We are called by YAHUAH to live holy, set apart, and clean as far as possible. But what does being Biblically “clean” even mean, and how do we keep ourselves clean according to Scripture? Biblical cleanliness has to do with physical cleanliness, healthiness, being...
Torah 101
Living Biblically Clean: A Torah Beginners Guide
We are called by YAHUAH to live holy, set apart, and clean as far as possible. But what does being Biblically “clean” even mean, and how do we keep ourselves clean according to Scripture? Biblical cleanliness has to do with physical cleanliness, healthiness, being...
Biblical Finances: A Torah Beginners Guide
So many people, myself included, have struggled with their finances. There is so much contradicting advice about finances and business floating around these days, a lot of it can actually be harmful and get us into bad debt that is difficult to get out of again. A lot...
The Idols We Keep: A Torah Beginners Guide
When we think of idols what usually comes to mind is the golden calf, asherah poles on the hills rising out of the mist, and the fiery furnaces of Moloch. But, if we are really honest with ourselves, we can find little idols hiding in our lives, obscure and anything...
Biblical Parenting: A Torah Beginners Guide
There is so much parenting advice floating around these days. From pregnancy onwards, well-meaning friends and family feel the need to load you with all their opinions, advice and parenting hacks. From whether or not to vaccinate, to schooling options, what to wear,...
Black Lives Matter and the Question of Racism
Photo credit: Stephen VossIn South Africa where I’m from, one of the biggest issues that has plagued our country for decades now is racism. There is the issue of Apartheid, the segregation of black and coloured people. The country seemed to have broken free from the...
Toxic Masculinity and Feminist Men vs Biblical Masculinity
In our modern times, the very idea of what it is to be a man, and masculinity, is being attacked as much as true femininity. The idea of gender and sex has become an extremely controversial topic lately and it is important to understand, as believers, what the...
Feminism vs Biblical Womanhood: A Torah Beginners Guide
The world would have us believe that all women (and even men) need to be feminists – that we need to fight for women’s rights and equality, because, of course, there isn’t equality in Western society these days. We are told that women should have a career and...
Being a Believer in the Modern World: A Torah Beginners Guide
We are living in a time of great deception and iniquity, and as a people that keep the Torah of the Most High, and who believe in His Son Yahusha, it is our responsibility to speak the truth in love and to live our lives as an example to those around us. We are not to...
Blessings Or Curses: A Torah Beginners Guide
In the Bible we are told that we should choose between life and death, between blessing and curse. We can choose life and YAHUAH’s blessings by walking in His ways and keeping His commands. In doing so, we reject the curses that could come onto our lives. We choose...
How Not To Love Yahuah: A Torah Beginners Guide
Now that we have looked into why we should love our Creator and how He wants us to love Him, it’s time to have a look at what the Scriptures say about how we shouldn’t try to love Him. This can be a tricky one to get into, especially for those of us who grew up with...
Loving the Most High (Part 2): A Torah Beginners Guide
We have taken a look at who YAHUAH is, according to Scripture. We covered so much and yet we have only scratched the surface of the information we have about who exactly the Father is! And now that we have a better idea of His nature and character, it’s time to look...
Loving the Most High: A Torah Beginners Guide
Now that we have had a real in-depth look at how we should love our neighbour, I’d like to return to the most important of the commands – that we should love YAHUAH the Most High with everything that we have within us! But who is YAHUAH that we should love Him? Is He...
Baptism Begins: Our Daily Cleansing Rituals as Kingdom Priests
BELIEVE it or not, the present subject is a spinoff of my other research paper titled The Earth Is a Womb. I had begun talking about our two births, the second of which involves being born again, and how water can be applied to the both of them. Well, it got me...
Love Thy Neighbor (Part 2): A Torah Beginners Guide
A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17 If you have read my previous article on this subject, you will remember that Messiah Yahusha and His apostles were very clear on the subject of loving one another and how it is the second...
Love Thy Neighbor: A Torah Beginners Guide
The time we are living in is devoid of love. You will see false love abounding, a love that allows sinful living and idolatry. The church will often tell us that we “shouldn’t judge” and “only love” instead. We see flashy parades with six-coloured flags all over the...
Biblical Food Laws: A Torah Beginners Guide
Yahuah, in creating all the animals of the air, water and land of earth, knew the purposes of each creature and, in His wisdom, also knew which animals were fit to be eaten by His people. Some animals were created to be decomposers, filters or cleaners of the earth,...
Keeping the Sabbath Day: A Torah Beginners Guide
The Sabbath day was institute by Elohim (God) in the very week of Creation! He worked six days to create the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, and then He named the seventh day a day of rest, and set the example for us by resting Himself. Sabbath is an...
Obedience and Why the Law of Yahuah Matters Today: A Torah Beginners Guide
These days we are told that keeping the Torah is bondage, burdensome and even “spitting at the cross”. We are told that we should not be “under the Law” but rather “under grace”. I would like to present the idea that the Law of the Most High Elohim (God), Yahuah, is...
Hebrew 101: Learn the Hebrew Alphabet in 7 Easy Lessons
LEARNING Hebrew is easy. The hardest part is showing up. Here at The Unexpected Cosmology, we are pleased to offer the Biblical community a seven part crash course detailing the Hebrew alphabet. Give it a try. You might be surprised by what you will learn. I hope you...
How To Keep The Sabbath According To Scripture
Shabbat shalom from under the dome! One of the most frequently asked questions of new Torah Keepers is “how do I keep the Sabbath according to the Bible?” So what better place to start than Exodus 20:8-11 which reads as follows: Remember the day of the Shabbath, to...
What Does the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins Mean?
What does the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins mean? First of all, there needs to be an understanding of ancient Hebrew marriage customs. If you haven’t read my post outlining what the marriage customs were, go there now and read that. Hebrew...
Does Acts 15 Negate the Torah?
The apostles and elders, your brothers, To the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia: Greetings. 24 We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said. 25 So we all agreed to choose...
Should Christians Obey and Follow Torah?
Little children, let no man deceive you. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous 1 John 3:7 Q&A with Yeshua Q: Yeshua, in the beginning you co-authored “The Law” with our Father in Heaven, Yahuah. Is that right? Y: In the beginning was the...
Flat Earth Facts & The Bible As The Standard of Truth
Often times people are trying to understand what the Flat Earth model really is. It seems like the logical thing to do for someone who thinks the earth is flat. The problem is that we don't trust the scientific community enough to give us an accurate model in the...