RECENTLY, I brought on Jennifer Hartz to discuss her research into Teia Tephi, the Judean Princess and Queen of Ireland.In the instance that you were not aware, Jennifer is not only the Editor-In-Chief of 'Shelves of Shalom Publishing', she has in fact published the...
Guest Writer
What Does the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins Mean?
What does the parable of the wise and the foolish virgins mean? First of all, there needs to be an understanding of ancient Hebrew marriage customs. If you haven’t read my post outlining what the marriage customs were, go there now and read that. Hebrew...
Does Acts 15 Negate the Torah?
The apostles and elders, your brothers, To the Gentile believers in Antioch, Syria and Cilicia: Greetings. 24 We have heard that some went out from us without our authorization and disturbed you, troubling your minds by what they said. 25 So we all agreed to choose...
Should Christians Obey and Follow Torah?
Little children, let no man deceive you. He that doeth righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous 1 John 3:7 Q&A with Yeshua Q: Yeshua, in the beginning you co-authored “The Law” with our Father in Heaven, Yahuah. Is that right? Y: In the beginning was the...
Older Twins
Maybe I would just call it "Snickerdoodle Vomit". A light brown, sure—but I hadn't seen this exact color in such a large area before. I supposed that I've seen most colors, but when you define them down to a single number, it was somehow satisfying. I didn't...
Supply and Remand
Preface Around 1994 I began writing a series of ten books called: “Worlds Without End” and they were going to be just the thing to put me on the map. I had poured hours and months and years into a make-believe modified pinwheel galaxy eons from earth, far out...
Wheel Within a Wheel: YHUH’s Clock in the Heavenly Luminaries
This article is part 2 of the previous article, Wheel Within a Wheel, and is offered as a full study follow up to part 1 and the “big picture” overview of how the cycles of the luminaries work together as signs to mark the Time of YHUH’s Scriptural...
Wheel Within a Wheel: YHUH’s Clock in the Heavenly Luminaries
We begin here with part 1 of a 2 part presentation. I hope to engage both the well studied seeker and newly inspired novice alike, as well as to spark interest in those who have yet to consider these topics. This conceptual overview is followed by a full...
Moth Clan
The only time he saw the moth clan was in the night. It was always in the same room, a cottage style bedroom with only a small orange molded chair and a student’s desk against the wall. The walls were lime green on two sides and it was upstairs. He knew it was...
Let There Be Lights in the Firmament
A couple of years ago, I went for a camping holiday to North Norfolk (I live in England) where I was able to experience the great array of stars at night in an unadulterated way. This was a fabulous experience for me as a city dweller where so much of the night sky is...
Exploring Genesis Through Art
Back in 2017 I had what I might now acknowledge was divine inspiration to start painting and writing on the theme of Genesis Chapter One. I felt that any painting I created was something that I would give away rather than sell and, indeed, because the images often...
Escape from the North Country: The Second Exodus
“The woman fled into the wilderness, where God had prepared a place for her to be nourished for 1,260 days.” Revelation 12:6 Understanding the Time of Jacob's Trouble: Survival 101 For this presentation, I'll be discussing some interesting...
The Goat of Affliction
THE GOAT OF AFFLICTION (Yom Kippur, more than we’ve been told.) “For I have chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of YHWH by doing righteousness and justice, so that YHWH may bring upon Abraham what He has...
Zen Garcia Vs. Globe Earth: The Key to Unlocking the True Cosmology
From the time of my January 2015 Flat Earth awakening to the August 2017 "Globe Versus Flat Earth Debate" with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon—hosted by Stephen and Jana Ben-noon of Israeli News Live here in Atlanta, Georgia—I have published three books on biblical cosmology and...
John 3:16 – Everything You Need To Know
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” John 3:16. The world’s most popular verse concerning our messiah; but there is much more to this verse than meets the eye, and...
Polygyny According to the Word of YEHOVAH
The following is our understanding and belief of plural marriage as it is stated in Scripture. It will shock and anger most, challenge some, but our hope is that it may actually convince a few to look beyond their current understandings and beliefs of what our culture has commonly taught. We want to encourage you to put aside your biases, your current assumptions, and trust wholly on what the Scriptures actually say, be led by the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) and trust in the wisdom of יהוה.
How Much Did Your Truth Cost?
I had just gotten Toasty and Gondor some grass from outside; they hadn’t liked their new diet at all. It was healthier, but my boys just wanted to eat the junk cat food I found at the dollar store, instead of the healthier food that cost a little more. Silly cats...
The Tent of Appointed Times: Israel’s Clock, Calendar, and Compass
The last decade has not only seen its share of unique astronomical events—such as eclipse sets and prophetic planetary alignments in particular houses of the zodiac—it has also seen an exponential increase in public interest in the ancient Biblical calendar and return...
The Night Eyed
And so there I was, writing this story just after watching some videos of survival in the mountains and it occurred to me to involve cryptids. I guess, after writing my first novel: By the Gates of the Garden of Eden, it shouldn’t come as a shock to me that I wanted...
Flat Earth Facts & The Bible As The Standard of Truth
Often times people are trying to understand what the Flat Earth model really is. It seems like the logical thing to do for someone who thinks the earth is flat. The problem is that we don't trust the scientific community enough to give us an accurate model in the...
Modern Epistle 1: The First Letter of Pauly to the Americas
The story of the "Modern Epistle'' writing series began when I took a job delivering the local newspaper. Working in the middle of the night afforded me some small pleasures. During the day, I would write my novels, and at night, I'd drive around and throw papers out...
An Island at the End of Time
In Islamic eschatology, the return of Isa (Jesus) from the Fourth Heaven will be one of the great signs at the end of the age, after the “Antichrist” is released and before Gog and Magog are released. At the first writing of this piece, I had not put God into the...
The RIGHT HAND of YHWH is “Salvation”
To be CRYSTAL CLEAR right up front: I believe Yeshua/Jesus is God! Scripture clearly describes this (most directly in Jonn 1) and I believe it. YET, Yeshua/Jesus also CLEARLY stated over and over again (in many different ways) that He was NOT “co-equal” with the...
Ouesso to Epena
My first novel, By the Gates of the Garden of Eden, is a story about a University student who hitchhikes the last part of his summer vacation. He is kidnapped by large beings who turn out to be Krampus, and is forced to work in their mines, digging tunnels. Chaucer...
Peter’s Dream in Acts 10 Was Not About Animals
Oh how many times must we deal with the question of Peter’s dream in Acts 10? Seriously? This comes up over and over again. “But Peter’s dream…” they will say, usually followed by some justification for continuing to eat bacon (or other unclean “food”). OK. Let’s let...
The Autism Epidemic: Vaccines and Damaged Children
What is every parents dream? To have normal healthy children on that day of their birth. To teach them and raise them in their faith, their belief and their ideals. Strengthen them and laugh with them as they grow. To watch them grow into loving caring responsible...
Order Out of Chaos
The most secret knowledge, a science which outdates history, is the science of control over people, governments and civilizations. The foundation of this ultimate discipline is the control of wealth. Through the control of wealth comes the control of public...
Blood of the Pecos
It was ten thirty at night and things were pretty still at the Casey’s gas station in Brookston, Indiana. Jordan had gone to the men’s bathroom to clean up urine. Someone had peed in the corner instead of in the toilet. Gross, she sang. Super gross, she sang and...
The Problem with Armageddon: Is the Holy Land Really America?
A WEEK or two ago I published a paper by guest writer Christina Bosma, where-in she asserts the possibility that North America is the true location of ancient Israel, the land of our promised inheritance. As you will hopefully already deduce, I emphasis the word...
A Problem of Coffins
When the editor of my newest short story collection read “A Problem of Coffins” he remarked it was by far the most enjoyable thing that he had read that I had written. It came as quite a shock to me, because I never intended for it to be any good. It was simply an...