
Paul Taught Torah

Paul Taught Torah

CONTINUING with my 'Everybody in the Bible Taugt Torah, yes, Even Paul' series, we finally get around to the Apostle Paul. Or 'But Paul...' as his name is known within Christianity. Because you know, YAHAUAHA has these instructions in righteous living, and everyone in...

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The Sabbath Was Made for Man

The Sabbath Was Made for Man

HERE at TUC, we have been promoting the quest for Truth, that is, Biblical Truth, for a great many years. And as far as I'm concerned, there is no greater Truth that the Christian church needs to come to terms with and embrace but the Fourth Commandment, the Sabbath...

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R.I.P. Hal Lindsey, Go Meet God

R.I.P. Hal Lindsey, Go Meet God

NEW [11/29/24] Kingdomverse: R.I.P. Hal Lindsey "Go Meet God" JOIN us each week at TUC Discord 7pm EST for an in-depth community discussion. The topics are wide ranging and not censored by the constraints of social media outlets like YouTube. In this episode, we...

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Saint George and the Millennial Kingdom

Saint George and the Millennial Kingdom

IN my book, The Seven Thousand Year Timeline Deception, the subject of Saint George is something that I wanted to cover, but you know how those things go. Better late than never. Frankly though, the topic is so huge that it took a video. Many people have been...

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It’s Groundhog Day, Again

I NEARLY made a video yesterday talking about how today would be Groundhog Day but then decided I might as well just wait around until Groundhog Day to see what happens. Well, something happened. As I'm writing this, the day is only halfway over. More is developing....

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