HERE at TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology, we are pleased to partner with Pamela Glasgow, who has been working to translate the entire Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew. The Paleo in case you are not aware isn’t simply the original Hebrew. No, it is the Hebrew. The Paleo is the...
Read the First 92 Pages of Noel Joshua Hadley’s Latest Book ‘Stay Up All Night’
LADIES and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I present to you the very first 92 pages of ‘Stay Up All Night’. Edited by Rebecca Gould! This is a Patreon exclusive and a ‘thank you’ to everyone who supports TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology. We have much going on here, including...
Torah Portions Study Guides: Comparing the Paleo Hebrew with the Greek LXX, Targum, & KJV
Torah Portions Study Guide 1: GenesisTorah Portions Study Guide 4: NumbersTorah Portions Study Guide 2: ExodusTorah Portions Study Guide 5: DeuteronomyTorah Portions Study Guide 3: LeviticusFINALLY, the Torah Portions Study Guide is complete! Here at TUC: The...
BARASHAYATH: The 2nd Edition of Paleo Hebrew Genesis!
Purchase BARASHAYATH: Peleo Hebrew Genesis (2nd Edition)TRANSLATING the Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew has been a prerogative in these parts. Many of you took part in our Torah Portions last year, which was especially unique, and not simply because of the many...
Preview the First Six Chapters of Paleo Hebrew Matthew!
GOOD morning, afternoon, and evening all. We’ve got another Patreon exclusive for you. A couple of weeks ago, Pamela premiered the first chapter of Paleo-Hebrew Matthew. Well, she’s been plugging away on her translation. She has already shared one preview but now...
Read the First 27 Pages of Noel Joshua Hadley’s Latest Book, ‘Stay Up All Night!’
LADIES and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I present to you the very first 27 pages of 'Stay Up All Night'. Edited by Rebecca Gould! This is a Patreon exclusive and a 'thank you' to everyone who supports TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology. We have much going on here, including...
Fully and Finally Restored! The Travels of Noah Into Europe
PURCHASE The Travels of Noah Into EuropeTHERE are various copies of 'The Travels of Noah Into Europe' floating around, and you may have encountered one. Those are all copy and paste jobs. The latest version of is the most historically accurate translation available in...
Stay Up All Night: A Preview
Stay Up All Night: A Preview 11/1/2024by Noel Joshua Hadley UPDATES HAS it really been two months since my last Article Update? I checked. My last article update was for The Hidden Wilderness and the Moon Map, which landed on 8/26/24. And then,...
Discovering the Paleo-Hebrew Gospel of Matthew
Discovering the Paleo-Hebrew MatthewPart One By Pamela GlasgowNEW [11/1/24]: Discovering the Hebrew Matthew Again YASHA’U spoke unto his students another vision, “The kingdom of Shamayam is similar to an A’dam who is going on a distant journey, and he calls out to...
New Release! Emerald Queen: The Tale of Teia Tephi
PURCHASE HERE: Emerald Queen: The Tale of Teia TephiIT'S official! 'Shelves of Shalom Publishing' has released its premiere book! 'Emerald Queen: The Tale of Teia Tephi' by author Jeniffer Hartz. TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology is pleased to be working with Shelves of...
Book Release! Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword
WE are pleased to announce our latest book release from Eliya Botha. 'Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword' is Eliyah's second publication with TUC. This one is the story of healing for the Spirit, Soul and Body, and, in Eliyah's words: "A journey of healing amidst the...
New Author! Our Interview With Jennifer Hartz
Our Interview with Jennifer Hartz By Jennifer HartzIf you’ve been following us at all, you might know that Jennifer Hartz is our Editor-in-Chief and now we’re posting an interview with her. How does that work? Is she interviewing herself? Is she talking to herself? Is...
Heidi: Revisiting an Old Classic with a Brand New Edition
Here at 'TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology', we are pleased to present a childhood classic, HEIDI. Our latest collection in children’s literature was lovingly edited by and was in fact a passion project of Rebecca Gould. Her attention to detail is aimed at giving a...
Giants In America: Newspaper Articles from the 19th and 20th Century
GIANTS IN AMERICA Newspapers of Our Realm: Volume I PURCHASE HERE ‘GIANTS IN AMERICA: Newspapers of Our Realm Volume I’ is a reproduced collection of the dozens of Newspaper articles deriving from the 19th and early 20th centuries, all of which describe the bones of...
Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood is here!
THE MUD Flood happened. But you knew that already. It means that His-Story as we know it is one big fat lie. I figure many to most of my readers have come to terms with that fact by now. The other thing that you're very likely aware of is that I've taken it a step...
The Lost World of A’dam and Eve
EXTRA-Biblical literature might as well be a pasttime of mine. As many to most of you know, I have devoted a great deal of my research and writing into comparing these sacred texts, seeing if the dueling pictures fit. Perhaps even strengthen the strokes of the pen in...
The Psalm Project: Psalm 24
A Mizmor of David Psalm 24 Of YAHUWAH Exists the earth: The ground, The continents, And the contents therein— The full number of them— Belong to Him. The inhabited lands And all those who dwell therein Are also His. For the firmly fixed Authority, Has placed...
The Psalm Project: Psalm 22
To the Preeminent Musician The Superintendent of Temple Services To be performed to “Hind of the Dawning Light” A Mizmor of David (Psalm 22) Eli, Eli! lamah a-zab-tani! My EL, My EL! Why did You let me go? Why did You desert me? I am cast away, Forsaken; Why are...
The Travels of Noah Into Europe
AN HISTORICAL TREATISE OF THE TRAVELS OF NOAH INTO EUROPE: Containing the first in-habitation and peopling thereof. As also a breif recapitulation of the Kings, Governors, and Rulers commanding in the same, even until the first building of Troy by Dardanus. Done into...
Enuma Elish (The Babylonian Epic of Creation)
Enuma Elish (The Babylonian Epic of Creation) Tablet I 1 When the heavens above did not exist, 2 And earth beneath had not come into being — 3 There was Apsû, the first in order, their begetter, 4 And demiurge Tia-mat, who gave birth to...
Eyewitness Testimony to The SEA-SERPENT | “Mystical Creatures,” Charles Gould (1886)
"On the dark bottom of the great salt lake Imprisoned lay the giant snake, With naught his sullen sleep to break." Poets of the North, Oelenschlaeger. THAT frank writer, Montaigne, says:— “Yet on the other side it is a sottish presumption to disdain and condemn that...