YOU'RE in for a special treat because, hot off the press, we have not one but two brand new papers by TUC contributor Edgar D. Trollip. The first is the one you happened to have arrived at, The Sons of Elohim: From Heaven to Birth. It involves our divine origins, via...
Featured Guest Writer
The Resurrection of the Dead and the Dew of Heaven
YOU'RE in for a special treat because, hot off the press, we have not one but two brand new papers by TUC contributor Edgar D. Trollip. The first is the one you happened to have arrived at, The Dew of Heaven, gives a fresh perspective upon the resurrection of the...
Book Release! Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword
WE are pleased to announce our latest book release from Eliya Botha. 'Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword' is Eliyah's second publication with TUC. This one is the story of healing for the Spirit, Soul and Body, and, in Eliyah's words: "A journey of healing amidst the...
End of the Millennial Kingdom Clues: The Ball & Claw
About eight years ago, Carmen and I received a gift from a relative. It was two beautiful ball and claw lounge chairs. They had turquoise seat cushions that were slightly worn with some fine crafted motifs for the back splat. It was two furniture pieces we cherished...
Gold Mysteries and Satan’s Little Season
GOLD was a pretty big subject at school. Historically speaking, the excavations thereof had a significant impact on the formation of Southern Africa and the psyche of the people. I even remember school outings to Gold Reef City where a gold expert would tell you the...
Passover: The Unicorn and Sheol Exodus
He is the reason for the season. I am talking about the Pesach season if you were wondering. I was hoping to get this paper out before Pesach kicks off, however I might be a tad late on the early calendars. In the worst case it will be almost a year early for the 2025...
Door of gods
Door of gods By Pauly Hart Mid-March 2024PART 1"Please choose a door," the pulsing blue light said. "What?" I said out loud. "Any door?" "Yes," the blue light answered. It pulsed and quivered as it hovered behind the lectern… >>You mean a pulpit<< ...
Tales From a Shaman: The Giant Grandfather Bear and the Eagle Vision
Authentic shamanism is very rare. Unless there is tangible spiritual activity, practitioners are just going through the motions in hopes of experiencing anything spiritual or genuine in nature. As seen when the spiritual realm...
The Ark of the Covenant and Q: An Unexpected Rabbit Hole
We are in a theater, a play, where evil can be seen for what it is, but God is also seen in His grace and magnificence. ~ Juan O'SavinIt is time for the 9th article in this series. "About time!" you might exclaim. While I will concede that it has been a while, 11...
Let Us Make Man In Our Image
IT'S been far too long since Yvonne turned in her last article with TUC, but let's not focus on the glass half empty side of the equation. Fact of the matter is, she's turned in another one. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020,...
Four Inch Slump
Four Inch Slump By Pauly Hart Leap Day, 2024Recently, I’ve been writing The Unexpected Cosmology two stories per month. It's quite the thrill, setting out on a new adventure the first and 15th of each month for another mindbender. I think I’ve been willingly led into...
JohnQ Returns To TUC To Discuss ‘QAnon and the Millennial Kingdom’
In this video, JohnQAdams returns to The Unexpected Cosmology to discuss his latest book, 'Q and the Millennial Kingdom.' His book is based upon numerous articles which he published here, all of which detail the mud flood, Tartaria, Millennial Kingdom, and short...
The Arbiter of Beasts and the Keeper of the Wind
The Arbiter of Beasts and The Keeper of the Wind By Pauly Hart On the day of the celebration of Valentinus, Bishop of Rome 2024, Anno Domini The more I look, the more confused I become. I want to read a story with Angels as the protagonists and I’ve...
8 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know About Wisdom
It is truly shocking. I mean the way we have neglected her. How long does a lady need to be ignored before stepping out of the room? Not that she is impatient. In my weekly exploration through the Torah, I decided to include a heavy dose of wisdom literature. Wisdom...
Tales From a Shaman: The Floating Rifle
Authentic shamanism is very rare. Unless there is tangible spiritual activity, practitioners are just going through the motions in hopes of experiencing anything spiritual or genuine in nature as seen when the spiritual realm...
Blood Tar
Blood Tar by Pauly Hart Saturday, Janteenth, 2024 “Happy Janteenth!” Madison said to the bus-driver, who was black. She said it to all her black friends. Though in reality none of her friends were black, She knew black people, though, and she...
The Priesthood Precedes Aaron
I am not sure if the title is news to you. If my paper on the Torah preceding Moses did not bring it home that Yah’s Torah is eternal I am sure this one will. Now, there was somewhat of an omission on my part on the Torah preceding Moses-paper. Or maybe I just felt...
Living Biblically Clean: A Torah Beginners Guide
We are called by YAHUAH to live holy, set apart, and clean as far as possible. But what does being Biblically “clean” even mean, and how do we keep ourselves clean according to Scripture? Biblical cleanliness has to do with physical cleanliness, healthiness, being...
The [Loading] Screen
The [Loading] Screen by Pauly Hart With Editing assistance by Kim Gillham, Rebecca Gould, and Jennifer Hart 28th December, 2023It was only a matter of time until I sank into the lake of shit. I was in the upper pad, away from the main staging area, far...
Tales From a Shaman: The Mystical Shaking Tent
THE MYSTICAL SHAKING TENT The Shaking Tent is a very paranormal ceremony filled with unexplainable occurrences very few will ever see. A tall tubular structure is constructed using poles made from willow, averaging a height of around six feet; depending on the...
Tales From a Shaman: The Flying Eagle Wing
THE FLYING EAGLE WINGThis incident reinforced my belief in the authenticity of ceremony and its correlated paranormal and supernatural phenomena. At a certain juncture I was unsure if the strange manifestations I was witnessing were in fact real. I believed all that I...
Tales From a Shaman: When Death Came To Take Me
WHEN DEATH CAME TO TAKE METhis incident involves betrayal and deception; and possibly, in my opinion, attempted murder. It occurred in my days of practicing shamanism and acceptance of new age beliefs. I believed that certain...
Tales From a Shaman: Vision of the Giant Bears
THE VISION OF THE GIANT BEARSA vision is a gift that many medicine men seek to receive and will pursue many methods to earn one. This may include prayer and fasting, sweat lodges, and pipe ceremonies—walking a consistent path of...
Biblical Finances: A Torah Beginners Guide
So many people, myself included, have struggled with their finances. There is so much contradicting advice about finances and business floating around these days, a lot of it can actually be harmful and get us into bad debt that is difficult to get out of again. A lot...
The Idols We Keep: A Torah Beginners Guide
When we think of idols what usually comes to mind is the golden calf, asherah poles on the hills rising out of the mist, and the fiery furnaces of Moloch. But, if we are really honest with ourselves, we can find little idols hiding in our lives, obscure and anything...
Biblical Parenting: A Torah Beginners Guide
There is so much parenting advice floating around these days. From pregnancy onwards, well-meaning friends and family feel the need to load you with all their opinions, advice and parenting hacks. From whether or not to vaccinate, to schooling options, what to wear,...
Yom Kippur: The Jacob and Esau Connection
EDGAR Trollip's latest article involves Yom Kippur, also known as the Day of Atonement, which is one of Yahuah's feast days and a is intended as a holy day of affliction and self-humility. I won't give everything else away but as you can already tell by the title it...
Black Lives Matter and the Question of Racism
Photo credit: Stephen VossIn South Africa where I’m from, one of the biggest issues that has plagued our country for decades now is racism. There is the issue of Apartheid, the segregation of black and coloured people. The country seemed to have broken free from the...
The Divine, the Feline, and the Lake
THE DIVINE, THE FELINE, AND THE LAKEThe divine encounter I’m about to share had an impact on my life; it was a waking vision. I have told very few people as I’ve been reluctant due to the details and did not want to incur harsh judgment. Nonetheless, it must be...
The Torah Precedes Moses
The title might be fighting words for some. I don't apologize though. It is true. I recently heard a couple of Torah observant Christians debate the validity of the book of Jubilees. Now, I am not going to go through that here. However, I am going to zone in on one...