The Unexpected Cosmology

The Targum or Masoretic? 25 Fascinating Differences in Genesis 1-6 - WE HAVE already established by this point that, when it comes to the Hebrew Masoretic Text, the Greek Septuagint is an entire millennia its elder. But here is what we have not yet covered: so is the Targum. If you are unfamiliar with the Targum, and most probably are, it’s the Aramaic Torah. Or the Hebrew […]

The Book of Enoch Audio Drama -   Releasing the Book of Enoch audio drama has been a long-awaited moment for me. The Audio production was an idea I had several years ago—one finally realized during my time working for NYSTV last year. Though completed back in December 2019, it was a mostly buried project until I finally received permission to release […]

Zen Garcia Vs. Globe Earth: The Key to Unlocking the True Cosmology - From the time of my January 2015 Flat Earth awakening to the August 2017 “Globe Versus Flat Earth Debate” with Dr. Stephen Pidgeon—hosted by Stephen and Jana Ben-noon of Israeli News Live here in Atlanta, Georgia—I have published three books on biblical cosmology and the structure of the world. 1) Flat Earth As Key to […]

The Lost World of the Mud Flood: Fallen Women, Foundlings, and the 19th-Century Human Reset - PDF [UPDATE]: Children of the Mud Flood [12/1/2022: I’m keeping the original article below but I highly recommend the PDF update instead. At present, I’ve taked on another 30 pages or so of information. I cover the orphan train as well as the incubator babies and the original cabbage patch babies, but also, the return […]

The Mud Flood Happened: Coming to Terms With the Human Reset - THE MUD flood happened. Best to come to terms with that fact now. For the remainder of this read, I am more than happy to play the part of the tour guide and show you the hidden reality buried beneath us. You have been warned though. The implications are glaring. We have been lied to, […]

The Watchers of Enoch Have Been Released From Prison, and They’re Lying to Us About Everything - THE WATCHERS STOOD BACK and observed their loved ones, the giants whom they had begotten with the daughters of men, kill each other off in a war of the Titans, and then Yahuah bound them under the hills and the valleys of the earth, where they were to remain in total darkness for seventy generations. […]

“These Are the Generations Of….” Genesis Was Written by Moses (and as Many as 20 Different Authors) - I no longer believe that Moses exclusively authored Genesis. I’ll wait. Somebody is undoubtedly writing me a letter at this very moment—or informing social media. All caps. NOEL HAS FALLEN FROM GRACE!!! Still reading? Good— Because Genesis is a biography. There are precisely four official gospels of Yahshua. Matthew. Mark. Luke. John. Each tells the […]

Sex. Contraceptives. Abortion. Magical Ceremony. Agenda 2030. - LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX. —because everybody’s favorite computer nerd wants to spice up your bedroom life. As part of his awe-inspiring ID 2020 project, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is developing a tiny drug delivery chip that works as a contraceptive agent. Birth control.

Mutation Happens | JASHER & the Final Push Towards Transhumanism - THE PLOT THICKENS. And it involves pig-men. I think. A coronavirus strain in India has reportedly mutated (I know), and may in fact render the worldwide race for a vaccine worthless (I know). Without going into too many details, “researchers” are learning that the reported mutation is due to the spike protein that allows the […]

They’re Buried under Them Hills | Long Skulls, Bigfoot & the Bad People (an Interview with Joe Taylor) - IF THERE WAS EVER A TIME AND PLACE to pick up a book, it was the 1960’s in Greenwich Village. Joe Taylor grew up on the Bible. His dad was a minister, and his grandfathers were deacons, the results of which garnished him with a thorough New and Old Testament education. And then one day […]