
Will ‘The Unexpected Cosmology’ Survive?

Will ‘The Unexpected Cosmology’ Survive?THE DATE was Sunday, March 29, 2015, on the Gregorian calendar when Yah woke me from my decades of slumber. I was standing in front of my church congregation in Long Beach, California, to dedicate my twin children when an...

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The Gospel of Peter

The Gospel of Kepha       1 But of the Yahudim none washed his hands, neither Herod nor one of his judges. And since they did not desire to wash, Pilate stood up. 2 And then Herod the king orders Adonai to be taken away, having said to them, ‘What I...

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Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood is here!

THE MUD Flood happened. But you knew that already. It means that His-Story as we know it is one big fat lie. I figure many to most of my readers have come to terms with that fact by now. The other thing that you're very likely aware of is that I've taken it a step...

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It’s Going to Be Biblical

AND here it is. The fourth article by John Q. It's the big one too. John Q is taking us deep into the Millennial Kingdom narrative this time around. No need for a disclaimer, either. My readers are well aware that the Q-Anon movement does not represent me, nor am I a...

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The Lost World of A’dam and Eve

EXTRA-Biblical literature might as well be a pasttime of mine. As many to most of you know, I have devoted a great deal of my research and writing into comparing these sacred texts, seeing if the dueling pictures fit. Perhaps even strengthen the strokes of the pen in...

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The Apocalypse of Elijah

PDF: The Apocalypse of EliyahuThe Apocalypse of Eliyahu     1 The word of YAHUAH came to me saying, “Son of man, say to his people, ‘why do you add sin to your sins and anger Yahuah Elohiym who created you? 2 Don’t love the world or the things which are in...

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The Polio Vaccine Hoax: New Findings

SPRING cleaning. That’s the only way to explain any of this. I checked and it won’t be summer for another couple of weeks. My latest draft of The Polio Vaccine Hoax is once again cleaned up, but several pages with new information is given. Guest appearances also...

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