JUST yesterday I finalized a second draft of my Holocaust Hoax document and already we're onto new information. It's not like the notes weren't already in front of me. I seriously didn't think that's what I'd be writing when waking up this morning though. Visiting...
The Holocaust Hoax: Auschwitz I & II and Bergen-Belsen
AND THUS, shall I be remembered. The man who denied. Or perhaps I will be forgotten completely. Until I am dead, at any rate, and the Zionist Media has a field day with me. This is what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn't belong. You see things. And so,...
Melted Cities: Petra, Hosap Castle, Tupiza, and the Rhodope Mountains
Melted Cities was first published two or three weeks ago and it keeps growing. This is a working process, obviously. I can't expect to have every melted location on this flat, motionless plane covered at once. As the title promises, I've added four new locations to...
Speaking in Tongues Is a Hoax
I MUST be a glutton for punishment. Ever since writing this paper in the spring of 2018, and then others like it, Pentecostals and Charismatics alike have protested my outing Charles Fox Parham as a Freemason on the basis that he was apparently no longer attending the...
The Mandela Effect: Smithsonian Institute or Institution?
MY INITIAL article on the Smithsonian Institute as a Mandela Effect was published on May 1, 2017. I'm not suggesting you go there and read it. The formating is off. A lot of the articles from my old website didn't upload so well here. I just wanted to show evidence...
The Mandela Effect: C3-PO’s Silver Leg
THE MANDELA Effect was a pasion of mine several years ago. Some of the earliest articles here at The Unexpected Cosmology delved into various changes. Then about six years went by without ever bringing it up again, and so, what happened? It would surprise my readers...
Calafia: Queen of California
I’M ON the edge of my seat waiting for the gatekeepers to debunk the mud flood narrative, and it seems they’ve already begun. For the most part, our Controllers are biding their time. Seeing if this thing really takes off, which it most certainly has. Taking tabs on...
Baseball: A Masonic Ceremony | Angels In the Outfield
IT'S SPRING cleaning, you know. Old papers are getting dusted off the shelf, and so, here's the latest. A vast improvement, if I say so myself. I turned in my first draft of 'Baseball: A Masonic Ceremony' a couple of years ago. The latest is given a heavy hand of...
The History of Joseph the Carpenter
The History of Yoceph the Carpenter The History of Yoceph the Carpenter In the name of Elohiym, of one essence and three persons. The History of the death of our father, the holy old man, Yoceph the carpenter. May his blessings and prayers preserve us all, O...
Melted Cities of Our Realm: Ogrodzieniec and Uçhisar Castle
A FEW days ago I published my report on the electric scaring of the earth and already I've decided to update it into something more ambitious. You see, readers have been sending me all sorts of pictures intended to challenge conventional thinking. The topic of melted...
The Atomic Bomb was a Hoax: The Series
I WROTE my four part series on the atomic bomb hoax a little over a year ago, and so, you’re probably wondering why I’m publishing the same four reports all over again. Well, I’ve finally formatted them into one document, which was the plan all along. Also, I’ve added...
The 1893 Chicago World Fair and the Lost King of Oz
THE BAUM books are silly, childlike slices of Americana frosting. Sugar isn’t poison, per se, but it is an appetite for trash can bears and too much of it can kill you. Don’t let that analysis dissuade you though when searching for clues. Clearly, Baum pleased the...
The Second Beast of Rome Finally Explained
APOLOGIES for the puppy photo. I'm weak around puppies. Meanwhile, I must be on a roll, because a new addition is being added for a third day in a row. You see, after tackling the beast of Rome two days ago and then yesterday's ten horns of the beast, I quickly...
The Ten Horns of Rome Finally Explained
A NEW DAY brings another update to an old paper. And by old I mean to imply the report that was only published yesterday. If you recall, I demonstrated why the seven-headed beast of Revelation 13 and 17 was in fact the Leviathan, but also, a succession of Caesars and...
Lightning Scars: Is the Grand Canyon the Result of an Electrical Discharge?
I OFFER the following report for the research community. One day not too long ago somebody showed me the irregularities to be found at the Grand Canyon. I then started looking around at images taken from Google Earth and it occured to me that the fractal geometry...
The Beast of Rome Finally Explained
OVERCOMING decades of indoctrination is a painful process, particularly where the pet doctrines in Scripture are concerned. And yet, here we are. I guess I'll just speak for myself. Here I am. Revelation has already been fulfilled. But even I've been surprised at how...
Unexpected Memes: The Covid-19 Vax IV
Unexpected Memes: The Russian Invasion II
The Psalm Project: Psalm 22
To the Preeminent Musician The Superintendent of Temple Services To be performed to “Hind of the Dawning Light” A Mizmor of David (Psalm 22) Eli, Eli! lamah a-zab-tani! My EL, My EL! Why did You let me go? Why did You desert me? I am cast away, Forsaken; Why are...
How To Keep The Sabbath According To Scripture
Shabbat shalom from under the dome! One of the most frequently asked questions of new Torah Keepers is “how do I keep the Sabbath according to the Bible?” So what better place to start than Exodus 20:8-11 which reads as follows: Remember the day of the Shabbath, to...
Where Is Jerusalem? The Beloved City and the Camp
AFTER publishing my report, A Tale of Two Jerusalem's, and demonstrating how most people get their wires crossed when pinpointing the identy of Yerushalayim during the Millennial Kingdom, I stumbled upon another oversight. The attack by HaSatan in Revelation 20:9 is...
The Genesis Reset
WHAT official history doesn't want you to know about is that His-Story is a series of resets. It always comes down to sin and rebellion against the Most-High, and the Intel community can't have that. They want you unclean and living in sin. Best to cover up the past...
The Mother’s Lament at the Slaughter of the Innocents
An Irish poemThen, as she plucked her son from herbreast for the executioner, one of thewomen said: ‘Why do you tear from me my darling son,The fruit of my womb?It was I who bore him, he drank my breast.My womb carried him about, he sucked my vitals.He filled my...
The Hebrew Gospel of John: The Complete Series
FIFTEEN weeks later and we did it! Rob, Michael, and I finished our first series together. The Hebrew Gospel of John. Here you'll find our weekly videos as well as pdfs for all 21 chapters, comparing the Greek Textus Receptus with the Hebrew, line-for-line. The...
The Seven Firmaments of Heaven
APOLOGIES if you haven’t any clue what the firmament is. I certainly don’t want to assume everyone reading my work is intimately aware of it. But know this: I won’t be laying the groundwork here. Contrarily, a pre-knowledge of the firmament, or raqia in Hebrew, is the...
Who Really Killed Yahusha HaMashiach: the Romans or the Jews?
STUMBLING upon this little nugget of inofrmation proved to be the most shocking moment of any livesteam I've been a part of. That's when the discovery happened, during our online Sabbath study. Rob, Michael, and I were discussing the Hebrew Gospel of Yochannon (John)...
1948: The Year Gog Invaded Israel
YOU may recall that I came out with an article nearly a year ago claiming the 1948 invasion of Israel was Edom, not Gog, and now you have questions. Why the switcheroo? I’ve scratched Edom’s involvement in the 1948 creation of Israel, but only after coming to learn...
Moon a Mirage, Reflections of Earth’s Surface | Bridgeport Sunday Post, May 3, 1964
Bridgeport Sunday Post, May 3, 1964 Moon a Mirage, Reflection of Earth’s Surface, Contends Monroe Man By Andree Hickok A House Space subcommittee in Congress has started a detailed probe of why the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been...
Hawaiian Gazette: Friday, January 11, 1907 | Was This World Map Made Ten Centuries Ago?
Hawaiian Gazette, Friday, January 11, 1907 Was This World Map Made Ten Centuries Ago? Stanger almost than the “Manuscript found in a Copper Cylinder” is the copy of a map which came across the seas to Honolulu from a Buddhist Temple in the...
It’s Groundhog Day, Again
I NEARLY made a video yesterday talking about how today would be Groundhog Day but then decided I might as well just wait around until Groundhog Day to see what happens. Well, something happened. As I'm writing this, the day is only halfway over. More is developing....