IMMEDIATELY after publishing my report on Sandy Hook nearly one week ago, I felt it only natural to skip ahead to the next big FEMA event. The Boston Marathon bombing transpired four months later on the Gregorian calendar. Look at today's date. It's the 18 of April....
The Torah Abides
THE Law was done away with because of Jesus, right? RIGHT....!? No, not really. The complete opposite is true. If Scripture has taught me anything, it's that the Torah abides. Praise Yahuah, the Most-High Elohiym of Yashar'el, we still have instructions in...
The New York City Subway Attack was a Hoax
THE NEWS was bombarding us yesterday with the dveloping story of the New York City subway attack and the manhunt for its suspect. That's right about when I was attempting to finish up the first itteration of my 'Ceremony by the Numbers' paper. And now look at us, here...
The Psalm Project: Psalms 1-30
MISS Pamela has been plugging away at the Psalms, taking great care to interpret each and every word of Hebrew into English, lyrically speaking. I started publishing her work in August of 2021, and already we find ourselves in the whereabouts of Psalm 30. Here is the...
Ceremony by the Numbers: Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes
A NEW paper has been started which I call Ceremony by the Numbers. It aims to show how these daily Intel psyops go down using a number system called Gematria, and very few people seem to notice. I hope to change that. The PDF is being dropped below. If you'd rather...
The Sandy Hook Hoax
HAS it been ten years already? Almost. How the time flies when you're exposing Intel psyops. Really, there are so many with seemingly no end to them all. Believe it or not, I've never exclusively written on the Sandy Hook hoax before. I explain why in the document....
The Light, and the Sun and the Moon IN the Firmament
I CHECKED. Yvonne first published with The Unexpected Cosmology in November of 2020. That practically makes her a veteran around here. I had initially started following her work some years before that, but when finally asking her to contribute something, I had no idea...
“ק” – Queue The Plan
DIDN'T I just introduce John Q's series on the Millennial Kingdom of Messiah and Q-Anon yesterday? I did. You'd better get caught up on your reading then, because we're already onto the second part. As per yesterdays introduction, let's go over a couple of things...
Dark to Light and Q – Freemasonry Psyop or Something Else?
THE MILLENNIAL Kingdom of Messiah has been well established around these parts as a legitimate telling of His-Story which has already happened, thereby pitting us in the little season of Revelation 20. Well, John Q came to me rather recently with a rather profound...
When Does YHWH’s Day Begin?
I INVITED author Diane Covher to contribute an article sometime late last year and now here we are on the fifth article. Zen Garcia has often stated that the only reason he's never written a book on the lunar-solar Sabbath is because Diane Covher has already been...
Who Is Kyle Rittenhouse?
A YEAR or so ago I covered the Kenosha unreset shooting in brief, highlighting the fact that Kyle Rittenhouse was of a certain people group who just so happened to shoot three others of that same people group. That was enough of a red flag to convince me the Media was...
The Holocaust Hoax: Anne Frank’s Co-Authorship Exposed
AMAZING how many people will choose Anne Frank as their hill to die upon and yet the diary attributed to her name is a provable and admitted fake. It doesn't even stand up in court. Correction, Nuremburg was a kangaroo court. But the entire Holocaust narrative has...
Joe Biden: Puppet President (He’s a Walking Numbers Ritual)
THIS morning I find myself in the Great Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. Though breathtakingly beautiful, it is wet and cold outside all the same, and so, I thought to myself: Why not finish my 'Joe Biden: Puppet President' article in the warmth of my camper? Well,...
Melted Cities: Isis Temple, Horus Temple, and the Grand Canyon’s Orion Constellation
AGAIN, I am well aware of the date. It is April Fool's, which certainly is a thing for the Satanic Elite, but I don't play by their rules. I won't stop working or publishing because of their sick sadistic number games, and so, here is an update to a previously...
[UPDATE]: The Award Winning Oscars Slap was a Pfizer Commercial
YES, today is April 1 . I'm well aware of that fact and, for the record, despise the date. I've been nailed to the wall in years past because I published on April Fool's, but why should I stop working just because the Satanic elite make a field trip out of it? I'll...
The Slap Heard Around the World: Will Smith Gets Jiggy with Chris Rock
Y'ALL know I'm only in the business of uploading PDF's now. There's a number of reasons for that and I don't have time for explanations. Let's not get sidetracked. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars and it was an obvious staged performance. The numbers don't...
The Psalm Project: Psalm 25
Of David Aleka, YAHUWAH: Unto You, O, YAHUWAH, Do I lift up My nephesh, My living, breathing essence Of self. In You, O, ALOHIM, Am I secure. I throw my burdens Onto Your back. I fear nothing. I do not blush With shame Nor turn pale In disgrace. You,...
Son of a Witch: The Genealogy of Walt Disney
AFTER turning in my latest draft on The Trickster and Lucille Ball, I decided to dig back into my Walt Disney research. It only seemed natural to do so. For Uncle Walt and the Queen of Comedy have something in common, you see. They're both directly descended from...
The Trickster and Lucille Ball (Oppenheimer: Creator of Worlds)
SPRING cleaning. That's what's going on around here. I've been turning out several older articles while polishing them down and then giving new and added information. For the latest edition of The Trickster and Lucille Ball, we'll be taking a closer look at Jess...
Wastelands of the Seraphim: The Binding of Satan in Egypt
I'VE HAD a major discovery over the last couple of weeks, and I thought you'd like to be the first to know. Yerushalayim is Babylon. I'm talking about Mystery Babylon. The Whore of Revelation. It's Yerushalayim. Up until now I admit to working under presumptions....
The Mandela Effect: Field of Dreams
YET another entry has been added to my Mandela Effect paper, and in so short a time. This one has to do with a certain famous line from Field of Dreams. You know which one. Even if you happen to disagree with The Mandela Effect, which is morely likelier the case than...
The Black Dahlia Hoax: The Gary Devore Connection
A CAREFUL observer will ask what Gary Devore has to do with the many faces of Tilda Swinton, as seen above. There are connections but probably not what you think. Also, who is Gary Devore and how does he play into the Black Dahlia murder? If you give me a chance then...
The Holocaust Hoax: The Vrba-Wetzler Report
JUST yesterday I finalized a second draft of my Holocaust Hoax document and already we're onto new information. It's not like the notes weren't already in front of me. I seriously didn't think that's what I'd be writing when waking up this morning though. Visiting...
The Holocaust Hoax: Auschwitz I & II and Bergen-Belsen
AND THUS, shall I be remembered. The man who denied. Or perhaps I will be forgotten completely. Until I am dead, at any rate, and the Zionist Media has a field day with me. This is what happens when you stick your nose where it doesn't belong. You see things. And so,...
Melted Cities: Petra, Hosap Castle, Tupiza, and the Rhodope Mountains
Melted Cities was first published two or three weeks ago and it keeps growing. This is a working process, obviously. I can't expect to have every melted location on this flat, motionless plane covered at once. As the title promises, I've added four new locations to...
Speaking in Tongues Is a Hoax
I MUST be a glutton for punishment. Ever since writing this paper in the spring of 2018, and then others like it, Pentecostals and Charismatics alike have protested my outing Charles Fox Parham as a Freemason on the basis that he was apparently no longer attending the...
The Mandela Effect: Smithsonian Institute or Institution?
MY INITIAL article on the Smithsonian Institute as a Mandela Effect was published on May 1, 2017. I'm not suggesting you go there and read it. The formating is off. A lot of the articles from my old website didn't upload so well here. I just wanted to show evidence...
The Mandela Effect: C3-PO’s Silver Leg
THE MANDELA Effect was a pasion of mine several years ago. Some of the earliest articles here at The Unexpected Cosmology delved into various changes. Then about six years went by without ever bringing it up again, and so, what happened? It would surprise my readers...
Calafia: Queen of California
I’M ON the edge of my seat waiting for the gatekeepers to debunk the mud flood narrative, and it seems they’ve already begun. For the most part, our Controllers are biding their time. Seeing if this thing really takes off, which it most certainly has. Taking tabs on...
Baseball: A Masonic Ceremony | Angels In the Outfield
IT'S SPRING cleaning, you know. Old papers are getting dusted off the shelf, and so, here's the latest. A vast improvement, if I say so myself. I turned in my first draft of 'Baseball: A Masonic Ceremony' a couple of years ago. The latest is given a heavy hand of...