Stolen History

San Francisco: Millennial Kingdom City

BACK then, when I published this paper a whopping three years ago, I titled it: 'The 1849 California Gold Rush Was a Hoax'. Technically, that is still the title of what you're about to read (or not read). I simply haven't worked on it since it's original release, and...

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The Lost Tribes of Tartaria

THE conspiracy this time around is that Tartaria has been scrubbed from His-Story but that’s not nearly the whole of it. Many will throw names like Nikola Tesla at your feet and claim it was free energy they were attempting to suppress, which by all indications is...

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The Outer Darkness and the Moon Map

NEARLY every theologian on the planet will disagree with me regarding the whereabouts of the outer darkness, and no, that wasn’t a glitch. The spinning, wobbling globe which so many people hug to their bosom like comfort food or a night-lite is that location,...

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Angels and Demons of the Millennial Kingdom

USUALLY whenever I get around to an article update it is one fix rather than two but today's is kind of like one of those stones that takes out multiple birds with one throw. Try not to get confused when I tell you that 'The End of the Millennial Kingdom' was a...

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Statues of the Old World Unveiled

MICHELANGELO was never intended to become a runaway exercise if we’re being honest, and transparency is what I’m all about. My original aim was to discuss the impossibility of old word artwork with the chisel and nail narrative given to us and then his name cropped up...

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