The Unexpected Cosmology



MY name is Noel Joshua Hadley. I am the creator, head writer, Editor-In-Chief, and all-around bottle of Tartar Sauce here at The Unexpected Cosmology. TUC is not only an online Journal, but also, as you can tell, a Magazine delivered directly to your door. Quality writers are appreciated in these parts. I am accepting submissions.

Tips. Complete sentences are a must but then so is good formatting. I don’t have time to read through every submission if the quality is not presentable. Papers that are delivered to my desktop and fail at these two will be immediately rejected. Please do not hand in a long-winded article without letting me know where it’s headed. For example, if you’re writing an article on, say, Adolf Hitler, and you’d like it featured at TUC, don’t make me read twelve pages of WWII history and Patton war strategies before revealing that he was rally an actor and more importantly, that he was also Walt Disney. Just lay it out there and then take me through the evidence.

TUC is a Bible-backed ministry which places a special emphasis on Revelation 14:12. I’ll let you read that one for yourself. Here is the gist of it though. The righteous are those who keep the Father’s Commands and the testimony of Yahusha HaMashiach. Though it is obvious that we are all at a different mile-marker of our awakening journey, I expect all contributors to at least agree to these two defining elements of the set-apart lifestyle.

Using Rev 14:12 as a platform, we go beyond accepted canon and study dozens upon dozens of other extra-Biblical books, as well as a long line-up of Truther topics. Subjects we are interested in include but are certainly not exclusive to: germ theory, the V-A-X, Intel psyops and hoaxes, esoteric Hollywood, the flat earth, the mud flood, Tartaria, hidden His-Story, the feminine Ruach HaQodesh, preexistence, Genesis 6, serpent seed, QAnon, Gematria, the Mandela Effect, Biblical commentary, the Torah, and calendar debates.


We believe that the entire Bible, the Commands, the Torah, the Prophets, the Gospels, and Epistles, are True and applicable as set apart instructions for righteous living. Both Yeshua (Yahusha Ha’Mashiach) and the Torah are The Way (Psalm 119:1), the Truth (Psalm 119:142), and the Life (Deuteronomy 32:46-47), our pilgrimage leading to eternity.

The kings of the earth conspire against YAHUAH. (Psalm 2:2)

Yeshua (Yahusha Ha’Mashiach) is our High Priest and Atoning Sacrifice. (Hebrews 4; 1 Peter 2:24)

Those who persevere until the end keep the Father’s Commands and the Testimony of Yeshua. (Revelation 14:12).


Query and submissions are to be sent to:

Noel Joshua Hadley

Shelves of Shalom Publishing




‘Shelves of Shalom Publishing’ is an Imprint of TUC which strives to provide quality novels in all genres and sub-genres of fiction. The tales discovered here may be Scriptural, Christian, or even secular, but they will never contradict the Scriptures.

Submission Policy


All genes and sub-genres of fiction will be considered.

Novels should be between 60k-150k length in word count.

We are only seeking Adult, NA, or YA titles at this time. (No children’s literature, picture books, screenplays, or poetry)

Precedence will be placed on novels that in some way feature the Torah or Torah-observance; however, we will consider Christian and/or secular works.

Novels must not go against Torah observance or any part of the Scriptures.

Writing that contains excessive vulgar language, explicit “on-page” love scenes, and gratuitous violence will be rejected.

Although we are happy to work with authors in edit rounds to produce a fabulous book, unpolished manuscripts requiring excessive edits and rewrites will not be considered.

Only completed manuscripts will be considered. Do not query a partially completed manuscript.


Query and submissions are to be sent to:

Jennifer Hartz