There is something like 319 bastion forts on our motionless plane and I have a theory on what many to most if not all of them were designed for. Wouldn’t you like to know what it is? Here’s your first hint. Their true purpose happens to be the opposite of war. If the...
Unexpected Memes: The Earth Is Flat 2
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
PDF: The Acts of Paul and TheclaAs Pa’al was going up to Iconium after the flight from Antioch, his fellow-travelers were Demas and Ermogenes, full of hypocrisy; and they were importunate with Pa’al, as if they loved him. But Pa’al, looking only to the goodness of...
Unexpected Memes: Queen Elizabeth
Ships at Sea: Perspective Laws | The Earth Not a Globe Review, October 1893
The Earth Not a Globe Review, No. 4 October 1893 Ships at Sea: Perspective Laws By "Zetetes" Albert Smith SHIPS AT SEA.WE have already given proofs that the earth we live on is an extended plane; and one good practical proof of this is quite...
The Epistle of Romans According to Torah: Chapter Six
THE ACCUSATION often thrown my way is that I’m reading the Bible all wrong. Christianity has done away with the Torah, and I haven’t yet received the memo, apparently. Ask just about anyone and they’ll tell you Paul is their boy. The entirety of the Bible can now be...
Biblical Food Laws: A Torah Beginners Guide
Yahuah, in creating all the animals of the air, water and land of earth, knew the purposes of each creature and, in His wisdom, also knew which animals were fit to be eaten by His people. Some animals were created to be decomposers, filters or cleaners of the earth,...
Paul Is Dead: John Lennon’s Connection to the Jim Morrison Psyop
YES, there is a connection to be made. Blink and you'll miss it though. My discovery came only after taking a closer look at Dan Richter. If you don't know who he is, then you will need caught up to speed, which I hope to do in the 'Paul Is Dead' PDF below. I talk...
Paul Is Dead: John Lennon’s Connection to the Jim Morrison Intel Project
YES, there is a connection to be made. Blink and you'll miss it though. My discovery came only after taking a closer look at Dan Richter. If you don't know who he is, then you will need caught up to speed, which I hope to do in the 'Paul Is Dead' PDF below. I talk...
Unexpected Memes: My FBI Agent
The Martyrdom of Polycarp
PDF: The Martyrdom of PolycarpGreeting, The Church of Theos which sojourns at Smyrna, to the Church of Theos sojourning in Philomelium, and to all the congregations of the Holy and Catholic Church in every place: Mercy, peace, and love from Theos the Father, and our...
Nobody Clubed Nancy Kerrigan: The Tonya Harding Hoax
HAS it been nearly two whole years now since I published this report. Nearly. How time flies when you're having fun researching and writing during a CDC pandemic. If you're confused about the topic at hand, don't be. That is why I am here, to help clarify. It's in the...
The Jim Morrison Intel Project: Chevy Chase’s Part In All of This
JUST yesterday I published a massive overhaul of 'The Jim Morrison Intel Project.' I had chosen to keep the potential Chevy Chase connection out of it because of the conflicting information that I had come across. Sometimes all it takes however is a little problem...
The Jim Morrison Intel Project: The Many Women of Brian Jones
So, here's the thing. I wasn't quite sure what to name my latest outing. And no, I'm not talking about 'The Jim Morrison Intel Project,' which you are about to read (or not read) and was originally published a couple of years ago, near the beginning of the...
The Alec Baldwin Movie Set Shooting Was a Bruce and Brandon Lee Tribute
SOMETIMES the world stage producers film a movie within another movie. There is a name for that. An embedded narrative is a literary device in which a character within a story becomes the narrator of a second story within the first. In the case that you should desire...
[UPDATE:] The Death of Anne Heche Doesn’t Add Up
THE fakery keeps pouring in. And so, I've added new information to my Anne Heche paper. They really should have left the story as it is, discovered some new dig in Mar-o-Lago, because now we’ve come to learn that Anne Heche was trapped in the burning home for a...
The Passion of Saint Christopher
PDF: The Passion of Saint Christopher1 There was a persecution of Christians in time of the emperor Decius, and the holy man Christopher was taken and tortured like the others. Christopher was exceedingly wise and had observed that the Lord assisted those of the...
Unexpected Memes: September 11
9-11 Memes (2022 Update)9-11 Memes (2021 Update)
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: The Lion and the Unicorn
HOW many updates have I made to my 'Cities of the Millennial Kingdom' paper over the last several days? Well, here is one more update before the week is through. I told you to make a mental note of the unicorn. Bookmark it, even. Were you not given fair warning in...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: Iarbanel and Tea Tephi
HER name was Tea Tephi. In case you were wondering. The Yahudan princess. On first glance, the name doesn’t sound very Hebrew, does it? ‘Teia’ is of Egyptian origin and means princess, which is interesting since her father Tsidqiyahu was the last king of Yahudah and...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: The Divorce and Remarriage of Israel
THE textbook year in which Yirmeyahu the prophet was born is 650 BC. Not that the year itself matters, mind you. The understanding is that he was the whereabouts of 2 years old when Yahu’ash was born in 648. 10 when he was made king. My entire point is that they were...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: People of the Covenant and the Stone of Scone
AFTER initially publishing my 'Cities of the Millenial Kingdom' paper, I was told by one reader that I had completely missed the bus and bumbled the ball, among other idioms, on the church of Britain situation. Don’t get him wrong, in the game of cold and hot I was...
The Epistle of Romans According to Torah: Chapter Five
THE ACCUSATION often thrown my way is that I’m reading the Bible all wrong. Christianity has done away with the Torah, and I haven’t yet received the memo, apparently. Ask just about anyone and they’ll tell you Paul is their boy. The entirety of the Bible can now be...
Murder by the Numbers: The Death of Anne Heche
MY gut instinct was to say that Anne Heche really was dead. That opinion then changed to a hoax and, in the intervening days, has only continued to ping-pong. It doesn’t really matter what I believe though, does it? What matters is the truth, and either Anne Heche...
Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: The Church of Britain
THERE is great debate as to who founded the church of merry old England. Mind you, it is not the identities of its founders being contested, but rather, who it was that landed at the cliffs of Dover first. On our last go-around, I purposely left Aristobulus off the...
Keeping the Sabbath Day: A Torah Beginners Guide
The Sabbath day was institute by Elohim (God) in the very week of Creation! He worked six days to create the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, and then He named the seventh day a day of rest, and set the example for us by resting Himself. Sabbath is an...
The Epistle of Romans According to Torah: Chapter Four
THE ACCUSATION often thrown my way is that I’m reading the Bible all wrong. Christianity has done away with the Torah, and I haven’t yet received the memo, apparently. Ask just about anyone and they’ll tell you Paul is their boy. The entirety of the Bible can now be...
Joe and Jill Biden’s COVID Was a Ceremony by the Numbers
HOT off the press. And now Jill Biden has the Rona. How many times did she sip from the juice cup, I wonder? Oh, I know, it would have been so much worse if she hadn’t. The News was announced on 8/16/22. 8+16+22 equals 46 and 46 equals virus in one of the four main...
Unexpected Memes: The Donald Trump Mar-a-Lago FBI Raid
The Epistle of Romans According to Torah: Chapter Three
THE ACCUSATION often thrown my way is that I’m reading the Bible all wrong. Christianity has done away with the Torah, you see, and I haven’t yet received the memo, apparently. Ask just about anyone and they’ll tell you Paul is their boy. Well, a couple of weeks ago...