Noel Joshua Hadley

Star Cities of the Millennial Kingdom

THE Michelangelo explanation is bonk. Look, if a man named Michelangelo did happen to design the original Bastion Forts, which in turn inspired hundreds of other star fortifications across our realm, then the evidence will show that he ripped off a worldwide Bastion...

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The Mud Flood and Jerusalem

THE thing about Jerusalem is that it’s not a Millennial Kingdom city from what I can tell. It’s sitting in ruins, mostly, according to the earliest photographs. The same cannot be stated concerning most other inhabited places of the world. Just yesterday I updated my...

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More Maps from the Lost California Island

I just keep finding maps of the California island. There are probably dozens upon dozens of them floating around on the Intel-net like that feather in the Forrest Gump Intel movie. And so, I've added another few pages to my report on Calafia: Queen of California,...

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