I'M 41 years old, as of this publication. Nearly 42. How many more years do you figure I have left on this earth? Can I manage another 42? Figure out the months and the weeks and the days and then you'll have a rough idea of how many times I'm destined to endure...
Will ‘The Unexpected Cosmology’ Survive?
Will ‘The Unexpected Cosmology’ Survive?THE DATE was Sunday, March 29, 2015, on the Gregorian calendar when Yah woke me from my decades of slumber. I was standing in front of my church congregation in Long Beach, California, to dedicate my twin children when an...
Pontius Pilate On Trial: Who Killed Messiah?
PONTIUS Pilate washed his hands of the entire affair. Which is the same thing as saying he didn’t do it. Yahusha HaMashiach was offed by someone, there is no question about that. But it wasn’t him. Pontius Pilate is a patsy. You have probably arrived to disagree,...
Gog and Magog and Q: The Storm Is Upon Us
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some...
Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah and the Woman Caught in Adultery
BELIEVE it or not, the story regarding Yahusha's betrothed really begins to come together with the story of the woman caught in adultery. It is a story which can only be found in Yochanon, which is interesting, considering the story arch that we are given. I had put...
The Psalm Project: Songs of Ascending (Psalms 122-127)
THERE exists within the Telliym/Psalms a curious compilation of songs. These are known by various names: Songs of Degrees, Songs of Ascents, Songs of Steps, the Gradual Songs, etc. This psalter within the psalter, according to tradition, was performed while going up...
Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah and the Song of Solomon Connection
WHAT we are doing here is having a conversation. I put forward what research I have and then you respond, desiring to be helpful. Sometimes, you even grab a shovel and help me dig, so that we might seek further information together. It was just yesterday that I...
Mary Magdalene: Wife of Messiah
THE TOPIC before us has been a long time coming. I have often pondered the possibility that Messiah may have taken a wife without ever finding resolution to my inquiry. And then one days I scrambled upon a pice of evidence. No, I'm not talking about the annals of...
YA’AQOV | The Hebrew Epistle of James
AFTER compleeting the Hebrew Gospel of Yochanon, Hebrew Revelation, and then the Hebrew Epistle of Yahudah, we've gotten around the YA'AQOV: The Hebrew Epistle of James. As you can probably imagine, it's delightful. Far more smoother of a read and transparent than the...
1 Clement: The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians
PDF: 1 Clement to the CorinthiansFirst Clement to the Corinthians Salutation The Church of Elohiym which sojourneth in Rome to the Church of Elohiym which sojourneth in Corinth, to them which are called and sanctified by the will of Elohiym through our Adonai...
Vanilla Ice Was a Hoax: The Milli Vanilli Connection
JUST yesterday I released my paper on the Vanilla Ice psyop, and already, we're digging back into it. That's because I was laying in bed last night incable of sleep, due to the borken record imprinted in my head. Girl, you know it's..... Girl, you know it's..... Girl,...
The Ice Man Cometh: Vanilla Ice Was a Hoax
JUST as we become aware of a shooting star only when, after inhabiting the aethereal realm for an untold lifetime, it blazes briefly and at the blink of an eye through the nighttime sky, beautifying our lives outside as well as within, so it was with the hip hop poet...
Faster than a Speeding Bullet! The George Reeves Murder-Suicide Was a Hoax
YOU will likely recall how the murder slash suicide hoax of Superman actor George Reeves was first published last summer. I've decided to dig back into the circumstances surrounding his reported death again and a few new noteworthy details have been found, including a...
Why History Is Written by Ray Bradbury and Not You: A Royal Genealogy
HERE is another one to pass the time. Much like the Robert Frost paper which I uploaded earlier today, the Ray Bradbury article is several years old now, but don't let that stop you. What it desperately needed was a genealogy, and so, I've delivered one. Turns out,...
Robert Frost vs. The Copernican Revolution: A Royal Genealogy
I FIRST wrote this paper on Robert Frost back in 2017. Every so often someone comments upon it. Perhaps they were fond of it at one time, but that is a rarity. In reality, very few have read it, and I’m okay with that. I consider Frost vs. Copernicus one of my deep...
The Earth Is Not a Spinning Ball, Charlie Brown! Apollo 10 and the Snoopy Lunar Module
THE EARTH Is Not a Spinning Ball, Charlie Brown! started out as a progressive look at the flat and globe earth narrative within the Peanuts comic strips. It was first written in 2018. Since that time however I've completed a couple renditions, adding new details and...
The Psalm Project: Songs of Ascending
THERE exists within the Telliym/Psalms a curious compilation of songs. These are known by various names: Songs of Degrees, Songs of Ascents, Songs of Steps, the Gradual Songs, etc. This psalter within the psalter, according to tradition, was performed while going up...
The Gospel of Peter
The Gospel of Kepha 1 But of the Yahudim none washed his hands, neither Herod nor one of his judges. And since they did not desire to wash, Pilate stood up. 2 And then Herod the king orders Adonai to be taken away, having said to them, ‘What I...
The 7000 Year Timeline Deception: 500 Years of the Phoenix
DISCOVERING the role of the Phoenix in the 7,000-year timeline deception came by total accident. I was just sitting around by the poolside and skimming through the pages of the Apostolic Fathers, sipping on some iced tea or something (minding my own business, as...
Millennial Kingdom + Mud Flood is here!
THE MUD Flood happened. But you knew that already. It means that His-Story as we know it is one big fat lie. I figure many to most of my readers have come to terms with that fact by now. The other thing that you're very likely aware of is that I've taken it a step...
It’s Going to Be Biblical
AND here it is. The fourth article by John Q. It's the big one too. John Q is taking us deep into the Millennial Kingdom narrative this time around. No need for a disclaimer, either. My readers are well aware that the Q-Anon movement does not represent me, nor am I a...
The Lost World of A’dam and Eve
EXTRA-Biblical literature might as well be a pasttime of mine. As many to most of you know, I have devoted a great deal of my research and writing into comparing these sacred texts, seeing if the dueling pictures fit. Perhaps even strengthen the strokes of the pen in...
The Apocalypse of Elijah
PDF: The Apocalypse of EliyahuThe Apocalypse of Eliyahu 1 The word of YAHUAH came to me saying, “Son of man, say to his people, ‘why do you add sin to your sins and anger Yahuah Elohiym who created you? 2 Don’t love the world or the things which are in...
The Seven Firmaments of Heaven: The Fourth Heaven
WHO said this would be easy? The trek through heaven has had its trials. for sure. Perhaps 'issues' is a better word. If you recall, I only made it as far as the third heaven in the original document. Well, now I'm onto the fourth level of heaven, and what I can tell...
The Genesis Reset: Who Created Elohiym?
DESPITE appearances, this isn't a 'which came first, the chicken or the egg' question. What I'm presenting is a new evaluation of the opening sentence of Genesis. You're already well aquainted with it. "In the begining, elohiym created the heavens and the earth." But...
YAHUDAH | The Hebrew Epistle of Jude
WELL, here we are on our third book. YAHUDAH: The Hebrew Epistle of Jude may only be one chapter, but it's still technically a book. I love these Hebrew books. They're far superior to the Greek in nearly every way. And so, I hope you enjoy our study. The Diaspora of...
Observe Ye Everything that Takes Place in the Heaven
I INVITED author Diane Covher to contribute an article sometime late last year and now here we are on the sixth entry. Zen Garcia has often stated that the only reason he's never written a book on the lunar-solar Sabbath is because Diane Covher has already been...
The Polio Vaccine Hoax: New Findings
SPRING cleaning. That’s the only way to explain any of this. I checked and it won’t be summer for another couple of weeks. My latest draft of The Polio Vaccine Hoax is once again cleaned up, but several pages with new information is given. Guest appearances also...
The 7000 Year Timeline Deception: The Eighth Great Day
FORGIVE me if I haven’t made a point of this yet. The Millennial Kingdom of Messiah was a fulfilment of Sukkot. It’s a menorah thing. His-Story is told to us in recurring patterns of seven. Our Sabbath rest is a command which is repeated cyclically every seven days,...
The 7000 Year Timeline Deception: The New Testament Hasn’t Happened Yet
THE TIMELINE just keeps getting stranger and stranger, don't it? And I know what you're probably already thinking. It's that I've finally lost it. This time, I've gone too far. Proof that the New Testament happened is that it says so right there in your Bible, on the...