The Queen of Sheba, Mary Magdalene, and Lilith Connection

Mary Magdalene

BECAUSE I’m sure you all love a good connection or two, I’m giving you three of them. Actually, Sheba is not only connected with Lilith, her last known whereabouts makes even more stunning connections to the greater realm, particularly The Hidden Wilderness and Eden, all of which you can read here. The paper before you happens to be an expansion to ‘Mary Magdalene: Her Name Was Lilith,’ a reference to the demon that possessed her in ‘The Chosen.’ The discussion I’ve been having this week is in regard to Miryam of Migdol’s relationship with ‘Second Eve‘. So, there are many working parts and much to consider. Another element of this present investigation concerns the children of Lilith and parasites.

If you would like to read this article, then you can nab the full report in the PDF. Also, thanks for subscribing to my YouTube channel, The Unexpected Cosmology.

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Happy reading!