EARLIER this week I pulled my 1849 Gold Rush Hoax paper off the shelf and gave it a much needed tune-up. The cleaning continues with this one. I wrote 1849 and ‘The Donner Party Hoax’ back in the summer of 2020, when nearly everyone was going around suffocating in masks and COVID-1984 was the hot topic of the town. At that time, I aimed to finish my investigation into the Mason, Mormon, and Military psyop that was the Donner Party, and I confess to not having delivered on the dream quite yet. Probably because a hundred other psyops were assaulting my senses and they also required tending to. My hope is to finish what I’ve started, but before doing so, reacquainting myself with the psychodrama seemed like a good idea. And so, here it is. A cleaned up, vastly improved upon edition of the Donner Party Hoax.
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Afterwards, ‘The Donner Party Hoax’ as well as ‘The 1849 California Gold Rush Was a Hoax’, not forgetting my entire ARCHIVES of material is available for your reading and viewing pleasure here.
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