Noel Joshua Hadley

The Apocalypse of Thomas

PDF: The Apocalypse of ThomasHERE begins the epistle of Adonai unto Ta’om. Hear thou, Ta’om, the things which must come to pass in the last times: there shall be famine and war and earthquakes in divers places, snow and ice and great drought shall there be and many...

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The Hidden Wilderness and Paul

UNCOVERING ancient texts which describe the hidden wilderness isn’t exactly easy. It’s not like I can go to my local library and thumb through books on the subject in the catalogue cards. Globe earth has done its work on our post mud-flood consciousness, clearly, as...

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The Vision of Paul

The Vision of PaulHere Begins the Vision of Pa’al the Apostle. 1 At what time was this revelation made? In the consulship of TheodosiusAugustus the Younger and Cynegius, a certain nobleman then living in Tarsus, in the house which was that of Saint Pa’al, an angel...

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Tammuz: Son of Nimrod

I CALL him the Son of Nimrod despite there being three other potential Nimrod’s because I consider him to be the fourth and last Nimrod. It will ultimately be up to you to decide who the most important of the Nimrods are, though it is the final Nimrod, the infant,...

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The Fake Russo-Ukrainian War

THEY did it. They actually went and did it. They went and pushed the button, the BIG RED BUTTON, and then convinced the vaccine people to follow their News cameras into the neighborhood of make-believe. I knew the Russo-Ukrainian War or whatever Illuminati history...

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The Preexistence of Righteous Souls

THE part about the preexistence of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach is an obvious one but I’m going to start out telling you about his longstanding before the Father of ruachoth anyways. After going on and on about the preexistence of literally everyone, including you and me, most...

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