Several months ago, I put forward the theory that the Thousand-Year Reign of Mashiach was dependent in part within the Mind’s Eye. There was a physical reality co-existing with the spiritual awakening of souls until the spiritual was removed from the equation due to the desires of men. Only the bones of the kingdom remained. I gave the ending to ‘Hook’ as an example as to why Peter Pan could completely forget he had inhabited Neverland, but why go into it all again? For you, less than a minute has passed between that claim and the current update, unless you put the book down for a trip to the toilet or a midnight snack, which happens often. Though there is the very good possibility that you told your children to keep it down because you’ve read the same paragraph several times over now and can’t even hear yourself think. It happens here in my household as well.
Turns out, I found another text which shares the exact same sentiments. It derives from the ‘Book of Creation,’ the first book to be found within Kolbrin. Explanation is probably in order. This particular passage takes place before the Genesis 1:2 recreation event. It is a picture of the old world. Therefore, the ‘man’ being referred to here in the plural are the preadamites. A’dam and Chuah would be created to serve as the High-Priests over humanity in Paradise but that is another story altogether, happening an untold number of years down the line.
If you would like to read this article as well as the entire report of ‘The End of the Millennial Kingdom’, then you have some options. Firstly, the PDF file is offered on the Archives page. Finding it for yourself is the easy part. All you have to do is purchase a $5 All-Access Pass to TUC. I put a lot of work into my research and appreciation the support.
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Happy reading!
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