HER name was Tea Tephi. In case you were wondering. The Yahudan princess. On first glance, the name doesn’t sound very Hebrew, does it? ‘Teia’ is of Egyptian origin and means princess, which is interesting since her father Tsidqiyahu was the last king of Yahudah and he got into that mess when making an alliance with Pharaoh Hopra rather than Nevukadne’tstsar. I will give you her biography in a nutshell. But you will hve to read the PDF file for yourself. I’ve been a busy little bee all week, feverishly writing and all that. This is of course yet another addition to my ‘Cities of the Millennial Kingdom’ document, wherein I continue making the case the the Millennial Kingdom did happen in His-Story, pysically not just spiritually, and that evidence can be found.
PDF [UPDATE]: Cities of the Millennial Kingdom: Iarbanel adn Tea Tephi
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