A raise of hands, how many of you have heard of the Rod of YAHAUAHA before? Not a lot is my best guess. I intend to give a general overview of its His-Story, if you’ll allow me. The Rod is what YAHAUAHA held while going about business creating the world. It was then passed down to Adam to Noah to Shem to Abraham and so on to Moses, and the rest, once again, is His-Story. Well, in today’s excercise, I intend to connect the Rod of YAHAUAHA story with Arthur’s sword in the stone account, which ultimately leads us to Messiah’s receiving of the Rod in the Millennial Kingdom. This is a continuation of my 537: The End of Camelot paper.
You can read the full report in the PDF below. Also, thanks for subscribing to my YouTube channel, The Unexpected Cosmology.
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Happy reading!
UPDATE 1/8/2024: 537AD: The End of Camelot
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