BELIEVE it or not, the present subject is a spinoff of my other research paper titled The Earth Is a Womb. I had begun talking about our two births, the second of which involves being born again, and how water can be applied to the both of them. Well, it got me...
The Angel She Desired
Serpent Seed: Were Cain and Abel Twins?
QAYIN is a literal son of HaSatan and there are multiple texts which outright claim him as one. You may be familiar with my work on this, but if not, don't sweat it. Follow the happy bunny PDF trail below and you'll get caught up to speed. The current draft is over...
The Only Begotten Daughter of Elohim (Part 2)
Part Five Diynah Married Her BrotherI KNOW I said no second witness would be given the last time around, but that’s only because I decided to go through with my findings, having neglected to comb every street corner or back alley of Scripture. It doesn’t mean the only...
The Only Begotten Daughter of Elohim
Part One Diynah Was RapedNOPE. Not a typo. That’s only-begotten daughter. Not click-bait either. Somebody really lost their marbles this time, you tell me, and it isn’t the person reading these words from your side of the computer screen. Sure, shoot the messenger,...
The Conquest of Serpent Seed: The Untold Story of the Immaculate Conception
AFTER giving this presentation on my Discord channel and then showing it off on YouTube land, I decided to make some edits to the PDF file. That's not unusual. I make changes to my articles all the time. This time however there was some confusion as to why I chose the...
Yahudah and Tamar and the Sons of Serpent Seed
K-I-S-S-I-N-G. That’s what Yahudah and Tamar were doing in the tree. Or rather, while sitting outside the city gate. I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if a tree was involved though. And anyways, if you thought the genealogy of Hagar and Eliezer were close calls,...
Nimrod’s Children: Eliezer (Steward of the Heavenly Kingdom)
IN the last All My Children paper, we ended on a soaring note. The dark side to the story is that Pharaoh of Egypt was a material son of Nimrod and also a Cain, which makes Pharaoh’s daughter Hagar, handmaiden of Sarah, another Cain. Both however worshiped...
Nimrod’s Children: Hagar (Handmaiden of Sarah, Princess of Egypt)
THAT is not to say Nimrod’s kingdom collapsed with Babel. Despite a confusion of tongues intended to handicap the first post-diluvian Emperor, he proved himself a survivor. Much like Ham his grandfather, Nimrod simply sired sons—any great number of little...
The Lost Plague of Egypt: Erectile Dysfunction
THE QUESTION which will soon be answered is how beautiful Abraham’s wife truly was. Sarah. Only then, and for the remainder of this paper, she was known as Sarai. Perhaps you have never thought to ponder her physical allure, and only imagined the first Hebrew...
The Many Wives of Noah: Who Actually Landed on the Ark?
22 And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-Qayin, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubal-Qayin was Na’amah. Bere’shiyth (Genesis) 4:22 [Cepher]KIND of a strange passage, don’t you think? Moshe goes out of his way to mention Na’amah as the...
The Birth of Noah: Man or Angel?
WOULDN’T you know it, even Noah may have been born of an immaculate conception. My latest discovery falls in the heels of a recent paper, The Once and Future Jerusalem. I will ask you to give it a read before venturing on, but as a refresher, we gleaned that the city...
Genesis 6: Sons of Seth or Sons of Elohim? (A New Perspective)
YOU sat in the office of your church pastor attempting to make a case for angels having sex with the daughters of men and then weaning hungry giant babies with them, but he wouldn’t hear of it. He paid for his indoctrination at the name of some random Masonic-Zionist...
The Feminine Holy Spirit Hovering Over the Waters of Creation
ROSE shaded glasses. That’s what any of this really comes down to. And Latin. My entire life I believed that the Ruach Ha-Qodesh was a dude, but only because I was told by the boys down at Seminary to read it that way—despite overwhelming evidence to the...
The Once and Future Jerusalem and the First Melchizedek
Part 1 The City of Enoch HE wasn’t Shem. A certain percentage of you were probably thinking I’d say the first Melchizedek was Shem—didn’t you? You're probably angry now. You’re fed up. For whatever reason you mistook me as the spokesman for your...
The Pre-Adamic Age (It’s a Biblical Thing)
5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the Word of Elohiym the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being...
Baptism Begins: How To Become a Priest in the Kingdom of Heaven
HERE’S what I had initially set out to do. Research and present my findings on baptism as something not so dissimilar from the ongoing ritualistic washing intended for holy living that we find in Torah. You see, after so many consecutive years of cyclically reading...
His Father’s Nakedness: The Curse of Ham Finally Explained
HAM had sex with his father's wife. There it is. Hopefully, you weren't drinking from a cup of coffee or chewing on an overpriced blueberry scone while reading that, as I would have either choked or spit up all over the computer screen. At any rate, you have...
The Earth Is a Womb
THERE. I said it. I confessed to everything before the inquisition could even begin. Already confused? It’s in the title. The Earth is a womb. From here on out, you’ll have to slap me silly just to shut me up. Despite that testimony you gave in the Baptist...
Lucifer, Father of Cain: Serpent Seed in the Targum
FOR ALL I know, Cain is outed as the literal son of Satan in multiple texts. But in this paper, I will only be dealing with the Aramaic Targum. That's all serpent seed really is. The doctrine tells us what we already know about the sons of Cain and the sons of...
The Gospel of the Kingdom as Found In the Targum
THE WORD gospel simply means “good news,” while kingdom directs us to the realm in which a sovereign king rules. Throughout Scripture, any attempt to wrestle the gospel into submission without a complimentary kingdom announcement will surely be frustrated, as...