IT'S been far too long since Yvonne turned in her last article with TUC, but let's not focus on the glass half empty side of the equation. Fact of the matter is, she's turned in another one. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020,...
Creation Pen & Brush
YHWH Looks Down From the Firmament
I PROBABLY start out saying this every time but it's worth noting anyways. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020, which practically makes her a veteran around here. I had initially started following her work some years before that,...
And God called the Dry Land ‘Earth’
I PROBABLY start out saying this every time but it's worth noting anyways. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020, which practically makes her a veteran around here. I had initially started following her work some years before that,...
The Light is Good: YHWH made it!
I CHECKED. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020. That practically makes her a veteran around here. I had initially started following her work some years before that, but when finally asking her to contribute something, I had no idea...
The Light, and the Sun and the Moon IN the Firmament
I CHECKED. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020. That practically makes her a veteran around here. I had initially started following her work some years before that, but when finally asking her to contribute something, I had no idea...
Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, Part Two
This is a follow up from my last post on the firmament and what this structure appears to be made from. In that post I suggested there are two possible elements: glass with an extremely high melting point and super-cool ice with unexplained vaporising qualities. I...
Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters
I have written quite a few posts on the firmament which YHWH created on Day Two of Creation and I know that many readers have been interested in these posts. I have accumulated some very interesting information pertaining to the firmament which I would like to...
The Firmament of the Heavens Stands on Pillars
I have written a few posts which mention the firmament or the dome or the raqia which YHWH placed above the earth as described in Genesis, and it is time for us to explore this further. Genesis1 v 6-8 reads: 6 Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of...
Indicator to YHWH’s Throne – Mount Meru
For the last six posts I have been writing all about the stars and really that was quite a bit for you to digest. You will be happy to find that this post is going in a slightly different direction and while it does allude to a star, we are now seeking a mountain. In...
Heavenly Luminaries as Indicators and Witnesses
Just a warning from the start. This post will be continuing my theme on stars. I have previously mentioned that this is a deep rabbit-hole, but there will be some respite as I skirt over the moon and sun. (This is where I would insert a smiley face, but we are too...
Stars, Angels and Portents
If you have read my previous articles here on the Unexpected Cosmology, you will know by now that I have an insatiable desire to research Yah’s cosmology particularly in relation to the stars/luminaries. If this is your first experience of my writing, then I suppose...
Stars, Sun and Moon
Sitting in St Mary the Great Church, Cambridge (England, UK) a couple of years ago, I noticed an inscribed window which said: “Seek him that made the seven stars and orion,” which is a verse from Amos (5:8). YHWH made the stars, as my last few posts have discussed,...
For Signs and Seasons and the Falling Stars
A couple of summers ago, on two very different dark nights, I was able to view the Milky Way Dark Rift for the first time. This was something achieved quite late in my life because it is only really in the last five years that I have begun to explore YHWH’s creation...
Let There Be Lights in the Firmament
A couple of years ago, I went for a camping holiday to North Norfolk (I live in England) where I was able to experience the great array of stars at night in an unadulterated way. This was a fabulous experience for me as a city dweller where so much of the night sky is...
Exploring Genesis Through Art
Back in 2017 I had what I might now acknowledge was divine inspiration to start painting and writing on the theme of Genesis Chapter One. I felt that any painting I created was something that I would give away rather than sell and, indeed, because the images often...