Sacred Text

The 10 Commandments and the 613 Laws

The 10 Commandments and the 613 Laws

34 But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Torah?” 37 Yahushua said to him, “‘You shall...

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The Acts of Thomas

THE ACTS OF TA'OM The First Act: When he went into India with Abbanes the merchant. At that season all we the apostles were at Yerushalayim, Shim’on which is called Kepha and Andrei his brother, Ya’aqov the son of Zebedee and Yochanon his brother, Philip and Bar...

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The Acts of Andrew

THE ACTS OF ANDREI 1 After the Ascension, the apostles dispersed to preach in various countries. Andrai began in the province of Achaia, but Mattithyahu went to the city of Mermidona. (The rest of 1 and the whole of 2 give a short abstract of the Acts of Andrai and...

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The Acts of Barnabas

THE ACTS OF BAR-NAVIY Since from the descent of the presence of our Savior Yahusha HaMashiach, the unwearied and benevolent and mighty Shepherd and Teacher and Physician, I beheld and saw the ineffable and holy and unspotted mystery of the Christians, who hold the...

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The Acts of Peter and Paul

ACTS OF THE HOLY APOSTLES KEPHA AND PA'AL It came to pass, after Pa’al went out of the island Gaudomeleta, that he came to Italy; and it was heard of by the Yahudiym who were in Rome, the elder of the cities, that Pa’al demanded to come to Cæsar. Having fallen,...

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The Acts of John

THE ACTS OF YOCHANON 18 Now Yochanon was on his way to Ephesus, moved thereto by a vision. Damonicus therefore, and Aristodemus his kinsman, and a certain very rich man Cleobius, and the wife of Marcellus, hardly prevailed to keep him for one day in Miletus, reposing...

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The Acts of Peter

THE ACTS OF KEPHA   1 A multitude gathered together, and they brought unto Kepha many sick, that he might heal them. And one of the multitudes adventured to say unto Kepha: Lo, Kepha, in our presence thou hast made many blind to see and the deaf to hear and the lame...

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The Vision of Laisren

This vision is in Old Irish and only this fragment remains of the MS. It is dated from the late 9th century to the early 10th century. The figure of Laisren is probably the Abbot of Leighlin, Carlow. He died in 638AD, thus making this MS an Irish Apocryphal work. 1...

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The Narrative of Zosimus

The Narrative of ZosimusThe Narrative of Zosimus Concerning the Life of the Blessed 1 About that time there was in the desert a certain man named Zosimus, who for forty years ate no bread, and drank no wine, and saw not the face of man. This man was entreating Elohiym...

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The Apocalypse of Zephaniah

The Apocalypse of ZephaniahThe scene in the fifth heaven.   And a spirit took me and brought me up into the fifth heaven. And I saw angels who are called “adonai.” And the diadem was set upon them in the Ruach HaQodesh, and the throne of each of them was sevenfold...

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The Apocalypse of Thomas

PDF: The Apocalypse of ThomasHERE begins the epistle of Adonai unto Ta’om. Hear thou, Ta’om, the things which must come to pass in the last times: there shall be famine and war and earthquakes in divers places, snow and ice and great drought shall there be and many...

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The Vision of Paul

The Vision of PaulHere Begins the Vision of Pa’al the Apostle. 1 At what time was this revelation made? In the consulship of TheodosiusAugustus the Younger and Cynegius, a certain nobleman then living in Tarsus, in the house which was that of Saint Pa’al, an angel...

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The Acts of Paul and Thecla

PDF: The Acts of Paul and TheclaAs Pa’al was going up to Iconium after the flight from Antioch, his fellow-travelers were Demas and Ermogenes, full of hypocrisy; and they were importunate with Pa’al, as if they loved him. But Pa’al, looking only to the goodness of...

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The Martyrdom of Polycarp

PDF: The Martyrdom of PolycarpGreeting, The Church of Theos which sojourns at Smyrna, to the Church of Theos sojourning in Philomelium, and to all the congregations of the Holy and Catholic Church in every place: Mercy, peace, and love from Theos the Father, and our...

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The Gospel of Peter

The Gospel of Kepha       1 But of the Yahudim none washed his hands, neither Herod nor one of his judges. And since they did not desire to wash, Pilate stood up. 2 And then Herod the king orders Adonai to be taken away, having said to them, ‘What I...

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