BARASHAYATH: The 2nd Edition of Paleo Hebrew Genesis!

Books | New | Paleo Hebrew | Pamela Glasgow

TRANSLATING the Bible from the Paleo-Hebrew has been a prerogative in these parts. Many of you took part in our Torah Portions last year, which was especially unique, and not simply because of the many extra-Biblical books that were involved for comparison purposes. It just may be the first ever Torah Portions in modern His-Story that employed the Paleo as its investigative reading source.

We are pleased to announce that the second edition of Paleo Genesis is now available! It is radically improved over the first and includes a glossary.

The Torah if you are not aware is the first five books of the Bible. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Pamela Glasgow’s efforts in translating them have been phenomenal. She has also completed Song of Songs, and Psalms Volume 1-3. There will be a fourth and fifth volume, as Psalms is obviously five books. I’ll be sure to leave you links below. She is also currently working to translate Matthew, Revelation, and Joshua from the Paleo.

Thanks go out to everyone who has supported this ministry. We are a Widow’s Ministry and Pamela Glasgow is dependent upon your financial offerings. Shalom.

Pamela Glasgow holds a Master of Music degree, with a church music concentration, from Samford University, Birmingham, Alabama. She is an accomplished musician and serves as a contributing author to The Unexpected Cosmology. She currently resides in Walker County, Alabama.