When we think of idols what usually comes to mind is the golden calf, asherah poles on the hills rising out of the mist, and the fiery furnaces of Moloch.
But, if we are really honest with ourselves, we can find little idols hiding in our lives, obscure and anything but obvious. And I don’t mean the little Buddha statue your great aunt has on a shelf amongst all her other knick-knacks – although that is one too.
What I’m talking about is anything that we rely on, care for or love more than YAHUAH, our Creator and heavenly Father.
Is YAHUAH your top priority or do other things come first in your life?
I know I’m often guilty of this. I find myself scrolling on Pinterest instead of reading my Bible, complaining to a friend instead of praying. Forgetting to tell Him how grateful I am for everything He has given me.
Do you make sure to “pray ceaselessly”, and study your Bible daily? Do you spend hours in front of the TV or lost in video games? Do you rely on your money or your job rather than relying on Him for provision? Are your family more important to you than your – and their – Creator?
Do we put our own wants above the needs of others or the commands of the Most High?
Can we give everything and anything in our lives up and follow Him?
Modern life has given us so many opportunities to become idolaters, and if we’re not very careful we will most assuredly fall into this trap!
Let’s take a look at what the Word can tell us about idols, and what YAHUAH thinks of them.
NEW [10/15/2023] The Idols We Keep
More in the series
[9/11/2023] Biblical Parenting
[8/18/2023] Being a Believer in Modern World Part: BLM & Racism
[7/22/2023] Biblical Masculinity
[6/27/2023] Biblical Womanhood
Being a Believer in Modern World
Blessings and Curses
How NOT To Show Him Love
Loving the Most High Part 2
Loving the Most High
Love Thy Neighbour: Part 2
Love Thy Neighbour
Biblical Food Laws
Keeping the Sabbath Day
Obedience and Why the Law of Yahuah Matters Today
Eliyah lives in South Africa with her husband and to two out-of-the-box children. As a daughter of Yah, her aim in life is to draw closer to The Most High, to learn about His Truths, to live life according to His will and to live it intentionally and meaningfully.
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