FINALLY, the pieces are beginning to come together. 536 as you hopefully know by now was an irreversible threshold, carrying His-Story into the arms of the Thousand Year Reign, as it appears to be the year of the Fire Reset. Some of you are already going, huh? Don’t sweat it. I’ll quickly drop a couple or maybe even several links to other papers which will help to lift this conversation off the ground.
Kings and Priests of the MK. 536 A.D. Melted Cities. Vesica Piscis. The Glorious Appearing. The 7000-Year Timeline Deception. The End of the MK. Nanteos Cup.
There are others which you will surely discover though that is more than enough to get you started on your quest. And anyways, 536. With a year as epic as that one, you figure a sequel would be in the works. His-Story offers us one. Would you be surprised to learn that it involves Camelot, and that 537 serves as its bookend? Look, whether or not Arthur’s story is fictional, and therefore allegorical for something else, or ultimately deemed historical, the rise and fall of Camelot has long been a splinter in my mind. Questions still surround the Arthurian Mysteries though I’m more inclined to think the later romances were based on historical reality (from a certain point of view), especially now that the puzzle is more fully formed.
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Happy reading!
NEW 11/16/2023: 537 AD: The End of Camelot
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