THE number one question on everybody’s mind is how long the fig tree generation of Mattithyahu 24 would have to wait before the kingdom of Mashiach was ushered in. Or in the very least, it is the inquiry which has landed in my lap more than any other over the course of my writing career. 500 years after the resurrection of Yahusha is my best guess. At first it was simply a hunch, which in turn quickly became a thesis.
My proposal has frustrated the large swath of preterist-Tartarian hybrids who insist the kingdom was brought to fruition as a physical and recognizable entity in the whereabouts of 70AD. I didn’t give up though, despite the peer pressure to surrender to the typical Seminary talking points. Some of you may be happy to know that there is new evidence which I’ve pulled, and it only continues to impress. First and foremost, I have dug up two new phoenix sightings, one in the whereabouts of 30 AD, which lines up perfectly with Yahusha’s resurrection, and another 500 hundred years later, naturally. With that, I happen to be sitting on information which unashamedly claims Yahusha HaMashiach did in fact arrive in the whereabouts of 500 AD, and that his rule was a physical one.
You will find this latest groundbreaking information in my ‘7000-Year Timeline Deception’ paper, specifically the ‘500 Years of the Phoenix’ section, which is all a part of the paid subscription to TUC. That and everything else is offered on the Archives page. Finding it for yourself is the easy part. All you have to do is purchase a $5 All-Access Pass to TUC. I put a lot of work into my research and appreciation the support.
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Afterwards, ‘The 7000-Year Timeline Deception’ as well as my entire ARCHIVES of material is available for your reading and viewing pleasure here.
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