CHESS is nothing short of an esoteric Masterpiece. Freemasonry claims it as their own, though I’m here to tell you the game is totally legit, and already, I’ve managed to lose a certain percentage of my audience. Supposing you’ve survived the first couple of sentences, then welcome. We are here to learn something new. Look, I’ve come to care less what the Lodge Brothers claim as their own. They may be our Controllers but they’re also the Inheritors. If they want to take credit for anything then let’s be honest, Monopoly is more up their ally, because they own everything, along with the Zionists and the Jesuits, and am I missing anyone? You and I are the dog and the wheelbarrow and the hobo shoe moving around the board, breathing a sigh of relief if we can manage to pass GO and collect $200 dollars without falling into debt for properties we never asked to rent or straight up running into the buttons and landing in jail, but I digress.
Coming to the point—it is my personal opinion that higher minds invented the game, and you darn well know who I mean by that. Can you imagine sitting across the checkerboard from one of them resurrected saints? It’s your move, mortal. Try not to embarrass yourself by widowing your queen in under ten moves, checkmate.
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Happy reading!
UPDATE 1/18/2024: Chess and the Millennial Kingdom
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