
The Mandela Effect: C3-PO’s Silver Leg

THE MANDELA Effect was a pasion of mine several years ago. Some of the earliest articles here at The Unexpected Cosmology delved into various changes. Then about six years went by without ever bringing it up again, and so, what happened? It would surprise my readers...

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Calafia: Queen of California

I’M ON the edge of my seat waiting for the gatekeepers to debunk the mud flood narrative, and it seems they’ve already begun. For the most part, our Controllers are biding their time. Seeing if this thing really takes off, which it most certainly has. Taking tabs on...

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The Atomic Bomb was a Hoax: The Series

I WROTE my four part series on the atomic bomb hoax a little over a year ago, and so, you’re probably wondering why I’m publishing the same four reports all over again. Well, I’ve finally formatted them into one document, which was the plan all along. Also, I’ve added...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 22

To the Preeminent Musician The Superintendent of Temple Services To be performed to “Hind of the Dawning Light”   A Mizmor of David (Psalm 22)   Eli, Eli! lamah a-zab-tani!   My EL, My EL! Why did You let me go? Why did You desert me? I am cast away, Forsaken; Why are...

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The Genesis Reset

WHAT official history doesn't want you to know about is that His-Story is a series of resets. It always comes down to sin and rebellion against the Most-High, and the Intel community can't have that. They want you unclean and living in sin. Best to cover up the past...

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The Seven Firmaments of Heaven

APOLOGIES if you haven’t any clue what the firmament is. I certainly don’t want to assume everyone reading my work is intimately aware of it. But know this: I won’t be laying the groundwork here. Contrarily, a pre-knowledge of the firmament, or raqia in Hebrew, is the...

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1948: The Year Gog Invaded Israel

YOU may recall that I came out with an article nearly a year ago claiming the 1948 invasion of Israel was Edom, not Gog, and now you have questions. Why the switcheroo? I’ve scratched Edom’s involvement in the 1948 creation of Israel, but only after coming to learn...

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It’s Groundhog Day, Again

I NEARLY made a video yesterday talking about how today would be Groundhog Day but then decided I might as well just wait around until Groundhog Day to see what happens. Well, something happened. As I'm writing this, the day is only halfway over. More is developing....

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