WHENEVER anyone thinks of Gilgamesh, they usually refer to ‘The Epic of Gilgamesh’, but I’m not talking about that Gilgamesh quite yet. Admit it. You were thinking about that one, weren’t you? No, the subject of this paper details the multiple lives of you-know-who. And seeing as how the joint identity of he and the giant from Uruk are so often contemplated upon, I thought you should know there is an older Gilgamesh to be found in the papyrus. A pre-diluvian Gilgamesh. A giant who in all probability was so large that the Gilgamesh of Uruk would have been but a grasshopper to him. Also, I am suggesting that they are both the same person, er, entity or whatever. The pre-diluvian Gilgamesh and the post-diluvian one. I will ask you to withhold your questions until the end.
This is a continuation and latest addition to my report, The Many Lives of Nimrod. You can read the entirety in the link below.
PDF [UPDATE]: The Many Lives of Nimrod: Will the Real Gilgamesh Please Stand Up?
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