THE BRILLIANCE of PBS is its constant reminder that the arts need our financial support in order to survive. This is no doubt intended to gain our sympathies and draw us into the illusion of free agency when in fact everything is scripted. On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers...
New Age
Unicorns Everywhere | The Horn as a Symbol for Sexual & Third-Eye Awakening
MY WIFE has a working theory that Hadley men are incapable of creating women. This is undoubtedly due to her careful observation that several generations of the Hadley family tree have only produced a lineage of sons. We’ve looked. We cannot find a natural born female...
The Watchers of Enoch Have Been Released From Prison, and They’re Lying to Us About Everything
THE WATCHERS STOOD BACK and observed their loved ones, the giants whom they had begotten with the daughters of men, kill each other off in a war of the Titans, and then Yahuah bound them under the hills and the valleys of the earth, where they were to remain in total...
Luciferase: Quantum Dot Tattoo & the Seething Energies of the Light-Bearer
Luciferase. Learn the name. You can forget all about buying and selling. Because once they inject this thing into your hand, you won’t be able to climb into a car, much less walk down the street, without getting tagged. Mm-hmm, you heard me. It's humorous, but not at...
Coronavirus Cosmology: A Never Ending Pandemic (Staring the Ouroboros)
THE HEBREWS SAW TIME AS LINEAR. Contrary religions surrounding Canaan did not. For the Hebrew, there was a beginning (creation), a middle (Messiah), and an end (apocalypse, and again, Messiah). Some will argue against this point, and to be clear, I understand...
Sex. Contraceptives. Abortion. Magical Ceremony. Agenda 2030.
LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX. —because everybody's favorite computer nerd wants to spice up your bedroom life. As part of his awe-inspiring ID 2020 project, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is developing a tiny drug delivery chip that works as a contraceptive agent. Birth...
Torah or Talmud? (Christ & Antichrist Made Flesh)
There’s an ongoing debate regarding whether or not Scripture prophesies an end-times antichrist. Now, if we’re going merely by “canon,” I suppose an argument can be made either way. Yea or nay. I can see both sides. Feel free to post your reasons. I think everyone can...
Finger. Cut. Eat the Pain. Microsoft. Mark.
Given Microsoft's recent commercial featuring spirit cooker Marina Abramovic, I couldn't help but take special notice of this headline on DRUDGE REPORT. If you recall, Abramovic blended menstrual blood, breast milk, urine, and sperm into a paint mixture, and then...
“As in the days of Noah…” | Pandemic, Life-Giving Idol, & Performance Witchcraft
Virtue signaling gone wild. I’m willing to bet the vast majority of people out there who are emotionally wrung over the COVID-19 psycho-drama and pointing out their own humility by spouting off such mantras as “STAY HOME, SAVE LIVES,” are the very same individuals...
One World Order & the Grand Initiation (Alchemy of the Mind)
Let's pull back the curtain and take a peek. If the world worked merely on personal merit, then George W. Bush would have been a shoe salesman in Foot Locker rather than a two-time frat boy of both Yale and Harvard University. No offense to shoe salesmen. But when it...
We Need to Rewrite History in Light of Saint Germain | NESARA & the “Global” Illuminati Initiation
After "they" use COVID-19 to crash the world economies, there's a likelihood that we'll witness either a total financial reset or a bailout of Biblical proportions. And there's good reason to think they'll use the Saint Germain Trust Fund to do it. I confess, Saint...
Can the Pineal Gland Be Trusted? | Our Spiritual “Third Eye” in Conflict with the Guiding Light of God’s Word
CAN THE PINEAL GLAND BE TRUSTED, or does our “third-eye” beguile us with a most peculiar yet enchanting entrapment? That we should play the game of peek-a-boo beyond the cosmic curtain, complete with spectacular visions or voices of otherworldly inhabitants, is...
The Double-Helix Drug of Choice | Unseen Worlds & Close Encounters of the Molecular Kind in Inner + Outer Space
THE TRAGIC HISTORY OF HUMANITY IS BEST TOLD in shadow as often as it is rehearsed in light. I have made my position known. Jesus is the light. There is no other illuminating truth on Earth but the Word of God alone, and I shall neither bend to the left nor the right...
The Molecular Path to Shamanism | Watson, Crick and the Double-Helix Deception
Introduction: Discovering Château de Chambord SOMETIMES we hear someone say something and we almost fall out of our chair. This was sort of like that. Only it wasn’t a chair that I almost fell out of—but a staircase. Two of them, actually. The staircase duo in...