Pamela Glasgow

The Psalm Project: Psalm 25

Of David     Aleka, YAHUWAH:   Unto You, O, YAHUWAH, Do I lift up My nephesh, My living, breathing essence Of self.   In You, O, ALOHIM, Am I secure. I throw my burdens Onto Your back. I fear nothing. I do not blush With shame Nor turn pale In disgrace.   You,...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 21

To the Preeminent Musician, The Superintendent of Temple Services   A Mizmor of David (Psalm 21)   YaHUWaH, In Your splendor and strength Melek, the King, Will leap for joy! In Your YESHUAH— How You set at liberty, How You enlarge the space For the feet— How, in this,...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 20

 To the Preeminent Musician To the Superintendent of Temple Services   A Mizmor Of David (Psalm 20)     YaHUWaH, He will sing, He will answer tunefully. In the time period Between the rising Of the sun And the going down thereof, When the adversary Presses you Into a...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 17

A Tephillah Of David (Psalm 17)     Shamah, YaHUWaH   Hear and answer, O, YaHUWaH, From the straight paths, Prick up Your ears, Sharpen Your hearing; Listen to my mournful cry, My wailing. Hear now my tephillah– My prayer– Which is not muffled Within my mouth, Nor...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 16

A Michtam of David (Psalm 16)   Shamar   Guard me, O, my EL.   Strong Leader, You Who are the Power and Authority Over Yashar’EL, Hedge me in with thorns. Keep watch over my life. I will declare of YeHOWAH, My ADONAI: You exist Upright, Rich, Bountiful,...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 91

Psalm 91   yo-seb be-seter el-yown     He will sit down in quiet. And abide In the hidden place, The covert of the mountain Of ELYON. Turn aside, Weary traveler, Rest, Find lodging In the shadow and protection Of SHADDAI, The Most Powerful EL,   I will boast Of...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 26

Of David (Psalm 26)     Enter into the controversy, YeHOWAH. Vindicate me, O, Self-Existent, Eternal One, For I, in innocence of heart And integrity of mind Have taken staff in hand To travel the correct path. And in YeHOWAH Have I got placed confidence— I lay upon...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 117

Adapted from Psalm 117   HalleluYAH! Hallelu eth-YeHOWAH! Praise YeHOWAH! All you goyim, Who not numbered Among the congregation! Praise YeHOWAH! All ha’ummiym, You who draw near, Who have taken hold Of HIS covenant! For the beauty Of HIS kindness, For HIS covenant...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 63

A Mizmor of David When He Existed In the Wilderness Of Yahudah   (Psalm 63)     O, ALOHIM, You are my EL. For Thee will I seek, Early, Rising in the morning, Searching earnestly, My nephesh Thristing, Suffering, In a barren, parched land, A solitary place, Devoid...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 15

A Mizmor of David (Psalm 15)   YeHOWAH, Self-Existent, Eternal One, Who shall sojourn Or seek hospitality In Your dwelling place, The Tent of Your habitation?   Who shall Settle down Or establish his home In Your Qodesh, Set-Apart Mountain?   The one who...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 13

To the Preeminent Musician To the Superintendent of Temple Services   A Mizmor Of David (Psalm 13)   How long will You ignore me, O, YeHOWAH? Will it continue without ceasing? Have you forgotten me? Have you ceased to care? O, Self-Existent, Eternal One, How long will...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 11

To the Preeminent Musician To the Superintendent of Temple Services The Chief Singer:   Of David (Psalm 11)   In the Self-Existent, Eternal One— YAHUAH— Do I take refuge. I flee to His protection. In Him, I confide. How dare you speak proudly To my nephesh, My living,...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 9

Adapted from A Mizmor of David (Psalm 9)   I lift up my hands. I cast forth praise Unto YAHUAH. With a complete soul— All my mind, All my heart, All my will, All my understanding— I revere You, EL, Strong Leader. I confess Your character, And Your name, O, YAHUAH. I...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 14

To the Preeminent Musician To the Superintendent of Temple Services   Of David (Psalm 14)   Nabal   The senseless person Has declared To his inner man; He has soothed his conscience. He speaks To the inclinations Of his emotions, To his passions and appetites: No...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 12

To the Preeminent Musician To be played upon the Eight-Stringed Lyre   A Mizmor of David   Yasha! Come! YAHAUAH, Deliver me! Behold the work of the destroyer: For the set-apart Are no more. The kind and the merciful Have failed. Ended Are the faithful From among The...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 8

Adapted from A Mizmor of David (Psalm 8)   To the Preeminent Musician To be performed on the Gittiyth (a harp of Gath) For Sukkot   YAHUAH Adoneynu   O, YAHUAH, Adoneynu, How excellent Your name in all the earth! Who has set Your Splendor Above the heavens, Above the...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 27

Of David (Psalm 27)   YAHUAH owr Yeshua mi   YAHUAH is my illumination, My happiness, My bright light of morning. Whom shall I dread? YAHUAH is my Yeshua, My fortified place, My rock, My stronghold. Shall any cause me to tremble?   When those who would spoil me—...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 23

Adapted from a Mizmor of David (Psalm 23)   To be played upon the stringed instrument   YAHUAH ro’i lo ah-sar   The Self-Existent, Eternal One-- YAHUAH shepherds me; I lack no good thing. I possess all that I need. YAHUAH keeps company with me. He is both friend and...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 5

Adapted from a Mizmor of David (Psalm 5)   Preeminent Musician, Superintendent of Temple Services: To be performed on the woodwind instrument (flute) To the Melody “Behold the Divided Inheritance”   Hearken to my words. Listen, O, AHAYAH, Self-Existent, Eternal One,...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 4

To the Preeminent Musician, To the Superintendent of Temple Services, To the Musicians on Stringed Instruments, Singers:   A Mizmor of David (Psalm Four)   Ha’qarai aneni ALOHIM tsedeki     I cry out for help! Answer me tunefully, O, ALOHIM, Tsedeki, My Righteous EL,...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 18

Psalm 18 Adapted from a Mizmor of David   Preeminent Musician, Superintendent of Temple Services, Levites, Israelites, Worshippers of He Who Breathes Life:   Words which David sang, Lyrics and music, Which during the period Between sunrise and sunset, In the time When...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 3

Psalm 3 Adapted from a Mizmor of David When he bolted from before the face of Absalom, his son   YAHUAH mah-rabab tsar   O, Self-Existent One— YAHUAH! How my adversary has increased! Like raindrops, Accumulating, Building, Growing into a flood, Multiplying into...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 2

Psalm 2 Adapted from a Mizmor of David   Goyim Radash   Those nations who have no covenant with AHAYAH make a tumult. They rage. They gather into a community. They meditate. They study Worthless things. In vain, Moloch (melek) of earth Takes position The noble princes...

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The Psalm Project: Psalm 1

Psalm 1 Adapted from the Words of DavidAsher ha’ishe   Asher ha’ishe, happy the man Who makes no plans, Who charts no voyage According to the advice or counsel Of the condemned and wicked, The fallen ones.   Asher ha’ishe, happy the man Who does not arise to...

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