THE HEBREWS SAW TIME AS LINEAR. Contrary religions surrounding Canaan did not. For the Hebrew, there was a beginning (creation), a middle (Messiah), and an end (apocalypse, and again, Messiah). Some will argue against this point, and to be clear, I understand...
The Mystery Religion
Sex. Contraceptives. Abortion. Magical Ceremony. Agenda 2030.
LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX. —because everybody's favorite computer nerd wants to spice up your bedroom life. As part of his awe-inspiring ID 2020 project, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is developing a tiny drug delivery chip that works as a contraceptive agent. Birth...
Mutation Happens | JASHER & the Final Push Towards Transhumanism
THE PLOT THICKENS. And it involves pig-men. I think. A coronavirus strain in India has reportedly mutated (I know), and may in fact render the worldwide race for a vaccine worthless (I know). Without going into too many details, "researchers" are learning that the...
Torah or Talmud? (Christ & Antichrist Made Flesh)
There’s an ongoing debate regarding whether or not Scripture prophesies an end-times antichrist. Now, if we’re going merely by “canon,” I suppose an argument can be made either way. Yea or nay. I can see both sides. Feel free to post your reasons. I think everyone can...
Finger. Cut. Eat the Pain. Microsoft. Mark.
Given Microsoft's recent commercial featuring spirit cooker Marina Abramovic, I couldn't help but take special notice of this headline on DRUDGE REPORT. If you recall, Abramovic blended menstrual blood, breast milk, urine, and sperm into a paint mixture, and then...
Bill Gates, Marina Abramovic, & Techno Wizardry at Its BEAST
And there it is. For anyone paying attention, the Wizard of Oz just totally exposed himself. Microsoft’s co-founder. Bill Gates. He’s a wizard. He’s a wizard. And in case you missed that. HE’S A WIZARD! Meanwhile, I’m encountering individuals who are justifying why...
“As in the days of Noah…” | Pandemic, Life-Giving Idol, & Performance Witchcraft
Virtue signaling gone wild. I’m willing to bet the vast majority of people out there who are emotionally wrung over the COVID-19 psycho-drama and pointing out their own humility by spouting off such mantras as “STAY HOME, SAVE LIVES,” are the very same individuals...
One World Order & the Grand Initiation (Alchemy of the Mind)
Let's pull back the curtain and take a peek. If the world worked merely on personal merit, then George W. Bush would have been a shoe salesman in Foot Locker rather than a two-time frat boy of both Yale and Harvard University. No offense to shoe salesmen. But when it...
They Worshiped Apollo and Received Their Crown | (World Health Organization, Serpent, & the Laurel Wreath)
There is absolutely no coincidence whatsoever that the very first worldwide panic-demic is code named CORONA. In Latin, the word actually translates to "wreath or crown," which just so happens to be in both the World Health Organization's logo and the United Nations....
Social Distancing or Social Engineering…? | (It all adds up to 69) “As Above So Below…”
Quite the turn of phrase, "SOCIAL DISTANCING." Though its earliest known use is 2003, according to Webster, I can't ever recall hearing the term until the last few weeks. And quite suddenly, it's everywhere. It's like we've been talking about social distancing...
We Need to Rewrite History in Light of Saint Germain | NESARA & the “Global” Illuminati Initiation
After "they" use COVID-19 to crash the world economies, there's a likelihood that we'll witness either a total financial reset or a bailout of Biblical proportions. And there's good reason to think they'll use the Saint Germain Trust Fund to do it. I confess, Saint...
The STARBUCKS Logo Is a Goddess of Fertility, Sexuality, and War | Say Hello to the Biblical Ashtoreth
MANY TO MOST CONSUMERS MAKE THE HONEST mistake of confusing the STARBUCKS logo for a mermaid. And to a degree I guess that's slightly true. I saw a mermaid, or perhaps she's a siren, for years. Actually, I seem to recall my twenty year-old self, straining my eyes at...
Spiritual Egypt, the Origins of Globe Earth, & the Flat Earth International Conference 2019
IF THE EARTH IS TRULY 6,000 YEARS OLD, then consider the fact that main stream "Science" has pushed the globe Earth narrative for nearly half that long, even before Yeshua walked the Earth, and probably much longer. This is of course assuming the timetable presented...
Cavemen of Lascaux | Echoes of a Wind-Swept Tower & the Prehistoric Animal Parade of Their Soul
THIRTY THOUSAND YEARS AGO CRO-MAGNON MAN made the final move from our treetop origins to live in caves, and though we coldly refer to them today in bland stepping stone terms, seeing as how the barbecue wasn’t invented yet, even going so far as to name our granddaddy...
“Worthless Mysteries” | Rob Skiba & Revolutionary Radio with Special Guest Noel J Hadley I WAS THRILLED TO BE INVITED BY ROB SKIBA onto Revolutionary Radio to discuss my book, WORTHLESS MYSTERIES. Years in the making, it's 700 pages of...
Remember When Constantine Changed the Law of God and Got Away with It?
WHY EMPEROR Maxentius chose to meet Constantine in open battle, rather than endure a siege in Rome, is a question best relegated to histories prodigious book of blunders. Rome was undoubtedly stockpiled for such an event. Evidence points to the fact that both Valerius...
The Lion King: A Retelling of Platonism & the Mysteries of Isis
THERE IS A SCENE IN DISNEY’S THE LION KING in which Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa are lying on their backs, having nestled into a soft bed of grass, and presently gazing, with philosophically wonder, at the stars in the firmament above. The warthog, they call him Mister...
The Last Magician | Sir Isaac Newton and the Quest for Immortality
THE SCENE was Sotheby's Auction House in London. It was just after luncheon on July 13, 1936. The clock struck one. Bidding began. If appetites were not yet assuaged by the food and drink presently settling in their bellies, it is simply because the item before them...
Do We Look Upon History as History Looks Upon Us?
THOUGH IT is true that there is much we do not know of the past, the same can be said of the ancients—there is much they did not know of themselves. While the Macedonian king advanced towards ancient Babylon, he couldn’t have possibly comprehended that time as we know...
Alexander & the City of Immortals | #4 Pharaoh, Avatar of Egypt, and His Household of Ascended Masters
THE AGE OF HELLENISM INEVITABLY BROUGHT the cult of Demeter at Eleusis to international fame. The Eleusinian mysteries were so well-financed and world renowned that other religions explicitly rebranded themselves through the efforts of her initiates. This is of course...
Alexander & the City of Immortals | #3 Alexandria, Spiritual Bread and Butter of the World
ROME WAS LITTLE MORE THAN A VILLAGE when Philip II of Macedonia went to war with the Persians. The year was 336 BC. In turn, Darius III had the king of Macedonia assassinated. He would come to regret that decision. At just twenty years of age, his son began the most...
Alexander & the City of Immortals | #2 The Soul Lives On in the Fields of Eleusis
“The living are ruled by the dead” — Elysian Neophyte SHE WAS MINDING HER OWN BUSINESS, PICKING FLOWERS on a spring day, when the young Persephone was brutally raped and abducted by a god. When she didn’t return home, her mother went looking for her. She too...
Alexander & the City of Immortals
Visions of Homer, the Blind Bard of Ionia HIS OWN precious copy of Homer was safely locked in a golden casket, which he furthermore clutched between his fingers, when Alexander the Great stood along the Egyptian shore. Alexander had in mind a grand city which...
Mary Poppins: Part Time Nanny, Full Time Witch
IN THE LATE summer of 1926 author P.L. Travers stood on the doorstep of poet and Irish senator William Butler Yeats Dublin home soaked and disheveled—her arms bundled with the branches and berries she’d collected from the island of Innisfree. In return Yeats showed...
“Strange Doctrines…” | The Resurrection on Trial by the Raconteurs of Mars Hill & the Architects of Atomism
IT IS OFTEN ASSUMED BY THE CLERIC that Paul the Apostle agreed with Saul the Pharisee, his fleshly counterpart, on any number of extra-Biblical doctrines, particularly the immortal soul; that the road to Damascus did little to reform his erstwhile faith in the...
The Gospel According to Plato | aka “the Secret Doctrine” (Globe Earth and the Immortal Soul)
ONCE UPON A TIME THALES WAS OUT TAKING A WALK, counting the crystalline constellations without thinking so much as to observe his footing, when he stumbled headlong into a well. This in itself is not the great tragedy of the tale, as we are quickly informed it...
“The Earth was Formless and Void…” Ensnared in the Canopy of the Gnostic Spacemen | “Gap Theory” Mystics
WELL BEYOND PLUTO’S ORBIT, WHERE THE HELIOPAUSE kisses the boundaries of interstellar space, solar winds howled goodbye to Voyager 1, which suddenly had the distinction of becoming the first craft to leave the suns dominion behind. Meanwhile, here on Earth, the embers...
Authors of Confusion + Babblings of Babel = Oracles of Light | “Tongue-Speak” as a Language of the Inner Divine
THE PRACTITIONER OF “TONGUE-SPEAK” SHALL SURELY FIND, having left the Charismatic faith behind him—that his gift remains. That is, if he wishes his emotional babblings to continue. Upon closer investigation, he may stumble upon the Buddhist and Shinto priests in East...
Satanic Panic: The Day E.T. Visited the UN
THE BABYLON WORKING BY DAY, Jack Parsons launched the Cold War. By night, the founder of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory emerged from a coffin to perform the Enochian magic first began by Englishman John Dee. His own esoteric works were often mixed with his...
Eat. Sleep. Psychodrama. | Walt Disney World Is Real Magic
THE MEDIA-MAKER is a persistent violator of the need to include a globe portrait within their passing narrative—Why? They are incestuously bluffing their way through a make-believe vantage point; the video camera held so far back as to capture the whole of...