THIS world is a very strange place to inhabit in case you haven’t noticed already, and I happen to like it that way. The Lion & the Lamb is a book I published recently, and as you may have already guessed, it focuses upon the phenomenon known as the Mandela...
Mandela Effect
Richard Simmons Never Wore a Headband: The Latest Mandela Effect
BOB Ross has yet to become a mugging victim of the Mandela Effect so far as my knowledge goes. Why the hold up? With all those happy accidents, you’d think he would be the perfect candidate for a mistake in the Matrix or two. Well, today is the big day when I pop the...
Is ‘We Three Kings’ Another Mandela Effect?
PK is an acronym for Pastor’s Kid and that is what I was. When the church doors opened, I was there, planting my bum in the theater chair. Resumes such as that one pretty much qualifies me to make the following claim. Some of you are already rolling your eyes,...
Sinbad Is Gaslighting Us With the ‘Shazaam’ Movie Mandela Effect
SINBAD retains no memories whatsoever of the genie movie which many among the Mandela Effected adamantly claim to have watched in the Nineties; a bargain bin feature never quite attaining the rank of cult classic but which he also just so happened to star in, and I...
You Only Live Twice: Sinead O’Connor’s Mandela Effect
[8/1/2023: THE News is reporting that Sinead O’Connor died but many of us were already well aware of that fact. Tell us something we don’t know. She died some odd years ago, how long? 2019 rings a bell but then it may have been the first year or two of the Covid...
ChatGPT and A.I. Still Remembers Elle Woods Pink Car in Legally Blonde
A funny thing happened on the way to CERN. Reese Witherspoon’s convertible went from shades of pink to a solid black but not everyone in the A.I. community received the memo. I’m talking about the Porsche in the movie ‘Legally Blonde’, wherein Witherspoon plays a...
Is the Mandela Effect Restoring Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam’ To It’s Original?
AMONGST all this confusion, the Sistine Chapel is finally starting to make sense. I began tackling the Mandela Effect a great many years ago now, ruminating over the implications of it all, and only recently have I felt as though I’m able to grasp some of the deeper...
Through the Looking Glass and the Singularity They Found There
THERE is bad news and then there is the good news. Believe it or not, I have just given them to you. It’s in the title. After everything that has already been spoken in this paper regarding time travel, particularly the manipulation of time, I was asked by my readers...
Moses Didn’t Always Have Horns: Mandela Effect Residue
AND then one day we all woke up to the latest news. Mosheh has horns. At first it was only Michelangelo’s Moses statue which nabbed our attention but then soon, very soon, it occurred to us how prevalent the horn issue truly was. It was more like an epidemic. Horns...
Sampson and the Hair Cutter: Two Merging Realities
I GIVE you several pieces of artwork for your consideration. Nearly every one of them is hundreds of years old. Some even date back to the late Middle Ages. Look them over carefully and tell me what you see. I am not attempting to trick you. Each and every one of them...
Phoning Home with the E.T. Mandela Effect
THE Mandela Effect this time around is that E.T. points out the window from Elliott’s bedroom and says: “E.T. home phone” when what he should be saying is “E.T. phone home.” His order of words are reversed. Anyone and everyone who was alive in the Eighties knows the...
Waking Up in a Jiffy with the Mandela Effect
SUPPOSING you have ever attempted to hold the ‘bread and circuses’ conversation with a sports addict during the fourth quarter of the ball game, then you know what it’s like poking a bear in the butt during its hibernating season. Don’t do that. In all honesty I never...
The Time Traveling Trumps
AND so, with time travel potentially already being a thing of the past, it really shouldn’t surprise anyone to find traces of residue. More like sudden emergences in the pages of history. Like Marty McFly’s tampering with George McFly the science fiction novelist in...
That’s Not How the Lyrics Go: The Mandela Effect In Music
IN fact, there have been so many lyrical changes to the most familiar of songs that I shan’t be able to cover them all. But I will do what I can to make a difference. They were after all the songs of our youth. The ones we sang unashamedly while driving to work in the...
9/11, Donald Trump, and Back to the Future as an Intel Movie
WE inhabit a reality in which Biff Tannen not only ran for the presidency, but he also successfully planted his bum for a four-year stint in the Oval office. You know it and I know it. Everybody knows it. Oh please, don’t even pretend like you haven’t thought about...
Gorillas No Longer Beat Their Chest With Fists, Y’all
Gorillas don't beat their chest with their fists anymore, y'all. They slap them. The official answer by the Jane Goodall people is that they cup their hands in rapid succession. Knuckles side up, never down. What in the world is all I have to say about that. I have...
The Mandela Effect: CERN’s Part In All of This
THE latest update to my Mandela Effect paper was a long time coming. The very otion that the cause and effects of time travel has already manipulated reality, and that we can furthermore experience some of those anomalies (false memories included) is definitely...
New Evidence for the Lion and the Lamb Mandela Effect
I MUST be a glutton for punishment. Because the Bible used to say lion and the lamb, and I was one of those individuals who went around telling the Christian community about it. The subject is even something I covered in an article way back in the day only to...
The JFK Mandela Effect: 4 or 6 Seats in the Lincoln Continental?
ADMIT it. The moment you heard about the six seats is when you picked up the phone and called your dad. The online records will show it was June of 2016 when the latest ME news broke over the web and many sons began calling their fathers. June 4 is the earliest date...
The Thinker Mandela Effect Is a Headache
IF your former reality was one in which the Thinker sculpture had the backside of his fingers pressed to his forehead then I am with you. We think alike. His chin is resting upon his hand now, which is no longer clenched, but that is only the beginning of his...
The Mandela Effect: Something Is Missing from Fruit of the Loom
THE official story is that there never was a Cornucopia embedded within the Fruit of the Loom logo and not even Google is buying it. There are probably millions of people who will back me up on this one. We wouldn’t have the faintest clue what a Cornucopia is if it...
They’ll Always Be the Berenstein Bears To Me
WORD doc is being especially difficult this morning and refusing to recognize Berenstein as a proper word. I will have you know it is not misspelled and refuse to apologize for it. They’re in on the whole operation, obviously. Microsoft. You’d think that somewhere in...
Mirror, Mirror On the Wall, What Is the Greatest Mandela Effect of All?
SHOW me a single 20th-century film aficionado who doesn’t recall the Wicked Queen greeting her Magic Mirror. Walt Disney’s first animated movie ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ was released in 1937, and so, there’s nearly a century of viewers who intimately know the...
The Sword In the Stone Mandela Effect
SOME Mandela Effects couldn’t be any more obvious, like this one right here, and so, I will sit here strumming my fingers across the tabletop waiting for you to figure it out. Please don’t take too long. My children will be up soon. The baby will begin crying. And...
Rewritting Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming: How 1984 Partners with the Mandela Effect
Children’s author Roald Dahl became the talk of the town in February of 2023 when it was reported here, here, and here and in a thousand other Newspapers that several of his books were receiving the latest greatest woke treatment due to some of his choice words being...
Regarding That Haunted Mansion Mandela Effect
THE Haunted Mansion opened in 1969 according to the Gregorian, as if that’s not suspicious. There’s your 666 Number to go with the inverted 999 happy haunts, right there. To catch you up on other Intel projects that very year, all no doubt intended to compliment the...
The Mandela Effect: Ed McMahon and Publishers Clearing House
HANDS down, the Ed McMahon Mandela Effect has to be one of the strangest of the lot. We’re not simply dealing with a corporate logo change or a swapped-out line in a movie this time around. No, history itself has been altered. Even the gatekeepers don’t know what to...
The Mandela Effect: Field of Dreams
YET another entry has been added to my Mandela Effect paper, and in so short a time. This one has to do with a certain famous line from Field of Dreams. You know which one. Even if you happen to disagree with The Mandela Effect, which is morely likelier the case than...
The Mandela Effect: Smithsonian Institute or Institution?
MY INITIAL article on the Smithsonian Institute as a Mandela Effect was published on May 1, 2017. I'm not suggesting you go there and read it. The formating is off. A lot of the articles from my old website didn't upload so well here. I just wanted to show evidence...
The Mandela Effect: C3-PO’s Silver Leg
THE MANDELA Effect was a pasion of mine several years ago. Some of the earliest articles here at The Unexpected Cosmology delved into various changes. Then about six years went by without ever bringing it up again, and so, what happened? It would surprise my readers...