Stolen History

The Anunnaki: Ancient Aliens

The Anunnaki: Ancient Aliens

NEARLY half a million years ago, astronauts from another planet came to Earth in hopes of advancing human Evolution and acquiring gold for their home planet. Sigh, I know. I too am desperately trying to withhold a sarcastic pendulum swing of my eyes while typing this...

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Mary Magdalene and the Mandala

Mary Magdalene and the Mandala

2BDY5GH Fludd's Quod Universa Coelorum, 1617 SOMETHING like a year of my life has come and gone since I last committed to writing a new paper on Miryam of Migdal. Supposing you missed out on my creative streak, the anointing of Yahusha Ha’Mashiach doesn’t simply...

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Constantine Vs. the Millennial Kingdom

My original article on Constantine was published way back when, on 3/13/2019, exactly five years ago to the date, pre Covid. Might as well have been written before 9/11 then, as the world was a very different place. I’m feeling nostalgic for simpler times. The...

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Chess and the Millennial Kingdom

CHESS is nothing short of an esoteric Masterpiece. Freemasonry claims it as their own, though I’m here to tell you the game is totally legit, and already, I’ve managed to lose a certain percentage of my audience. Supposing you’ve survived the first couple of...

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Saint Augustine and Muhammad: Agents of Rome

IN the real world, you don’t pen one of the biggest sellers of all time without having connections. I’m looking at you, Augustine of Hippo. Also, I admit I’m backtracking a hundred years or so, because agent Augustine bit the dust in 430, whereas Muhammad met his...

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Muhammad and the Millennial Kingdom

AH-HA! Is how I wanted to begin this deliberation, but alas, Muhammad’s mile-marker on the Timeline, as well as his activity within the confines of the Millennial Kingdom of Yahusha HaMashiach, is more of a hmmmmm at the moment. Probably not what you wanted to hear....

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The Rod of Moses and Excalibur

A raise of hands, how many of you have heard of the Rod of YAHAUAHA before? Not a lot is my best guess. I intend to give a general overview of its His-Story, if you'll allow me. The Rod is what YAHAUAHA held while going about business creating the world. It was then...

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541: Year of the Apocalypse

BY this point in our relationship, you’ve been made well aware of the year 536. I’m calling it the year of the Fire Reset, though the Normies are at least admitting it was the worst year in recorded history. I’ll take their confession as a win for Team His-Story. The...

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