“I don’t believe in Beatles. I just believe in me. Yoko and me. The dream is over.” . John Lennon THE WIFE was away in California visiting her sister and the thought occurred to me to give Netflix the old college try—again. You probably needn’t pull out...
Milk a Tate for Everything It’s Worth: The Patti Tate Hoax
“Sometimes you just have to turn shit into ice cream.” Doris Tate TAKE AWAY a writer’s pen, send him walking in any given direction into the wilderness, and should he stub his toe on a suspiciously placed rock, his job remains the same. He will dig at...
American Theater: The Manson Murder Trial Was a Hoax
“I can't judge any of you. I have no malice against you and no ribbons for you. But I think that it is high time that you all start looking at yourselves, and judging the lie that you live in.” Charles Manson APOLOGIES IF you thought this would be a one...
Spahn Ranch: Remember When Charles Manson Lived On a Movie Set?
“Total paranoia is just total awareness.” . Charles Manson WHEN THE FAMILY said, let's go Creepy Crawling, they were referring to a game which involved sneaking into people's homes at night and rearranging their furniture while they slept. Sure, the Manson's...
10050 Cielo Drive: The House that Sharon Tate Was Murdered In Was a Movie Set
MANY ATTRIBUTE the creation of the miniskirt and hotpants to London-based mod fashion designer Mary Quant. The point I am trying to make here is that Sharon Tate had the legs that both pieces of fabric were imagined for. In 1969, at 26 years of age, the...
Roman Polanski Never Received Directing Credit for the Manson Murders
A FILM STUDIO and a director were needed for the Apollo 11 moon landing. Langley found them in Walt Disney and Stanley Kubrick and three actors named Michael Collins, Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin. It was 1969. Nixon had only recently become president. That...
Even The Beach Boys Were In On It
THE MOVIE BEGINS with the fake story of a rock n' roll drummer in a convertible and two bombshell hippie hitchhikers by the side of the road. The year is 1968. Beach Boy Dennis Wilson is only recently divorced from his first wife, Carol Freeman, and living the...
From JFK to Jonestown: Nobody Drank the Kool-Aid
CAN YOU believe it? Writers block. It happens to all of us. I woke up at five this morning and set up shop at the keyboard but struggled for hours to move beyond the title, Nobody Drank the Kool-Aid. Mostly, I just sat here thinking about the temperature in Guyana...
From JFK to Jonestown: The Haight-Ashbury MK-Ultra Connection
I THOUGHT it might be a good idea to give the U.S. Constitution another good read, because really, you never know. I may have been lied to about that in school, right alongside the moon landings and the shape of the earth. I checked. Mr. Rupert was right, but just not...
The Mamas and The Papas Were Spooks
BELIEVE IT or not, this paper is intended as a prelude to the Manson family murder hoax. What you are currently reading came about on the mere basis that I decided to do some digging into the Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski movie set house, and far too many...
Elvis Gave Up Rock N’ Roll for the Gospel: The Art of Psychodrama
First Act: The Disappearing Trick READERS SEND me bizarre researching tips all the time. Had they not, I suppose articles like this would not be possible. For example, I was sitting here staring at the swamp water outside my window, just minding my own...
The Walrus Was Paul: Mk-Ultra and the Beatles
“I am who I was once I am as you see You make it make sense now” —Mark Staycer PAUL IS DEAD. No—that’s not a typo. What you just read is one of the oldest “conspiracies” still readily available or discussed among theorists today. The foundation of its argument...
The Space Hoax Arrives at Walt Disney World
Ah, 2020. That was the year when the United States Corporate government locked us up in our homes and then told us not to go outside unless it was to wear a three-ply re-education mask and then express white guilt by taking part in a local George Soros sponsored...
50 Years Later, the Truth About Woodstock Is Still Being Hidden
THE BRILLIANCE of PBS is its constant reminder that the arts need our financial support in order to survive. This is no doubt intended to gain our sympathies and draw us into the illusion of free agency when in fact everything is scripted. On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers...
Where Shel Silverstein’s Sidewalk Begins & Playboy’s Poet Ends
IF YOU grew up in Los Angeles, then you probably won't dispute the purported fact that everyone's an actor, a writer, an artist, or a musician. And if not, then they know somebody who is. A fair bet says their mom even took at trip to Woodstock once. At least, she...
The “CIA” in “ART” | Jackson Pollock & the Spooks of Abstract Expressionism
FOR MUCH of 2017, my wife and I were living in Canada. Voluntarily. And it was in one city or another that I noticed something. Rainbow crosswalks. We’re talking the sort of colored variety which involves the number 6. LGBTQ likes to deal in shades of 6. Canadians...
The First Hippie Shall Be the Last | Charlie Manson, Meet Vito and the Freaks
. I WAS SNOOPING around Wikipedia the other day and completely disappointed to find that it has very little to say on Vito and the Freaks. Sure, Vito Paulekas has a Wiki article, but it’s only three paragraphs long. Elsewhere, he’s practically non-existent on the web....
Will the Real Jim Morrison Please Stand Up? (And Something About the Gulf of Tonkin Hoax)
IT IS the first week of August, 1964, and US warships under the command of Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. The event will demand the immediate passing of the Tonkin Gulf Resolution by the US...
How the CIA Created the Magic of Walt Disney World
TO THIS very day, the Walt Disney Company has made a point of selling you on Uncle Walt’s clever acquiring of Walt Disney World in Orlando Florida without unveiling precisely how the bunny was pulled from the hat, and more importantly, for what purposes. Wikipedia and...
John Lennon Lives | The Day MK-Ultra Created a Beatles Impersonator
“I am who I was once I am as you see You make it make sense now” —Mark Staycer JOHN LENNON is still alive. He probably just doesn’t realize it yet. This is perhaps due to a dissociative identity disorder. Though the Beatle likely struggled his entire life with mental...
They Call Her the Black Dahlia | Secret Societies, Mk-Ultra, Stanley Kubrick, & Hollywood Sex Cults
THE WRITER WITHOUT HANDS GEORGE DEVORE WAS DRIVING through the Mojave Desert, having just completed his latest script, The Big Steal. The successful Hollywood screenwriter was known for such films as Time Cop with Jean-Claude Van Damme and Raw Deal with Arnold...