A Few Words Regarding ManuscriptsBy Pamela GlasgowI have had inquiries regarding the source document for Basharah Matthew. For this translation, I have been using the Shem Tov (Good Name) manuscript, which is the oldest extant Hebrew version of Matthew. This comes to...
Paleo Hebrew
Song of Songs: The Forbidden Version You’ve Never Read
HERE at TUC: The Unexpected Cosmology, we are pleased to partner with Pamela Glasgow, who has been working to translate the entire Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew. The Paleo in case you are not aware isn’t simply the original Hebrew. No, it is the Hebrew. The Paleo is the...
Torah Portions Study Guides: Comparing the Paleo Hebrew with the Greek LXX, Targum, & KJV
Torah Portions Study Guide 1: GenesisTorah Portions Study Guide 4: NumbersTorah Portions Study Guide 2: ExodusTorah Portions Study Guide 5: DeuteronomyTorah Portions Study Guide 3: LeviticusFINALLY, the Torah Portions Study Guide is complete! Here at TUC: The...
Paleo-Hebrew—Fact or Fiction?
Shalom everyone! We have a brand new article by Pamela Glasgow regarding the historicity of the Paleo as well as an expanded preview of her latest editing project, Paleo Matthew! Be sure to nab a PDF in the Patreon exlusive TUC article below.Paleo-Hebrew—Fact or...
BARASHAYATH: The 2nd Edition of Paleo Hebrew Genesis!
Purchase BARASHAYATH: Peleo Hebrew Genesis (2nd Edition)TRANSLATING the Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew has been a prerogative in these parts. Many of you took part in our Torah Portions last year, which was especially unique, and not simply because of the many...
Preview the First Six Chapters of Paleo Hebrew Matthew!
GOOD morning, afternoon, and evening all. We’ve got another Patreon exclusive for you. A couple of weeks ago, Pamela premiered the first chapter of Paleo-Hebrew Matthew. Well, she’s been plugging away on her translation. She has already shared one preview but now...
Discovering the Paleo-Hebrew Gospel of Matthew
Discovering the Paleo-Hebrew MatthewPart One By Pamela GlasgowNEW [11/1/24]: Discovering the Hebrew Matthew Again YASHA’U spoke unto his students another vision, “The kingdom of Shamayam is similar to an A’dam who is going on a distant journey, and he calls out to...
“Lost in Translation” Is a Thing
“Lost in Translation” is a Thing By Pamela GlasgowYou probably arrived here by accident. It is not your fault, of course. You had faithfully followed your GPS mapping system and yet still found yourself miles from your planned destination—after dark—sitting in your...