Stolen History

King Arthur and the Return of the Dragon Lords

SPEAKING of those pesky Saxons invaders, the Medieval historian Geoffrey of Monmouth apparently wasn’t a fan. None of the Arthurian writers were, LOL. There’s a story in ‘Historia Regum Brittaniae’ which involves two dragons, a red and a white one, fighting in a pit....

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537 AD: The End of Camelot

FINALLY, the pieces are beginning to come together. 536 as you hopefully know by now was an irreversible threshold, carrying His-Story into the arms of the Thousand Year Reign, as it appears to be the year of the Fire Reset. Some of you are already going, huh? Don’t...

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536 AD: Year of the Fire Reset

536 was the year, by all indications. I’m referring to the fire judgement event warned about in 2 Kepha 3:7, which swept over targeted locations of our known realm, leaving a host of Melted Cities in its wake. You will need to recall my 7,000-Year Timeline Deception...

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Is the Nanteos Cup the Holy Grail?

NORMALLY, I wouldn’t pay much attention to the claim which has long insisted that the Nanteos Cup is the Holy Grail. There is something like 200 contenders for the Grail in Europe alone, this being one of them, and so, I’m certainly not claiming this to be the one...

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