EVERYBODY’S favorite Astro-not Buzz Aldrin has a very limited wardrobe, it seems. I hadn’t the faintest clue how deprived of variety it was until my latest reconnaissance mission in the Intel-net, which I just so happen to have completed a few minutes ago. You’ve...
Stolen History
Origins of Baphomet: Templars, Tartaria, Millennial Kingdom, & Mosques
THERE is always going to be opposition to any new idea put forward, though I think of these outings as a search for the Mysteries, ancient Truths which have been hidden from us, and also, a study in controlled opposition. My recent suggestion that the two fingers...
The Narnia Reset: Tartaria, Millennial Kingdom, Multiverse, and Recreation in ‘The Magician’s Nephew’
JUST yesterday I wrote a paper on the Multiverse as it pertains to science fiction writer Philip K. Dick and the very first Mandela Effect, which just so happens to be the long-lost Millennial Kingdom of Yahusha HaMashiach. It’s the one where, amazingly, much of what...
The Millennial Kingdom Already Happened: Philip K. Dick & the First Mandela Effect
EVERYONE seems to think Nelson Mandela was the first Mandela Effect, but then what about Hitler winning the War? I bet you forgot about that one already. Philip K. Dick wrote about it in his 1962 novel, ‘The Man in the High Castle.’ It wasn’t simply a matter of...
Vesica Piscis: The Sacred Divine In Millennial Kingdom Architecture
A funny thing happened on the way to the seashore. Shim’on Kepha pulled in the net and began calculating the great many fish that he’d caught. 153 was the final tally. That’s a very specific number. I mean, Yochanon likely seized various numbers of fish on any given...
Waking Up To the End of the Millennial Kingdom: Closing the Mind’s Eye
Several months ago, I put forward the theory that the Thousand-Year Reign of Mashiach was dependent in part within the Mind’s Eye. There was a physical reality co-existing with the spiritual awakening of souls until the spiritual was removed from the equation due to...
The Millennial Kingdom of Messiah Arrived with the Phoenix in 500 AD
THE number one question on everybody’s mind is how long the fig tree generation of Mattithyahu 24 would have to wait before the kingdom of Mashiach was ushered in. Or in the very least, it is the inquiry which has landed in my lap more than any other over the course...
The Once and Future Parousia: El Shaddai Over Egypt
Found it. A couple of years ago I wrote to you insisting that Yahuah appeared in the clouds over Mitsriym, my point being that ‘parousia’ is an occasional occurrence throughout His-Story and not a onetime affair, as ‘second coming’ advocates would declare. Turns out,...
The Antichrist, the Strong Delusion, and Paul
MANY of the Pa’al fanboys out there noticed that I made no mention of 2 Thessalonians earlier, particularly when detailing Pa’al’s various passages which anticipate the glorious appearing. If this is at all like those other thousand instances in my writing career,...
The 144,000 and Peter’s Involvement With Them: Revelation In 70AD
BET you didn’t expect Kepha to enter a theological argument involving the ladies. Hope you haven't forgotten that part, that the 144,000 were ladies rather than dudes. Turns out, the 144,000 narrative is full of all sorts of surprises. I figure a great deal many of...
The Glorious Appearing and Paul: The Second Coming In 70AD
I knew it. You’ve been listening to my claims that Yahusha HaMashiach returned by 70AD and thinking about Pa’al this entire time, haven’t you? The “But Pa’al” people have arrived to throw a leg cramp into the swimming lane. I’m robbing you of your hope and Pa’al...
The Ultra Violet Light In Hell: New Biblical Findings For the Shroud of Turin
REGARDING the Shroud, it has been argued by Italian researcher Paolo di Lazzara that the radiation was ultraviolet and that the instantaneous burst exceeds the maximum power released by all ultraviolet sources of light available today. It would also require pulses...
The Donner Party: Cannibal Hoaxers of Truckee Lake and Alder Creek
THREE years in the making and I'm finally finished with The Donner Party Hoax. Well, I'm never actually finished with anything. New information comes along all the time, and I'm always discovering. I think you know what I meant by that though. I had initially set out...
The Donner Party Hoax: Cooking Up the Forlorn Hope
DIFFICULT to believe but three entire years have passed since I set out to cover the Donner Party hoax, all of which was a rather obvious extension of California’s M.M.M. psyop, and never once did I cover the part which is synonymous with the Donners. Cannibalism. To...
Revisiting the Donner Party Hoax
EARLIER this week I pulled my 1849 Gold Rush Hoax paper off the shelf and gave it a much needed tune-up. The cleaning continues with this one. I wrote 1849 and 'The Donner Party Hoax' back in the summer of 2020, when nearly everyone was going around suffocating in...
San Francisco: Millennial Kingdom City
BACK then, when I published this paper a whopping three years ago, I titled it: 'The 1849 California Gold Rush Was a Hoax'. Technically, that is still the title of what you're about to read (or not read). I simply haven't worked on it since it's original release, and...
The Fort Sumpter Civil War Hoax: Eyewitness Testimony
FYI, the reason for this update has little to do with Civil War cartoon propagandist. That was just an added bonus. In reality, it has everything to do with a phone conversation I held yesterday with Andrew Lankes. Don’t know him? You should. We were shooting the...
The Watchers Released: Cryptoexplosions & the Great Serpent Mound
EVER since publishing this paper a week or two ago, I’ve been bombarded with interest and excitement alike from my reading audience as well as the predictable pendulum swing of the eyeballs from my Holy Roller critics. The meteor craters in particular is what they’re...
Der Golem & The Batman: The First Golem
BECAUSE I'm always on the lookout for new material, I offer you a complete overhaul of one of my more obscure papers, Golem & The Batman. You can expect several new pages this time around. What you are about to read (or not read) originally started out as...
There Were No Toilets In the Millennial Kingdom: The Versailles Poop Problem
ONCE the poo-poo potty was finally introduced to Victorian era Europe, the French apparently didn’t know what to do with them, seeing as how they were so used to crapping themselves, but mostly just taking a dump while they walked. And no, I am not making this shit...
The Watchers Released: New Evidence For Satan’s Short Season
MY latest article is a spin-off from the presentation I gave at the Sacred Word Publishing Conference last weekend in Atlanta, Georgia. Really, you had to have been there. If you weren't then don't sweat it. The talk regarded my research into the Millennial Kingdom +...
The Lost Tribes of Tartaria
THE conspiracy this time around is that Tartaria has been scrubbed from His-Story but that’s not nearly the whole of it. Many will throw names like Nikola Tesla at your feet and claim it was free energy they were attempting to suppress, which by all indications is...
The Outer Darkness and the Moon Map
NEARLY every theologian on the planet will disagree with me regarding the whereabouts of the outer darkness, and no, that wasn’t a glitch. The spinning, wobbling globe which so many people hug to their bosom like comfort food or a night-lite is that location,...
Angels and Demons of the Millennial Kingdom
USUALLY whenever I get around to an article update it is one fix rather than two but today's is kind of like one of those stones that takes out multiple birds with one throw. Try not to get confused when I tell you that 'The End of the Millennial Kingdom' was a...
The Hidden Wilderness: Where the 144,000 Come Into This
AND now you’re probably wondering why portraits of medieval women fill an entire page, and above a 144,000 heading no less. “Do the women share anything in common with the Number?” you want to know. My answer awaits your personal judgement on whether I pass the test...
The Mountain of Melchizedek and the Sons of the Ice Wall
I don’t say this to alarm anyone, but the Sons of Qorach may have been priests of the Millennial Kingdom. It’s not like I’m saying they were. The possibility is simply being thrown out there because you never really know, I’ve seen stranger things. The sons of Qorach...
Statues of the Old World Unveiled
MICHELANGELO was never intended to become a runaway exercise if we’re being honest, and transparency is what I’m all about. My original aim was to discuss the impossibility of old word artwork with the chisel and nail narrative given to us and then his name cropped up...
Coyote’s Kingdom: The Melted City of Bryce Canyon
HAS it been nearly a year since turning out my last melted city article? Time is indeed a mystery. I could give alternate theories about why this is so but if you must know my wife gave birth to a daughter last summer and the months have been somewhat of a blur. 2022...
Revelation in 70AD: The Whore of Babylon Revealed
JUST about everyone gets the identity of the Whore of Babylon wrong and I can’t fault them for it. I did too for the longest time. Had Revelation been covered at nearly any other point during my adult life I would have sat here and made a Semiramis connection, seeing...
The Mud Flood and Jerusalem: The Mysterious Sepulcher
DID you miss me? I've been gone for a week. You probably didn't even know I was gone. If you must know my 7 month old daughter was burning up with fever. I utilized a couple of days holding her and then spent the next few days moving my family several hundred miles...