I knew it. You’ve been listening to my claims that Yahusha HaMashiach returned by 70AD and thinking about Pa’al this entire time, haven’t you? The “But Pa’al” people have arrived to throw a leg cramp into the swimming lane. I’m robbing you of your hope and Pa’al proves that fact, says your latest social media headline. It doesn’t matter how many verses I turn to, even the sentences saturated with the red letters; their weight is only so strong as the Draw 4 Pa’al card which you now hold in your hands. If there’s anybody who can disprove the entirety of Canon, Pa’al is up for the task. The guy delivers, rarely letting any of us down. In his second letter to Timotheus (Timothy), you were warned about guys like me. I am being facetious, but then again, I’m not. It is truly incredible watching license to sin Christian’s cling to the man so as to conform the overbearing weight of instructions in righteous living to their desire rather than the other way around. Well, moving on to my stealing of your hope. Let’s read some theology, shall we?
‘The Glorious Appearing of Yahusha HaMashiach’ is turning out to be quite the paper. We’re up to the whereabouts of page 300 now. You can read the entire report in the PDF file, which is offered on the Archives page. Finding it for yourself is the easy part. All you have to do is purchase a $5 All-Access Pass to TUC. I put a lot of work into my research and appreciation the support.
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Afterwards, ‘THE GLORIOUS APPEARING’ as well as my entire ARCHIVES of material is available for your reading and viewing pleasure here.
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