IN the real world, you don’t pen one of the biggest sellers of all time without having connections. I’m looking at you, Augustine of Hippo. Also, I admit I’m backtracking a hundred years or so, because agent Augustine bit the dust in 430, whereas Muhammad met his maker in 632, as official timelines go. I can just imagine all the blue-blooded Controllers, pedophiles pressing ‘The City of God’ up to their smelly brown noses while taking long walks past pee-pee Pan fountains.
In the latest update to my Muhammad paper, I’ve added information on Alberto Rivera, former Jesuit and Roman Catholic whistleblower. Rivera connected information on Augustine and Muhammad. You can read the full report in the PDF below. Also, thanks for subscribing to my YouTube channel, The Unexpected Cosmology.
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Happy reading!
UPDATE 1/11/2024: Muhammad and the Millennial Kingdom
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