time and again that water is a conscious, sentient being. FYI, I’ve also added this write-up to my Star Forts paper.

UPDATE [11/27/23] 537 AD: The End of Camelot

Arthur was the son of a dragon. Bet you didn’t know that fact. Well, he was, and what does that tell us? My latest update has packed on another 10 pages or so of information regarding the House of the Dragons and how they play out with the beginning and the end of the Millennial Kingdom.

NEW [11/22/23] Fountains of Living Water and the Millennial Kingdom

The latest is a spin-off of my Star Forts paper, though that one is a spin-off of Kings and Priests of the Millennial Kingdom, but really, they’re just a continuation of the same discussion. This one takes a closer look at what Scripture has to say regarding our Controller’s desire to plug up the Living Water. You will see how that connects with the scrubbing of His-Story. Also, for convenience purposes, I went ahead and added this one to the end of Star Forts.

UPDATE [11/20/23] The Millennial Kingdom and Middle Earth  

I added 11 new pages of LOTR research which back up my claim that the Elves of Middle-Earth are stand-ins for the MK sainthood. In this one I take a closer look at the resurrected Elf Glorfindel.

NEW [11/16/23] 537 AD: The End of Camelot

Finally, the pieces are beginning to come together. 536 as you hopefully know by now was an irreversible threshold, carrying His-Story into the arms of the Thousand Year Reign, as it appears to be the year of the Fire Reset. With a year as epic as that one, you figure a sequel would be in the works. His-Story offers us one with the fall of Camelot.

NEW [11/15/23] 536 AD: Year of the Fire Reset

536 was the year, by all indications. I’m referring to the fire judgement event warned about in 2 Kepha 3:7, which swept over targeted locations of our known realm, leaving a host of Melted Cities in its wake.

UPDATE [11/12/23] The Narnia Reset

In a rather stunning turn of events, I started a paper on the historicity of Dwarfs in Britain, which furthermore happened to involve their relationship with hag-witches, not realizing at the time that I was crossing every ‘t’ and dotting every ‘i’ in describing Edmund’s encounter with the dwarf and the White Witch. What I’ve done is to take the initial information from that paper and transfer it over so that you can see how closely real history is played out in Narnia.

UPDATE [11/9/23] The Narnia Reset

After establishing Tartaria and Satan’s release after the Thousand-Years in ‘The Magician’s Nephew,’ I turn now towards Lewis’ view of universal salvation in ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’.

NEW [11/7/23] The Divine Conception of Yitschaq

The current topic has been in my to-do stack for at least two years now. Feels good to finally get it out there. The Divine Conception of Yitschaq is a direct follow-up to The Birth of Noach: Man or Angel? and ties in with my Preexistence paper.

NEW [11/6/23] Dwarfs

Trying something new, and because I’m always keeping you on your toes, today we’re talking about the historical reality of dwarfs.

UPDATE [10/31/23] Cham’s Mystery Children

I’ve added several new pages to my report which chronicles the children of Cham becoming elohiym on the earth. This update identifies Osiris and Isis and the First Dynasty founders of Mitsrayim.

NEW [10/26/23] The Lewiston Maine Shooting By the Numbers

The numbers are in and so are the results. Robert Card is another Kabbalah ceremony.

NEW [10/25/23] The 7000-Year Timeline Deception In Light of the Mandela Effect

This one is geared specifically to my most die-hard readers. These are just random thoughts, really. Imagining the possibilities, that sort of thing. The faint of heart need not apply.

NEW [10/24/23] Is the Nanteos Cup the Holy Grail?

I’m not sure if the Nanteos Cup is the Holy Grail or where this paper is leading, exatly (other Grail contenders perhaps?), though its story being tied with King Henry VIII’s destruction of Millennial Kingdom monasteries is what has my interest.

UPDATE [10/17/23] Doppelgangers

Yesterday, I started my investigation with Kepha’s angelic twin. For this update, I’m taking a closer look at two other celestial lookalikes, Yoceph and Avraham.

NEW [10/16/23] Doppelgangers

Do we have celestial twins in heaven? I don’t know about everybody, but I think I can make the case that some do.

UPDATE [10/15/23] The Millennial Kingdom and Middle Earth 

Well, what do you know? Looks like I was right on the money with my assessment that the Undying Lands became hidden with the closure of the Millennial Kingdom.

NEW [10/10/23] Princess Kaguya: A Preexistence Tale

My analysis of Princess Kaguya is intended to compliment the research I’ve already put together on preexistence.

UPDATE [10/5/23] Captain EO: A Tale of Freemasonry

The paper needed a good cleaning.

NEW [10/3/23] Total Recall: MK-Ultra and the Millennial Kingdom

After publishing my paper on Philip K Dick and the Millennial Kingdom, I thought a review of Total Recall was in order.

UPDATE [9/28/23] Vesica Piscis: The Sacred Divine

Looks like the Baphomet is more controlled opposition.

UPDATE [9/28/23] Kings and Priests of the Millennial Kingdom

NEW [9/26/23] The Narnia Reset

What if I told you C.S. Lewis planted clues to Tartaria, the MK, and the Multiverse within ‘The Magician’s Nephew’?

NEW [9/25/23] The MK Already Happened: Philip K Dick & the First Mandela Effect

This is where my research into the Mandela Effect, Multiverse, and Millennial Kingdom come together through science fiction author Philip K Dick.

UPDATE [9/19/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach

Perhaps the biggest protest to the 70 AD timeline is the splitting (or rather, lack of splitting) of the Mount of Olives.

NEW [9/14/23] Vesica Piscis: The Sacred Divine

I stumbled upon some interesting correlations between Medieval architecture and the Sacred Divine.

UPDATE [9/14/23] Kings and Priests of the Millennial Kingdom

UPDATE [9/12/23] From JFK To Jonestown

I found new information which has Patty Hearst listing herself as an actor. She even wrote the script to the Patty Hearst heist movie, LOL.

UPDATE [9/12/23] The JFK Assassination Hoax

Just in time for the sixtieth anniversary, a new witness has stepped forward to help rewrite the JFK assassination when in fact all he managed to do is prove the magic bullet was planted evidence, and we may even be dealing with a Mandela Effect.

UPDATE [9/11/23] The JFK Assassination Hoax

Another three-year update to one of my most classic research papers.

UPDATE [9/7/23] From JFK To Jonestown

Has it been three years? You’ve got to be kidding me. Well, here is a massive rewriting of one of my favorite papers ever.

UPDATE [ 8/23/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

Richard Simmons never wore a headband? Oh please.

UPDATE [ 8/22/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

It’s worth asking if ‘We Three Kings’ is a reality which existed within another parallel universe.

UPDATE [ 8/19/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

Sinbad is gaslighting everyone, y’all.

UPDATE [8/18/23] The End of the Millennial Kingdom

I found more stunning and convincing evidence to back up the closing of the mind’s eye at the conclusion of the Millennial Kingdom.

UPDATE [8/16/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

This is where I finally get around to discussing Miryam of Migdal’s role as Second Eve.

UPDATE [8/14/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

My long-standing questions about Lillith have paid off. Looks like she may be the mother of parasites.

UPDATE [8/10/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach

The 144,000 are revisited through Claudia Octavia, wife of Nero.

UPDATE [ 8/1/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

Hasn’t Sinead O’Connor died already?

UPDATE [7/31/23] 9/11 with Rick Hummer, Bob Knodel, Robbie Davidson, David Weiss, Pauly Hart

My 9/11 interviews date back to 2019 though I’ve added a completely new interview involving my friend Pauly Hart.

UPDATE [7/28/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach

Nero Redivivus is the early Christian belief that Nero would return again as the antichrist. I show why that may have happened in the 6th century.

UPDATE [7/27/23] Everything That Was Beautiful Became Ugly: Leaving Flat Earth with Patricia Steere

A whopping four years have passed since the publication of my monumental article in July of 2019, though really, it’s more of a novella. Anyhow, here is the expanded directors cut with new interviews.

UPDATE [7/25/23] The 7000 Year Timeline Deception

I’ve got new evidence on the arrival of the Phoenix in 30 A.D. as well as the whereabouts of 50 A.D. and how both correspond to the resurrection event.

UPDATE [7/21/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach

More information is discovered on Yahuah’s past glorious appearances, this one corresponding to his arrival in Egypt.

UPDATE [7/20/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach

MANY of the Pa’al fanboys out there noticed that I made no mention of 2 Thessalonians earlier, particularly when detailing Pa’al’s various passages which anticipate the glorious appearing. Yeah well, I wasn’t ready to get to it yet.

UPDATE [7/19/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach

Revisiting my research into the possibility that the 144,000 were women. This backwards glance investigates Kepha’s involvement with them.

UPDATE [7/18/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach

Here’s my response to all the ‘But Paul…” people, refusing to accept that Scripture was fulfilled precisely when Mashiach said it would.

NEW [7/12/23] Parable of the Vineyard: The Adam Fink Story

I wrote this article back in 2019 and am just now getting around to publishing it! Also, Adam approves.

UPDATE [7/10/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

Still on verse 23, the talking cross and the mark of the Tav are discussed.

UPDATE [7/19/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

The feminine Ruach HaQodesh is the one speaking from the heavens in verse 23.

UPDATE [7/5/23] The Shroud of Turin

UPDATE [7/3/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [6/29/23] The Donner Party Hoax

UPDATE [6/28/23] The Donner Party Hoax

UPDATE [6/22/23] Greta Thunberg

UPDATE [6/22/23] The Donner Party Hoax

UPDATE [6/20/23] The 1849 California Gold Rush Hoax

UPDATE [6/19/23] The Mud Flood

UPDATE [6/15/23] The Watchers Released

UPDATE [6/15/23] Deadhead & the Search for God: The Zen Garcia Story

UPDATE [6/14/23] Der Golem & the Batman

NEW [6/9/23] The Sasquatch and Johnny

UPDATE [6/7/23] The Temple Mount Hoax

UPDATE [6/7/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [6/6/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [6/6/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [6/6/23] The Manson Murders Hoax

UPDATE [9/14/23] Kings and Priests of the Millennial Kingdom

UPDATE [6/4/23] Joe Biden: Puppet President

NEW [6/15/23] The Watchers Released

UPDATE [ 5/15/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [5/12/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [5/10/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [5/8/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [5/3/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [5/2/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [4/19/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [4/17/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [4/13/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [4/12/23] BESORAH KEPHA: The Gospel of Peter: a commentary

UPDATE [ 4/11/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/28/23] Cities of the Millennial Kingdom

UPDATE [3/22/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/21/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/19/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/17/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/16/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/15/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/14/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/12/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/10/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/9/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/7/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/6/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [3/3/23] Greta Thunberg

NEW [3/2/23] Greta Thunberg

UPDATE [3/1/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [2/28/23] The Lion and the Lamb: The Mandela Effect

UPDATE [2/27/23] The Hidden Wilderness

UPDATE [2/26/23] Wastelands of the Seraphiym

UPDATE [2/23/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [2/22/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [2/21/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [2/20/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [2/16/23] The Hidden Wilderness

UPDATE [2/15/23] The Hidden Wilderness

UPDATE [2/14/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [2/13/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [2/10/23] The End of the Millennial Kingdom

UPDATE [2/9/23] The Temple Mount Hoax

UPDATE [2/8/23] Melted Cities

UPDATE [2/7/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach

UPDATE [2/7/23] The Mud Flood

UPDATE [1/27/23] The Hidden Wilderness

UPDATE [1/26/23] The Hidden Wilderness

UPDATE [1/25/23] The Hidden Wilderness

UPDATE [1/19/23] The End of the Millennial Kingdom

UPDATE [1/18/23] The End of the Millennial Kingdom

NEW [1/17/23] The End of the Millennial Kingdom

UPDATE [1/15/23] The Many Lives of Nimrod

UPDATE [1/15/23] The Sandy Hook Hoax

UPDATE [1/13/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [1/11/23] The Hidden Wilderness

UPDATE [1/10/23] Children of the Mud Flood

UPDATE [1/9/23] Ceremony By the Numbers

UPDATE [1/4/23] Mary Magdaline: Wife of Messiah

UPDATE [1/3/23] The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach