SOMETIMES WE HEAR someone say something and we almost fall out of our chair. This was sort of like that. Only it wasn’t a chair that I almost fell out of—but a staircase. Two of them, actually. The staircase duo in question can be found at Château de Chambord in the...
The Watchers of Enoch Have Been Released From Prison, and They’re Lying to Us About Everything
THE WATCHERS STOOD BACK and observed their loved ones, the giants whom they had begotten with the daughters of men, kill each other off in a war of the Titans, and then Yahuah bound them under the hills and the valleys of the earth, where they were to remain in total...
Luciferase: Quantum Dot Tattoo & the Seething Energies of the Light-Bearer
Luciferase. Learn the name. You can forget all about buying and selling. Because once they inject this thing into your hand, you won’t be able to climb into a car, much less walk down the street, without getting tagged. Mm-hmm, you heard me. It's humorous, but not at...
Clean Meat Is Nephilim Meat | Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Tyson Foods, & the Globalist Agenda
Mm-hmm, 900 workers at a Tyson Food plant in Indiana test positive for COVID-19. How convenient. With plant closures across America, farmers are no longer able to sell their stock on the market. Millions of animals are being slaughtered and then disposed of while...
Coronavirus: It’s Phase 2, and Nothing’s Going Back to Normal
Covid-19 is a mild flu —at best. Meanwhile, guy dies of a heart attack, mark it down as COVID. Kidney failure—COVID. Leukemia, must have died of COVID. Baby dies in childbirth. COVID again. Everyone’s apparently dying of little to nothing else but the coronavirus. And...
Sex. Contraceptives. Abortion. Magical Ceremony. Agenda 2030.
LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX. —because everybody's favorite computer nerd wants to spice up your bedroom life. As part of his awe-inspiring ID 2020 project, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is developing a tiny drug delivery chip that works as a contraceptive agent. Birth...
Mutation Happens | JASHER & the Final Push Towards Transhumanism
THE PLOT THICKENS. And it involves pig-men. I think. A coronavirus strain in India has reportedly mutated (I know), and may in fact render the worldwide race for a vaccine worthless (I know). Without going into too many details, "researchers" are learning that the...
060606 | Cryptocurrency “Cha-Ching-Ching!”
Hopefully we're all aware by this point that Bill Gates ID2020 is being referred to as a "Certification Mark." Need we read that again? Certification Mark. Another coincidence, you say? Sigh. So, here's another Microsoft backed bio-metric implant to add to that...
Finger. Cut. Eat the Pain. Microsoft. Mark.
Given Microsoft's recent commercial featuring spirit cooker Marina Abramovic, I couldn't help but take special notice of this headline on DRUDGE REPORT. If you recall, Abramovic blended menstrual blood, breast milk, urine, and sperm into a paint mixture, and then...
Bill Gates, Marina Abramovic, & Techno Wizardry at Its BEAST
And there it is. For anyone paying attention, the Wizard of Oz just totally exposed himself. Microsoft’s co-founder. Bill Gates. He’s a wizard. He’s a wizard. And in case you missed that. HE’S A WIZARD! Meanwhile, I’m encountering individuals who are justifying why...
COVID-19 and the Race to a Cure (Hideous Sores of Revelation 16)
There is a race right now—a mad dash—to be the first investor to successfully come up with a vaccine for the coronavirus. Why? All indications point to the fact that this is going to be a government mandated vaccine for every man, woman, child, and baby in the world....
We Need to Rewrite History in Light of Saint Germain | NESARA & the “Global” Illuminati Initiation
After "they" use COVID-19 to crash the world economies, there's a likelihood that we'll witness either a total financial reset or a bailout of Biblical proportions. And there's good reason to think they'll use the Saint Germain Trust Fund to do it. I confess, Saint...