REGARDING the Shroud, it has been argued by Italian researcher Paolo di Lazzara that the radiation was ultraviolet and that the instantaneous burst exceeds the maximum power released by all ultraviolet sources of light available today. It would also require pulses having duration shorter than one forty-billionth of a second. The intensities of those pulses would have to be on the order of several billion watts. His body became mechanically transparent in an instant, emitting light evenly from every three-dimensional point within, thereby imprinting an encoded 3D image on the front and the back of the cloth as well as an x-ray. This is why the Shroud cannot be reproduced in any Laboratory or art studio in the world.
Supposing you have read my paper, ‘The End of the Millennial Kingdom,’ which I will link you to below, then you are probably aware that the sudden emergence of the Shroud of Turin comes into the narrative. In it, I showed you a passage from ‘The Books of the Natsarim’ which identifies the purplish light of Mashiach, but now I have found a better one. It comes from ‘The Gospel of Nicodemus,’ and reads:
13 O ADONAI Yahusha and Father, who art Elohim, also the resurrection and life of the dead, give us leave to declare thy mysteries, which we saw after death, belonging to thy cross; for we are sworn by thy name. 2 For thou hast forbid thy servants to declare the secret things, which were wrought by thy divine power in She’ol.
3 When we were placed with our fathers in the depth of She’ol, in the blackness of darkness, all of a sudden there appeared the color of the sun like gold, and a substantial, purple-colored light enlightening the place.
4 Presently upon this, Adam, the father of all mankind, with all the patriarchs and prophets, rejoiced and said, That light is the author of everlasting light, who hath promised to translate us to everlasting light.
Besorah Niqodiymon 13:1-4
I love it when extra-biblical books come together. If you’re paying attention, there are two lights which suddenly appear in She’ol. The first is a gold-colored light relatable to the sun, but then the second is ultraviolet, indicating the resurection of Yahusha as seen on the shroud, which wouldn’t be visible to anyone within the material and mortal realm. How did I read Niqodiymon so often and yet miss it? Apparently, I’m not the only one. I have seen Yahusha’s arrival to She’ol portrayed in numerous occasions and never once was he ever painted from the purple side of the pallet.
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