
The Lost Tribes of Tartaria

THE conspiracy this time around is that Tartaria has been scrubbed from His-Story but that’s not nearly the whole of it. Many will throw names like Nikola Tesla at your feet and claim it was free energy they were attempting to suppress, which by all indications is...

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The Time Traveling Trumps

AND so, with time travel potentially already being a thing of the past, it really shouldn’t surprise anyone to find traces of residue. More like sudden emergences in the pages of history. Like Marty McFly’s tampering with George McFly the science fiction novelist in...

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The Greta Thunberg Arrest Was a Staged Hoax

THE issue of course is over her latest arrest. If the fact checkers have been riding Greta Thunberg’s coattails again, it’s because nearly anyone and everyone who’s even remotely aware of the movie theater that we’re sitting in is still reeling from the last staged...

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We Are Watching a Greta Thunberg Movie

HOW many magazine covers was this girl on, exactly? In 2019 you couldn’t escape the checkout stand without passing her mug on the rack. I’m counting nine already, though there are others. One for every month is my best guess. Since when did nearly every outlet for the...

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The Outer Darkness and the Moon Map

NEARLY every theologian on the planet will disagree with me regarding the whereabouts of the outer darkness, and no, that wasn’t a glitch. The spinning, wobbling globe which so many people hug to their bosom like comfort food or a night-lite is that location,...

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Mary Magdalene: Daughter of Zion

YEAH, I know. I've been updating my Miryam of Migdal paper all week, trying your patience. Is it a thank you that you want? In the very least I've been on a roll. It's up to 220 pages now. I don't say that to overwhelm anyone. When starting out the investigation last...

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