SOMETHING I neglected in the last go-around was making any mention of how modern Hebrew is a completely and altogether different language than the ancient Biblical Hebrew which Moshe and the others were working with. And here I was putting all that effort into explaining the Masoretic when what I should have been doing is making a phone call to my local Paleo expert. Everybody should have one to depend upon and I have managed to find mine in Miss Pamela. She is the translator of the very excellent The Psalms in Paleo in case you haven’t heard. And boy, does the Paleo speak of a reset event or what? If you thought the Masoretic was epic, then wait until you read Pamela’s line-for-line breakdown. You can read the latest update to The Genesis Reset in the pdf below.
PDF [Update]: The Genesis Reset: The Paleo-Hebrew’s Take On It
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