I’M not through yet. There’s more to the time travel narrative in Scripture than I gave in the original iteration. I intended to get to the other details on the last go-around but ran out of time, no pun intended. So glad it didn’t collect dust in my to-do stack for three years, as is often the case. From what I can tell, there are three other notable examples of time travel in canonical Scripture. They involve Yochanon and Zakaryahu. That would be John and Zechariah in the English. When it came to Moshe, Eliyahu, and Mashiach, which I already covered, the implication was that Yahusha was YAHAUAHA whom they spoke with. Today’s discussion, however, may get even freakier. No, this isn’t a freakout, far from it. But then personal experience goes to show, depending upon who reads this, some may not tell the difference.
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Happy reading!
UPDATE 2/13/2024: Back To the Bible: Time Travel In Scripture
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