Stolen History

The Hidden Wilderness and Paul

UNCOVERING ancient texts which describe the hidden wilderness isn’t exactly easy. It’s not like I can go to my local library and thumb through books on the subject in the catalogue cards. Globe earth has done its work on our post mud-flood consciousness, clearly, as...

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Tammuz: Son of Nimrod

I CALL him the Son of Nimrod despite there being three other potential Nimrod’s because I consider him to be the fourth and last Nimrod. It will ultimately be up to you to decide who the most important of the Nimrods are, though it is the final Nimrod, the infant,...

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Revelation 20: They Live Again

5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. 6 Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of Elohiym and of...

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The Moon Map and the Prague Clock

FACT of the matter is we do have an Antarctic circle. It is not constantly fixed in the north and south poles of the globe model as we are taught though. The location of our ice wall changes every so many hundred or thousand years, and at a crawling rather than...

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The Moon Map: Many Antarcticas

IN REPLY to the individual requesting some years ago that I write a paper on Antarctica’s location in the flat earth realm, this is for you. I have finally gotten around to it, but sadly not before the second decade of the twentieth century came to an end. Back then I...

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The Hidden Wilderness and Saint Brendan

STORIES of the hidden wilderness can be found throughout His-Story, and I aim to track them down. We have already gone over the monk with No-Name and Mercator as well as Admiral Byrd. Yet another regards Brendan of Clonfert, the Irish monk, and his quest for Terra...

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The Hidden Wilderness and Hyperborea

HYPERBOREA isn’t it. The hidden wilderness. I bring it up merely because some of you were thinking it was. Then again, I have never been to Hyperborea, and so, can’t say either way. All I am asking is that we broaden our horizon. I had started out saying the globe...

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The Hidden Wilderness

MANY of us have been saying the globe deception was intended to hide the Creator for some years now, but we were only partially correct. It wasn’t simply designed to hide the greater realm either. That also is a legitimate answer. Still not the whole of it, though...

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Mud Fossils: The Mountains Be Titans

WE all know the Titans were the children of the Watchers and that they were killed off at one time or another, but I finally know how it happened. They were turned to stone. No duh, you tell me. That much is obvious with the mud fossil research. What I should have...

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Mud Fossils: The Montgó Elephant

THE elephant Titan of Montgo, Spain has been on my stack of topics to cover for at least three years now. It was probably in the autumn of 2019 or the whereabouts, before the Great televised Scan-demic of 2020, that I contacted and interviewed the very individual who...

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Mud Fossils: The Dragon of North Africa

MY original intent was to include this as part of my Genesis Reset investigation. It’s the idea that Genesis 1:1 was in actuality a recreation event rather than the first go-around. But then evidence involving a dragon of the fire breathing variety came along, and I...

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