THERE is great debate as to who founded the church of merry old England. Mind you, it is not the identities of its founders being contested, but rather, who it was that landed at the cliffs of Dover first. On our last go-around, I purposely left Aristobulus off the list of those mentioned in Sha’ul’s epistle to the Romans. And no, I wasn’t snubbing him. It is only because I’m not a fan of eating the icing before the cake. With Aristobulus, we are also given the cherry on top. Think back. Do you remember how Sha’ul referred him?
Salute them which are of Aristobulus’ household.
Sha’ul didn’t ask for Aristobulus to be saluted. Only his household. That can only be because Aristobulus had departed for Britain by then, and everybody knew it. Claudia likely had a part to play in organizing his trip. It is also a very good guess that Aristobulus set sail for the British Isles because word had reached Rome, again through Claudia’s family, that Yoceph of Arimathea and Miryam Magdalene had arrived. And there you have it. The founders of Christianity in Britain.
My hope for this series is to pick up the scent and follow the trails of the Apostles, as well as various memberes of The Seventy, to see if a connection between the Millennial Kingdom and their travels can be made. This is my second entry. If you haven’t read the first then don’t sweat it. The PDF attachment contains my research on both the church of Rome and the church of England, thus far. You can read my report below.
PDF [UPDATE]: Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: The Church of England
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