Every generation occupies itself with interpreting Trickster anew. Paul Radin Pedigree Has a Name EVERY WEEK I have the habit of turning out a new paper. And then Friday rolls along, and I'll ask myself (having already pushed the publish button) if I...
The Mystery Religion
The Man In Marilyn Monroe
"...old Jack magic had them in its spell That old Jack magic that he weaves so well..." . Frank Sinatra NOBODY KNEW they were living in Camelot until it was over. And that is because the story was spun only after its king had departed from the world stage land...
The Atomic Bomb Was a Hoax: Trinity Alchemists Exposed
THE ELDERS of Zion needed their Zionist State, and wouldn’t you know it, a Second World War had already been offered up on the menu. It’s all too convenient. But to pull it off, because why waste a good psyop on one meal when you can milk the cow for decades, they...
Marie-Curie & the Crossroads of Mercury
"Be less curious about people and more-curious about ideas." Madame Marie Curie GREAT MEN are selected. Women too. That's just the way of it. It's how the flat, motionless world spins on its axis. No, I am not bitter. Mind you, we are still dealing with the children...
Enuma Elish (The Babylonian Epic of Creation)
Enuma Elish (The Babylonian Epic of Creation) Tablet I 1 When the heavens above did not exist, 2 And earth beneath had not come into being — 3 There was Apsû, the first in order, their begetter, 4 And demiurge Tia-mat, who gave birth to...
The Sacred Geometry of Baseball: A Masonic Ritual
AN ARTICLE on baseball would never be complete without mention of my father. I don't know why. Perhaps this is another shrink issue and I should altogether stop writing articles on my hangups over the fact that we're being lied to about everything. Sure, he took me to...
The Problem with Stonehenge: History Is a Hoax
THE RAIN wet our faces like every other day in Scotland and Ireland or practically anywhere else in the United Kingdom. Such were the weekly weather reports. Rain. Rain. Chances of rain. Probable rain. Definite rain. Keep your boots on rain. So I guess you could say I...
Counterfeit Pentecost: Origins of the Tongue-Speak Deception
EVER SINCE first writing this article some two year ago, and then others like it, Pentecostals and Charismatics alike have protested my outing Charles Fox Parham as a Freemason on the basis that he was apparently no longer attending the local lodge when he started his...
Pinocchio Is Dead: The Meaning of Life According to Alchemy
ANOTHER THING that recently came to my attention, and this surprised me, was the number of home school parents who read my work. Perhaps I didn't frame that quite right. Let's try this again. They read my work to their home schooled children as an added bonus to their...
Raise Your Child In Freemasonry with the Boy Scouts of America!
THE CLOSEST example that I could come up with is in the opening segment of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. 'It's kind of a western,' I thought to myself, 'in so much as it takes place in the American West, despite the fact that Boy Scouts fill each frame.' If...
The Wizard of Trump: Humanities Great Awakening Is Finally Happening
MARINA ABRAMOVIC & THE MAGICIAN. IT HAPPENED like this. Marina Abramovic was visiting with shamans in Finnish Lapland, presumably in 2016, when one of them explained to her the purpose of the Trump presidency. They had gotten together in ritualistic...
Attack & Dethrone God: The Esoteric Reality of the World We Live In
HOW DO YOU SPELL SIR WINSTON CHURCHILL? THE STATUE of Sir Winston Churchill is under siege in London by brainwashed zombies wearing Langley approved re-education masks, and just like that, snap, Winston Churchill's image goes missing from Google. I'm only a...
The Space Hoax Arrives at Walt Disney World
Ah, 2020. That was the year when the United States Corporate government locked us up in our homes and then told us not to go outside unless it was to wear a three-ply re-education mask and then express white guilt by taking part in a local George Soros sponsored...
Origins of Our Weekly Calendar (Brought to You by Mystery Babylon)
I GUESS you could say this is sort-of a follow up to my recent paper, “92 Million Miles Around the Sun: The Dark Origin of Birthday Candles.” What I’m about to flesh out was already part of a social media discussion not so long ago, and as one might suspect, righteous...
50 Years Later, the Truth About Woodstock Is Still Being Hidden
THE BRILLIANCE of PBS is its constant reminder that the arts need our financial support in order to survive. This is no doubt intended to gain our sympathies and draw us into the illusion of free agency when in fact everything is scripted. On May 1, 1969, Fred Rogers...
92 Million Miles Around the Sun: The Dark Origin of Birthday Candles
ATHEISTS HATE articles like this. I have the habit of sticking my nose in all the wrong places. I just can’t help myself. Take my junk drawer, for example. Too many rubber bands and uncharged batteries and not enough Chinese food menus. Most people feel accomplished...
I Do Not Believe in the 1901 Pan-American Exposition
SEVERAL NIGHTS of good conversation and beer at the 2019 Flat Earth International Conference in Dallas finally led me to begin looking into the mud flood theory. Just so we’re clear, I knew only so much on the subject as to begin my investigation with a keyword...
The Druidic Mysteries of Pooh: The Honey Tree as Knowledge of the Divine
YOU DIDN'T think I would do it. Bill Gates, Lady Gaga, Saint Augustine, sure. But Pooh—never. I wouldn’t dare touch Pooh, you said. Silly old bear. This time I’ve gone too far. It took Walt Disney twenty years to doggedly chase down the rights to Mary Poppins. He...
The Shroud of Turin & the Last Templar: The Man Inside Is King Arthur
AND THEN one day it occurred to me. Practically every portrait of Jesus in art resembles the image of the human figure in the Shroud of Turin. Some will tell me his likeness is based upon Caesar Borgia, but I fail to see the resemblance. That is another argument...
Everything You Need to Know About the Tom Cruise Space Movie
STOP QUOTING from Anton LaVey in order to prove your point. I am fatigued of hearing his stupid quotes, and it has little to do with the fact that he’s a self-declared Satanist. Anton LaVey is nothing less than a spook. At best he’s a detour. It’s actually difficult...
Muhammad, Servant of Rome: Christianity and Islam as the Two Pillars of Freemasonry
I love WIKIPEDIA. Pick an article. Practically any article. Reading Wikipedia is like watching the official narrative perform mental acrobatics, complete with barking seals and fiery hoops, all in hopes of telling the psycho-dramatic hoax that is history and...
Origins of the Christian Steeple (Brought to You by Rome and the Mysteries of Isis)
MAYBE I’M JUST talking to myself at this point. I’m simply a researcher. I started this website five years ago in order to present my findings. Back then—in 2015, the talk of the town was Jade Helm and martial law and, as an added bonus, something about how satellites...
Origins of the Christian Trinity (Brought to You by Plato, Egypt, and Mystery Babylon)
THERE ARE no street signs among the floating villages of the Tonle Sap. You’ll find them on the road to Angkor Watt—a several hour journey by boat. At twenty years of age, I was barely a man and already disoriented by it all. In Phenom Penh, crocodile tastes like...
Jesus Did Not Die on a Cross. He Was Hung From a Tree. (The Reason Why Is Important.)
YAHUSHA DID NOT die on a cross. Let’s get our facts straight. He was hung on a tree. What’s the difference—you ask? The cross originated in the Babylonian Mystery religion and tells the cyclic story of Tammuz. Nimrod’s son. The story of Nimrod and Semiramis and Tammuz...
Unicorns Everywhere | The Horn as a Symbol for Sexual & Third-Eye Awakening
MY WIFE has a working theory that Hadley men are incapable of creating women. This is undoubtedly due to her careful observation that several generations of the Hadley family tree have only produced a lineage of sons. We’ve looked. We cannot find a natural born female...
The Copernican Revolution Was a Hoax (Also, Marie Antoinette’s Love of Pinecones Discussed)
MARIE ANTOINETTE had a thing for pinecones. I can’t blame her. Some girls like shoes. Others unicorns. I actually know very little about Marie Antoinette. But that’s probably because I’m a guy. And also, because there’s nothing quite like a finely preserved vase from...
The Tower of Babel Is a Coiled Double-Helix | Michelangelo’s Trans-humanism at Chateau de Chambord
SOMETIMES WE HEAR someone say something and we almost fall out of our chair. This was sort of like that. Only it wasn’t a chair that I almost fell out of—but a staircase. Two of them, actually. The staircase duo in question can be found at Château de Chambord in the...
The Worship of the Serpent Is the Esoteric Reality of Dinosaurs
ARE DINOSAUR fossils a hoax? I really wish I could tell you they weren’t. I wish more than anything that I could keep pounding my head over the keyboard, screaming from my fingertips at the dinosaur deniers: IF DINOSAURS DON’T EXIST, THEN WHAT ARE THEY DIGGING UP!?...
The Watchers of Enoch Have Been Released From Prison, and They’re Lying to Us About Everything
THE WATCHERS STOOD BACK and observed their loved ones, the giants whom they had begotten with the daughters of men, kill each other off in a war of the Titans, and then Yahuah bound them under the hills and the valleys of the earth, where they were to remain in total...
They Call Her the Black Dahlia | Secret Societies, Mk-Ultra, Stanley Kubrick, & Hollywood Sex Cults
THE WRITER WITHOUT HANDS GEORGE DEVORE WAS DRIVING through the Mojave Desert, having just completed his latest script, The Big Steal. The successful Hollywood screenwriter was known for such films as Time Cop with Jean-Claude Van Damme and Raw Deal with Arnold...