EVER since publishing this paper a week or two ago, I’ve been bombarded with interest and excitement alike from my reading audience as well as the predictable pendulum swing of the eyeballs from my Holy Roller critics. The meteor craters in particular is what they’re all-abuzz about. The U.N. too. Suffice to say that I had pinpointed the craters as a prison potential as far back as the summer of 2020 but whatever. As I was saying, my readers are all-abuzz, writing their comments, harnessing their own sleuth skills, and feeding me additional clues wherever they may be. One such reader dropped the following word into my mailbox. Cryptoexplosion. What the hell is a Cryptoexplosion, I thought? Never heard of it. Read the latest update to my Watchers Released paper for yourself and find out.
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Afterwards, ‘The Watchers Released’ as well as my entire ARCHIVES of material is available for your reading and viewing pleasure here.
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